Chapter 41

“Pretty nice party you have here.” I told Ethan as we stood in the entrance of the hall he rented out for the event. It definitely was more of a party than every other event I’ve been to this year. The multi-colored flashing lights and deafening music definitely evoked a party atmosphere.

“Trisha wanted to go big. Once she has an idea in her mind then there’s no stopping her.” Ethan replied as he smiled then motioned for me to follow him. We made our way through the sea of bodies, greeting a few people who were paying attention to us. We made our way up a flight of stairs where the music was slightly less of a problem to our ears. We could still see the dancefloor downstairs but we made our way out to the balcony where I saw a few familiar people lounging on plushy couches with a couple of bottles standing on the small glass table between them.

“So Bianca being part of our group is a regular thing now?” I asked them but immediately dodged a pillow being launched at me.

“Fuck you Hunter.” Bianca replied as everyone else laughed.

“Evening everyone.” I greeted everyone then took a seat on the open single couch while Ethan took his spot next to Leslie.

“Nice of you to finally join us.” Chad had his arm wrapped around a woman next to him so I was guessing that she was his future wife.

“A chance to see you guys twice in one year, who could pass up that opportunity?” I heard a few giggles as Ethan began pouring us a drink.

“Hunter this is my fiancé Danielle.” Chad introduced us.

“Nice to finally meet you. Not going to lie, you probably shouldn’t have said yes to that idiot.” I jokingly told her.

“I know it was a mistake but at least making him miserable is going to be fun.” Danielle replied as we laughed. At least she had a sense of humor.

“I’m right here you know.” Chad pointed out causing the laughter to continue.

“We saw that you had a girlfriend now as well.” Luke stated.

“Is she here tonight? I would love to meet her.” Melissa added.

“You guys met her already.” I told them as Ethan handed me a glass.

“We did?” Umar wasn’t the only one with confusion written all over his face.

“Yeah, the night of the Bay Ball.” I reminded them.

“Is she the girl that poured the drink over your head before you left?” Bianca asked me.

“Yep, that’s the one.” Ethan confirmed. Laughter erupted from the group once again.

“Sounds like one hell of a story.” Chad stated. “Where is she though?”

“She’s downstairs with Trisha.” I told them.

“So your girlfriends are friends as well.” Melissa stated. I immediately turned to Ethan but he looked just as surprised as I did. I was pretty sure that he didn’t tell the group about his relationship status and I certainly didn’t tell anyone of them.

“Come on, don’t be so surprised. You and Trisha practically glow when you’re next to each other.” Leslie stated.

“You’re about as subtle as Leslie and Luke’s weed problem.” Umar added.

“Weed is not a problem, it’s the solution to our problems.” Luke told him as we laughed.

“I’m just glad that I wasn’t the one to mess that up.” I pointed out as we laughed.

“How long have you know about Trisha and Ethan?” Chad asked me.

“Only about 2 months.” I answered him. “I was honestly surprised. With all the girls Ethan chased away, I was beginning to think he might be into guys.”

“Screw you Hunter.” Ethan told me as he laughed.

“I had that same thought when he turned down one of my friends.” Melissa stated.

“Wait, who hasn’t tried to set Ethan up with anyone?” Umar quickly asked the group.

“Even you Bianca?” Melissa asked her when she didn’t say anything.

“That’s the reason I didn’t want to hangout with you guys. One of my friends had a crush on Ethan and saw him greet me a couple of years ago then asked me to introduce her to him.” Bianca explained.

“Wait, you have other friends?” I jokingly asked Bianca as a few laughs erupted.

“Keep it up and I’ll be the one pouring a drink over your head tonight.” Bianca threatened me.

“Is pouring a drink over Hunter’s head a tradition that you guys have or something?” Danielle asked.

“Yes.” Everyone answered in unison then laughed.

“I hate you guys.” I replied but joined in their laughter as well. We were idiots but at least we had fun together so I was grateful for that.

“I heard that your parents are finally letting you go to school.” Chad told me.

“Wasn’t there decision though and they don’t really like the idea.” I answered him.

“Our little boy is finally growing up and going to big school.” Ethan’s statement caused a few laughs but I gave him a slight shove.

“Always make sure that your lunch is packed and your shoes are tied. Don’t talk to strangers and stay away from bullies.” Melissa told me.

“If you want to go to the bathroom then always raise your hand.” Luke added as the laughter continued.

“Great, anyone else?” I sarcastically asked them.

“If you get lost then always ask a grown up.” Danielle stated.

“I knew there was a reason I loved you.” Chad told her then gave her a kiss while everyone else laughed.

“I don’t think I like you anymore.” I told Danielle.

“Don’t worry about it, you can throw a drink over his head tonight as well.” Bianca told her.

“What are you still doing here?” This time Bianca launched her empty glass at me. I decided to catch it rather than have it break on the ground behind me.

“Okay, you guys need to stop before Bianca starts throwing the couches.” Ethan told us as we laughed. I immediately heard laughter coming up the stairs then saw Trisha, Naomi and surprisingly Eliza appear.

“Looks like the girls are back and dibs.” Luke stated then motioned for Umar to stand up from the couch they were seated on so that Eliza could probably sit there.

“Seriously?” Danielle asked him.

“Trust me when I tell you that it’s not worth bothering yourself over.” Melissa told her.

“Hey everyone.” Trisha greeted them.

“Hey girls.” Luke greeted them. I saw that Umar took a seat on a bar stool that was against the wall.

“Everyone this is Eliza. Eliza this is…” Trisha introduce her before Eliza took over.

“The children of the richest people on this side of the coast.” Eliza stated.

“Eliza is a reporter so she probably knows all about us and our families.” Ethan informed everyone.

“Well have a seat.” Luke told her as he patted the seat next to him. She went over to him and sat down while Naomi came over to me and made herself comfortable against me then took a sip of the drink resting next to me.

“You can sit next to your boyfriend Trisha, we don’t mind.” Melissa told her before Trisha could make her way to the other empty stool next to Umar. The surprise on Trisha’s face mirrored the way we felt when they casually mentioned knowing about Ethan and Trisha’s relationship.

“You guys suck at keeping a secret.” Trisha told Ethan and I.

“Wasn’t me.” Ethan replied.

“Don’t even look at me, they figured it out.” I told her.

“How?” Trisha made her way to Ethan then took a seat between him and Leslie.

“Apparently you guys ‘glow’ when you’re next to each other, whatever that means.” I repeated what they had told us.

“I always told them that they weren’t hiding it good enough.” Eliza stated.

“We did our best okay.” Trisha replied as she cuddled closer to Ethan who looked like he was thoroughly enjoying it. I guess they could finally enjoy their relationship out in the open now. I had to admit, I was glad to see him so… happy and in love.

“So is this some fancy rich kids club?” Eliza asked us.

“With Bianca here, fancy is not the word I’d use.” My reply instantly got the laughter erupting again but Bianca looked furious.

“I get to punch you for that one.” Bianca told me.

“I second that.” Leslie added.

“Come on guys, that was funny.” I replied.

“True but we agreed that you two would stop.” Chad stated.

“But I didn’t agree to that.” I pointed out.

“Everyone in favour of Bianca punching Hunter raise your hand.” Melissa suggested then raised her own hand. Literally everyone joined her, even Naomi.

“Really?” I asked Naomi as she rested her head against my shoulder.

“You brought it upon yourself.” She gave me a kiss then stood up and pulled me up to my feet as well while Bianca stood up and made her way over to me.

“Okay, here’s the deal: if you punch me then you can’t pour a drink over my head.” I told her.

“Deal.” She agreed then quickly punched my stomach. It was much harder than I expected and left me clutching my stomach as I bent over while trying to get used to the pain.

“You okay there Hunter?” Eliza asked me.

“I think I’m gonna need a minute.” I replied.

“Have a drink.” Ethan told me. I stood up straight and took a breath as I accepted the glass Ethan was handing me. I saw that Naomi had taken ownership of the first drink Ethan gave me so I drained the glass and allowed the liquid to burn it’s way down to my stomach and hopefully alleviate the pain.

“Danielle still gets to pour a drink over your head though.” Bianca pointed out as everyone else laughed. I made my way back over to Naomi then settled ourselves into our previous position.

“What is the story between Bianca and Hunter’s rivalry?” Eliza asked them.

“I have honestly no idea.” Melissa told her.

“Me neither.” Chad added but everyone either shook their heads or shrugged their shoulders. I didn’t expect them to know anyway. Only Bianca and I knew what happened between us.

“Why do you hate Bianca?” Ethan asked me. I looked at Bianca looked just as confused so she clearly didn’t remember.

“She hated one of Stella’s favourite pieces of art. I think she said that Stella had an ‘uncultured palette’.” I informed them.

“You suck Bianca.” Luke told her.

“Was that the painting you were standing in front of at that amateur painting gallery like 3 years ago?” Bianca asked me. Now she remembered.

“Yep. I didn’t tell Stella what you said though but I will never forget.” I gave her a smile but I could see a saddened look beginning to plague her face now.

“So does Hunter get to punch Bianca now?” Umar asked and immediately set off a couple of laughs. At least the mood was lightened now.

“You can’t blame her for her opinion though.” Chad told me.

“I know. You can’t blame me for my opinion of Bianca then as well.” I replied.

“Quick question, who is Stella?” Danielle asked.

“Stella was my fiancé. She died in a car crash earlier this year.” I answered Danielle but I was surprised by how easy I was able to say those words. Was I finally finished grieving Stella’s death? Was I so in love with Naomi that I was able to move on?

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Danielle told me.

“It’s life I suppose.” I shrugged my shoulders as Naomi placed her hand on mine. I didn’t need to be comforted but I appreciated it.

“Yeah, you suck Bianca.” Danielle told causing a few more laughs.

“Fine, I am sorry I said that about Stella’s painting.” Bianca apologized.

“We’re past sorry already but I appreciate your apology.” I replied.

“You’re such a drama queen.” Bianca rolled her eyes then took a sip of her drink.

“You have no idea.” I saw a reluctant smile appear on her face at my response so I hoped everything could get a little happier now.

“Anyway, Trisha and I have some news.” Ethan grabbed everyone’s attention. “I wanted you guys to be the first to know before we announce it.”

“Please don’t tell me you’re pregnant.” Leslie told Trisha as she grabbed her hand.

“God no. We’re just getting married.” Trisha replied as everyone laughed.

“So nothing major then?” I asked while the laughter continued.

“Congratulations.” Chad told them.

“Aren’t you going to tell them they’re making a big mistake as well?” Danielle asked me.

“I’m the Best Man so I’ll leave that for my speech at the wedding.” I replied.

“And suddenly your invitation got lost in the mail but everyone else is still invited. It’s on Valentine’s day so keep it clear.” Ethan informed them.

“Isn’t that a little clichéd?” Leslie asked.

“It is but I don’t care. It’s the day of romance so it’s the perfect day for us to get married on.” Trisha answered.

“Now it’s just up to Hunter and Naomi to get engaged and it will be a complete set.” Luke stated.

“We’ve only been dating for about 4 months now so calm down.” I told him.

“But you should know if you want to marry her or not. I mean, that’s the aim of dating isn’t it?” Eliza asked.

“It is and I would definitely love to marry Naomi but once our lives are more settled. We’re going to be living in different cities next year as well so it’s not the ideal time to get married.” I pointed out.

“So we are getting married now?” Naomi asked me.

“Not now but maybe the day after Valentine’s. We have to let Ethan have the spotlight for once.” I jokingly told her.

“Screw you.” Ethan told me.

“So where’s the ring?” Leslie asked her as she studied Trisha’s hand.

“Hey, are you serious?” Naomi whispered in my ear while the rest of the group began questioning Ethan and Trisha.

“About marrying you, definitely.” I softly replied.


“Like I said, it’s not the ideal time so I was thinking that in about 3 years we could see where we are and begin planning our lives together in the same place I hope. We should have our lives figured out by then as well so is that okay?”

“That’s perfect.” Naomi agreed as her radiant smile took over.

“You are.” I gently placed my lips on hers before turning back to the group. Everything was perfectly in place now. I had my whole life ahead of me with the perfect partner by my side every step of the way. I was definitely looking forward to the year ahead now.