“Healing Hearts Camp 2”
(Never Left Your Partner Behind)
Estelle Baxter’s Lecture on Relationship Goals of God and Life Long Covenant of Marriage
A Lustful Heart and True Love in the Eyes of God
Key Points:
1. Lust is a sin that when not touch, will gravely enslave our lives so it is a must to be address in our lives individually and in the church collectively.
2. As a result of the fall and the sin that became innate in us, every single person in this world became a victim of desire and lust.
3. Loneliness, as a result of the unfilled God-shaped vacuum in our hearts, is the root of desire and lust.
4. God’s solution for lust is the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
5. God’s design for love, sexuality and true intimacy are: (1) We are destined for a true intimacy and love, (2) All true love molded by God is a Covenant of Marriage, and (3) God made everything beautiful in its time.