Chapter 15

“I can’t stay long, my father needs a ride to his appointment.” Vincent stated as he took his seat next to Michaela on the couch.

“This won’t be long. I just want to make sure about what we’re doing because you guys aren’t being careful.” I leaned forward while I addressed them. I didn’t want to have anything to do with their relationship but they forced me into it so I wanted to make sure that we did it properly.

“I know we messed up but that was only a one time thing, it won’t happen again.” I didn’t trust Vincent’s words right now but I didn’t care. It wasn’t my neck on the line.

“Just remember that if you guys mess this up then it will be your relationship that you might be jeopardizing.” I warned them. Hopefully they actually took my warning seriously.

“We know. We’ll tell you everything you need to know from now on.” Michaela sounded sincere enough and something about her made me want to believe her but I still had my doubts.