Chapter 6

“Are you sure that we got everything you needed?” I asked Mrs Davenport later that afternoon. We entered the house carrying less parcels than I expected. My right hand was still bandaged so I held my parcels in my left hand while I followed Mrs Davenport to the kitchen. I saw that my parents were surprisingly relaxing in the lounge. My mother was lying on the couch with her legs stretched across my father’s while she read a magazine. My father was watching something on the television so they clearly didn’t have anything better to do.

“I only needed things for the icing. I already made the cake earlier.” We reached the kitchen so I placed the parcels on the counter.

“Do you need any help?” My offer placed a smile on the older woman’s face.

“Thank you for the offer but you’ll cause more trouble than help in the kitchen.”

“I can wash the dishes though.”

“Go irritate your parents for a while and leave me to do my work in peace.” Mrs Davenport told me and she shooed me out of the room.

“Shout if you need help then.” I instructed her as I exited the room. I made my way down the passage so that I could go up to my room and confirm some of my arrangements for tonight. I wanted it to be perfect for Stella.

“Hunter!” My mother called me when I walked back past the lounge. I turned around and entered the lounge so that I could hear what my mother had to say.

“Have a seat.” My mother instructed me.

“Is something wrong?” I instantly became alarmed. My parents only ever sat me down to talk to me if it was important so I didn’t think this time was an exception.

“We just wanted to talk to you about Michaela.” My mother put her magazine down on the wooden table placed in the lounge. My father switched the television off as well then turned his attention towards me. Instead of feeling nervous or scared or even intimidated by my parents right now, I actually felt confident. I wasn’t glad about why my parents wanted to talk to me but this gave me the opportunity to talk to them and tell them what my plan was.

“Before we go on, I just want to assure you guys that Michaela and I did not have sex last night.” I told them as I took my seat on a couch opposite theirs.

“We know.” My father confirmed.

“Then what was all that about during breakfast?” I raised a questioning eyebrow at them which was met with an amusing smile on their faces.

“It was just us having some fun.” At least my mother was being honest.

“That’s a bit immature of you guys.” I wasn’t trying to get on my parents bad sides right now but if I had them on the back foot then it would be better for me.

“We’re getting off topic here.” My father interrupted us then cleared his throat. “We’ve seen that you and Michaela have gotten close. You get along pretty well with each other and you enjoy each other’s company as well.”

“We’re not trying to force you to do anything but we’d like you to take Michaela on a date.” This definitely didn’t sound like they were giving me a choice though. My mother might as well have ordered me to take Michaela out on a date, it wouldn’t have made that much of a difference from what she just said. If I was being honest, I actually found it amusing because it was exactly the opposite of what I wanted to talk to them about.

“I’m glad to see that you’re smiling.” My mother told me. I clearly wasn’t doing a good job at hiding my amusement.

“Sorry about that. I just find this whole situation amusing.” I replied.

“Why is it amusing?” My father certainly turned his intimidation up to the highest setting right now but I couldn’t be bothered by it. I wasn’t scared of my parents anymore. I was grateful to them though. I was grateful that they showed me exactly how my life shouldn’t be lived. No one should control my life the way they did. No one should make decisions for me except me. I loved them despite that but it was time that I stood up for myself now.

“Because it’s the exact opposite of what I wanted to speak to you guys about.” I studied their reactions but confusion spread across their faces almost immediately. I almost lost my confidence as I watched them but I couldn’t turn back now. I had to face my parents head on.

“You guys have probably suspected it so I’m just confirming it; Stella and I have been dating for the past 3 years now. I love her and I’m hopelessly in love with her. Dad told me last night that the reason why you guys don’t want Stella and I dating is because you think that if I take over the company after dad then the decisions I would have to make would destroy our relationship. I’ve given it some thought and I honestly think that you guys are right so I’m here to tell you guys that I will be resigning from the company soon. If taking over the company leads to Stella and I breaking up then I will gladly leave.”

“Hunter, I don’t think you’re making the right decision there.” I could hear the concern in my mother’s voice but that wasn’t going to stop me right now.

“I doesn’t matter whether it’s the right decision or whether it’s the wrong decision, as long as it’s my decision. You and dad have made decisions for me all my life and I took comfort in that because I knew that you just want what’s best for me but now it’s time for me to make my own decisions. If I make the wrong decisions then I can only grow from there and if I make the right choices then I have you guys to thank because you guys are the perfect role models.” My mother’s expression softened so I knew that she understood but my father’s stern features didn’t change. He had the perfect poker face.

“I also want to inform you guys that I plan on proposing to Stella, hopefully tonight. I’m going to be moving out as well, probably sometime next week. I’m going to buy my own house in town somewhere so I won’t be going anywhere far I guess. I think that’s everything on my side.”

“Son, this is going to end badly for you and Stella.” My father warned me.

“Then we’ll face that together.” I didn’t take my father’s warning lightly. I knew he was just trying to look out for my best interests but if he truly knew what my best interests were then he would know that it meant being with Stella.

“I’ve already spoken to Stella’s parents and I’ve gotten their blessing so I would like your blessing as well.” My parents looked at each other and wordlessly conveyed their messages. They clearly understood what their partner was saying but I didn’t know what their decision was just based on their facial expressions.

“Son, we respect your decisions and we’re grateful that you told us your plan but we cannot give you our blessing. As much as we love Stella, we don’t think that she’s the right person for you.” That was disappointing but I expected that from my father. At least my parents weren’t standing in my way so there was a positive at least.

“I am disappointed but I understand your decision.” I was actually glad that I finally stood up to my parents. I honestly expected them to fight back more but they were surprisingly calm in this situation. Did they expect me to fail and come running back to them? Even if I did fail then Stella and I would still be together and that was one thing I could count on.

“Thank you guys for everything you’ve done for me. I can proudly and confidently say that I’m the man I am today because I had the best parents.” I gave them a genuine smile before turning around and making my way to the staircase so that I could go up to my room. I felt my cellphone vibrating in my pocket as I reached for my room door. I took it out and saw Stella’s name flash across the screen. I smile spread across my face as I clicked to answer the phone call then stepped into my room. Even seeing her name awoken the love in my heart.

Hunter: Hey beautiful.

Stella: Hey handsome.

Hunter: How was your exhibition?

Stella: I really don’t know but I’ve gotten pretty positive responses from some of the critiques that

came and I’ve gotten a hell of a lot offers to buy some of the artworks so I guess it was a success.

Hunter: Can I finally say ‘I told you so’?

Stella: Fine but only this time.

Hunter: Good because I… love you.

Stella: I love you too.

Hunter: Are you finished? Can I come fetch you?

Stella: We’re just packing up now so I’ll be finished but you’re not coming to fetch me. You can’t see my set up.

Hunter: I helped you choose the set up…

Stella: But that was on my laptop. It’s different if you see it in real life.

Hunter: But I’ll wait in my car then you can just come out.

Stella: You’ll come in, I know it. I’ll call a cab and they’ll drop me by my house and then you can come fetch me.

Hunter: Fine. Tonight you’re all mine though.

Stella: I’m free tomorrow so we can do whatever you want to do.

Hunter: It’s your day so we’re celebrating you tonight. I also finally told my parents about us.

Stella: Wow, how did they take it?

Hunter: They don’t approve of us but I honestly don’t care. I told them I’m moving out next week so we’ll have to choose a house soon so that I can seal the deal and move in as quickly as possible.

Stella: We can go house hunting tomorrow then but I still love the house I told you about last night.

Hunter: We’ll go see that one first then. I can’t wait to see you later.

Stella: Neither can I. I was tempted to call you to come give me some support earlier but I managed to get through it.

Hunter: I don’t know if I’m disappointed that your urge to see me wasn’t strong enough to overcome your will or if I’m proud that you managed to get through this day and be successful all by yourself.

Stella: If it helps, it nearly killed me not making that phone call you baby.

Hunter: Again with the baby talk, are you sure that you’re not pregnant?

Stella: I’m not. I have to get back to work but I’ll see you in an hour.

Hunter: Have fun. I love you.

Stella: I love you too.

Stella ended the phone call and I was left sitting by my cluttered desk with a dorky smile on my face. I had an hour to kill so I made sure that all my arrangements for tonight were confirmed. I opened my laptop and decided to search the house that Stella loved so much. I found the house that she was talking about and it was a little more expensive than I’d hoped for but from the pictures I was seeing it was well worth every penny. It was perfect for the 2 of us. It wasn’t cozy and homely especially with the fireplace in the lounge area. I’ve always loved fireplaces especially in winter. It was the perfect spot to just cuddle up in front of on an icy winter’s day and read a book. There was an option to make an offer for the house on the website so I decided to do it. It was only an offer so nothing was set in stone yet.

“Hunter.” My mother called from the other side of my door.

“Come in.” I permitted then closed my laptop so that I could give my mother all my full attention. She walked in but left the door open which usually indicated that she wasn’t planning on staying very long.

“Is something wrong mom?” I asked her as she looked around my room.

“Nothing is wrong. I just came to inform you that we’re on the guest list for the Bay Ball.” The Bay Ball was an annual event that was hosted in one of the city’s along our coastline towards the end of the year. It was a charity event and all the proceeds went towards protecting the coastline and it’s creatures both in the sea and on land. My father’s company was one of the big donors every year so being invited wasn’t really a surprise. I must admit, I’ve only gone with my parents to the event for the past 4 years and I’ve actually enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.

“That’s only in like 7 months.” I replied.

“And you’re going to forget about it so put a reminder on your cellphone.” My mother was probably right about me forgetting about it.

“Can I bring a date? It is a ball so it wouldn’t be unusual.” My casual question didn’t faze my mother. Even if she said that I couldn’t bring a date then I was I definitely going to give the organizers a call to see if I could bring one despite my mother’s answer.

“You know how your father and I feel about you and Stella. We can’t stop you from what you’re planning to do but don’t push us.” My mother’s warning surprisingly gave me hope. She didn’t want me to ‘push’ them which meant that they could be persuaded to accept my relationship with Stella. That would honestly be perfect. If both our families could accept and approve of our relationship then there would be nothing stopping Stella from living our lives without any regrets.

“I won’t. I’m going to go shower me then fetch Stella and bring her here so that we can celebrate her success. Mrs Davenport made a cake as well so could you try and get dad to be in a better mood

please? At least get him smiling. Stella’s part of our family so he should be happy that she’s making a success out of herself.”

“I’ll try but I can’t promise anything. I’m going to get her something as well.” This I didn’t understand. How can she love Stella so much but still not approve of Stella and I being in a relationship? What was I not seeing that my parents clearly saw?

“That’s your choice. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone so you won’t have much time I suppose.”

“I’ll go see what I can do and leave you to get ready then.” My mother turned on her heel then exited the room and thankfully closed the door behind her.

Half an hour later I was dressed in the stylish yet sophisticated black and white suit that Stella and my mother had bought for me last year. They said that I needed a new one since my other suits were too ‘bland’ and ‘out of style’. Of course I hated wearing this suit as much as I hated wearing any suit but Stella liked seeing me in it and I wanted to make her happy tonight. I did my final checks then made sure that I had everything I needed. I took my wallet but decided to leave my grandmother’s ring in my drawer. I was coming back home with Stella anyway and I didn’t want her to see it until I proposed so I could come fetch it when I came home again. I grabbed my keys then headed out of my room. I passed the lounge and saw that my father was still planted on the couch but my mother was nowhere to be seen. I ignored them and continued on my way outside the house and to my car in the garage. It took me a couple of minutes before I parked my car outside the O’Connor household. I was a little early so I didn’t expect Stella to be home yet but I loved spending time with her parents so I didn’t mind. I reached for the doorknob with my left hand since my right hand was still wrapped up. It wasn’t paining as much anymore but I didn’t want to take any chances. I’ve hurt my right hand so many times that every injury to it takes longer to heal. I felt the doorknob turn in my left hand so someone probably opened it from the inside but the door flung open before I could take my hand away which led to me stumbling inside the house.

“Hunter?” Mr O’Connor asked as I pushed myself up from the floor.

“Afternoon Mr and Mrs O’Connor.” I greeted them. Mr O’Connor had his car keys in his hand and his wife had her bag slung over her right shoulder so they were probably going out and definitely in a hurry to get there.

“Where are you guys going in such a hurry?” I decided to ask them.

“Hunter, we’re headed to the hospital.” Mrs O’Connor gently answered me as she soothingly rubbed my arm.

“Why? Is something wrong? Are you hurt?” My mind raced with possibilities. Mrs O’Connor looked pretty fine to me. I didn’t see any blood on her so it must be an internal problem. Maybe some cramps or discomfort.

“I’m fine sweetie. Stella’s in hospital. She was in a car accident and…” Well that did it. My mind went from complete panic for Mrs O’Connor’s life to utter silence in disbelief of what I just heard. I felt like something was jammed in my brain and caused it to stop working. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t feel, everything just felt dead to me. I stared at Mrs O’Connor as she spoke and I could see her lips moving but I just couldn’t hear anything over the monotonous silence in my head right now.

“… Hunter, Hunter can you hear us?” I finally registered Mr O’Connor shaking my lifeless body. His action finally caused my brain to begin operating again.

“Take my car, it’s already parked outside.” I don’t know why those were my first words but I didn’t feel like I had any control over whatever I did or said right now. I felt like a prisoner trapped in my own body right now. I didn’t want to believe that Stella was in hospital. She couldn’t be. I spoke to her over the phone less than an hour ago so there’s no way she could’ve been in a car accident. It must’ve been a mistake. Maybe it was someone that looked like Stella and the real Stella was joyfully going to stroll into the house at any moment.

“Let’s go then.” Mr O’Connor grabbed my car keys out of my hand while his wife hooked her arm around mine and dragged me out of the house before locking it. Every dreaded footstep I took was another step closer to the unforgiving truth that Stella might be hurt. There was no question about my love for Stella and I would gladly give up my life for hers but knowing that she might be hurt and in the hospital left me feeling hopelessly helpless.

I got onto the backseat of my car as Stella’s parents sat in front. I tried to get control of myself again as the engine roared to life but it was a useless battle. I still felt like a prisoner no matter how much I fought. I felt the car moving and heading towards the hospital but time seemed impractical right now. It almost seemed as if my body and mind had slowed down yet everything around me seemed to pass by at an accelerated rate. The car stopped and I allowed Mrs O’Connor to yank me out of the vehicle. I was dragged along behind Stella’s parents as they questioned the doctors and tried to find their daughter. We turned down an endless stream of passages before we came to what seemed like the emergency room of the hospital.

“Hunter, are you okay?” That voice sounded familiar. I turned to the left then saw Naomi’s caring eyes scanning my body for any sign of injury. She had a white coat on like any typical doctor I suppose so I guess this is where she worked.

“Hunter, talk to me.” Naomi ordered me.

“I… Stella O’Connor, where is she?” My voice sounded shaky and unnatural as I asked.

“You know Stella?” Naomi sounded extremely surprised by that. I guess it was plausible since Naomi and I weren’t exactly friends so there was still much that we didn’t know about each other.

“We’re her parents.” Mr O’Connor informed her.

“Follow me.” Naomi led us past patient filled beds then to a room next to the emergency wing. The room had windows all around which allowed us to see what was happening outside the room.

“Stella.” Mrs O’Connor’s disbelieving wail confirmed the truth I wasn’t ready to accept yet; Stella was the person lying on the gurney in the room. I looked around the room then took everyone else in the room; an older male doctor and 2 female nurses. Stella’s parents immediately rushed to her bedside until my eyes finally fell on Stella, confirming for myself that it really was the girl I was in love with that was lying in the room. Her body was covered with blankets up to her shoulders with her bandaged arms sprawled out next to her body. Her face had a couple of stitches and plasters littering it, her right eye swollen and hardly open, bruised lips and cheeks; but there was no doubt that it was glorious girl I fell for.

“Buddy got your tongue?” Her voice was coarse and staggering but definitely Stella’s. Her challenging stare suddenly allowed me to regain control of my body. She was still able to make a joke so she was still there for the most part but she really didn’t look good and I honestly didn’t want to know the extent of her injuries. She was challenging me and joking with me but I could tell that she was using it to mask her pain.

“Just trying to figure out a way to top this.” My voice was breaking but I wasn’t going to allow her to see my tears right now. If she was strong enough not to be sad then I would have to be as well. I cleared my throat then ambled towards her unoccupied left side.

“Seems like you already started.” She probably referred to my bandaged right hand and I couldn’t help but smile as a weak smile settled on her lips.

“This is actually an interesting story.” I raised my hand as I cleared my throat. “I snuck back into my room this morning but Michaela thought I was a thief so she stepped on my hand and hit me over my head with one of my books.” That evoked a laugh out of her before she started coughing, reminding me of the situation she was in.

“I like her. She knows how to put you in your place.”

“You only like her because she hurt me.”

“That too.”

“Her sister is actually one of the doctors here.” I turned around to see if Naomi was still here and saw her standing by the door with two other nurses.

“There she is, Doctor Naomi Andrews.” I informed Stella. Naomi waved in response as Stella gave her a smile.

“You hate suits.” Stella changed the topic by indirectly asking me about my formal attire.

“I suffer through it during special occasions.”

“What’s today’s special occasion?” I saw Stella’s parents quietly talking one of the doctors in the corner of the room as Stella and I spoke to each other. I guess they were finding out about the extent of her injuries.

“I was going to make up for whatever I said that made you angry last night. I still can’t figure it out by the way. Any help?”

“You demanded that I go on a lunch date with you on Monday after we go look at our house.” That cleared up why she was angry at me again. I should probably work on how I ask Stella out on dates.

“It was only practical. We were going during your lunch break and you need to eat so taking you to lunch was me looking out for your best interests.” I defended myself.

“You can say what you want to but your words don’t fool me. You need to start asking me out on dates properly.” I could see her trying not to smile as she spoke. I knew she was only challenging me because she knew that I would give up and let her win. Even if I tried to stand up to her challenge then she’d still win.

“When are you going to take me out on a date as well then?” If I can’t beat her then I’d have to join in on her questioning.

“If I start asking you out on dates then there would be nothing for you to do in our relationship anymore.”

“Hey, I do… stuff.”

“Like what?” See what I meant about her defeating me?

“I make you happy.”

“And I do everything else.”

“You do it better. I would just mess it up.”

“That’s true.” She agreed as we released a chuckle which turned into a series of coughs for her again.

“Are you in any pain?” I didn’t want to bring up the situation she found herself in right now but I couldn’t help wanting to help her in any way, even if that only meant talking to her.

“Besides listening to your voice?” Her playful smile lifted my spirits but I still felt myself wanting to break down.

“Your parents couldn’t stand your voice so they went to go talk to the doctor rather.” I shot back but I saw her staring at me for some reason. It wasn’t a threatening stare or sympathetic one. It made me feel a little nervous until I finally figured out what she was doing.

“Stop it.” I ordered her as I broke eye contact with her then looked at her parents. Mrs O’Connor had tears streaming down her face and so did her father. I’ve never seen Mr O’Connor cry before so I knew that it could only mean that the doctor had given them bad news.

“I would’ve said yes.” An unruly tear began making its journey down my cheek as I turned back to Stella with a smile. She figured out what I was planning to do like she always did.

“You would’ve made me work for it.”

“I still would’ve said yes eventually.” Laughter began filling the unoccupied space between us but I could see that she was beginning to struggle to breathe and talk.

“How would you have done it?”

“It’s kind of a build up event that started this morning already. I asked your parents for their permission to marry you. I went home and asked my parents for their blessing but, like I told you earlier, they didn’t give it. Doesn’t really matter though. I would’ve gone to go fetch you and your parents then we would’ve celebrated your success by my house. Mrs D even baked you a cake. From there I would’ve dropped your parents at home and allowed you to get whatever you needed for the night and we would’ve gone to the Sunflower Hotel in Jefferson’s Bay. I booked us one of the presidential suites for the night but I arranged for the rooftop picnic so we would’ve gone to up the roof and had our date under the stars. I would’ve made an extremely compelling argument as to why we should get married and then I would’ve proposed to you with my grandmother’s ring.” This time tears escaped from her eyes which was followed shortly by another one of my own.

“If I…said no?” It broke my heart hearing her struggle to talk but if she was powering through then I would have to as well.

“I would’ve organized a relaxing massage and spa for you tomorrow then try again when we had lunch. It’s difficult saying no when you’re relaxed.”

“…felt… sorry for you.”

“A yes is a yes.” I looked into her caring eyes and just found myself getting lost in the universe they held.


“I don’t even have the ring so I can’t propose to you.” I stopped her.

“Use mine.” Stella and I immediately turned our attention to the entrance of the room then saw the last people I was expecting to see right now; my parents.