“I am Nathaniel Chance Villarta”

Villarta Mansion, Quezon City, Philippines

15 years later. . .

Just as what I always done, I am here again, locking myself on my room just to avoid any sort of argument with Dad. He will surely get mad on me by the time he heard the news, and I knew that he already heard it. Because he is very famous, being one of the most powerful and most influential men in the world, every highlights about his life are always on the headlines of television news, newspapers, radios and internet. And because I am his son, this day’s highlight is my decision to drop out on Harvard Med School.

I turn off my cassette when finally, I heard loud bangs on the door. When I open it I received a heavy punch on the jaw.

“What do you think you’re doing Nathaniel?!” Dad shouts at me. He throws directly on my face those popular tabloids. Just like what I have been expecting, I am the topic of their headlines.

‘Villarta’s Descendant Dumps Harvard’