Chapter 31: Family part 2

The enemy troops poured in.

“Kill everyone!! None survive tonight!”

The soldiers collided with each other. Argos’s troops quickly set fire to the surrounding area. They had they wind users spread the flames faster burning the grounds.

“Spread the fires!!! Burn it all down!!”

Wolf did everything he could to aid the soldiers but the enemy troops were pushing them back. And to make matters worse, Argos was here. Each time his fist hit one of his opponents a small explosion erupted destroying the soldiers' limbs.

His paved a way for his soldiers. His troops morale rising the deeper they got within the cathedral.

“Fall back!!!”

He heard the order. They didn’t have a choice.

“Wolf!!! Where my mother!?”

He saw Argos rushing towards them, crushing each person in his way.

Wolf wasn’t a fool; he can’t beat Argos in a fight. But he wasn’t gonna let him anywhere near mother.

They retreated back inside the cathedral. Quickly closing the doors, sealing them shut.