Chapter 34

“You should’ve seen Henri when he was younger; he was hilariously cute.” Laughter erupted around the table at Miss Van Hans’ story.

“In my defense, I was six years old.” Henri stated but chuckled along with the rest of us.

“He is all grown up now so hopefully he doesn’t walk into glass doors anymore.” I replied.

“I must say, when you invited me to help assist you with a business plan, I did not expect to be enjoying myself so much.” Mr Finkle told me.

“I have to agree. The two of you are an interesting pair.” Miss Van Hans added.

“I just needed some advice and guidance and the two of you were the best people to ask. Mr Finkle runs an international clothing company and you are an international investment specialist so it makes sense.” I pointed out. “We did finish the business part so why not have a bit of fun? I’m sure you guys don’t mind the break from your busy schedules.”