A huge touch of yellow fire, as large as five average men placed on top of each other, lay resting now, on the center of the circle, to commemorate the blazing kindness of the gods of the land. The jamboree and songs of the people blast the night with melody. The drums, the Ogene (metal gong), the xylophone and every sweet talking instruments, played so well, that the burning woods joined the harmony as they gave out fairies of floating sparks. The festival had taken another turn as those who were not gyrating, were drinking or making bolus from the pounded yam, and swallowing the round ball, after covering it with the sauce of the egwusi soup. No running children to disturb the dancers, every one of them were busy gulping any edible delicacy they could lay hands on.

Ada was tilting her head over the crowd, trying to find the loose black hair of her friend. There were oceans of black hair here, but she knew how to pick out Chinwe's, from the crowd anytime. Just find the long black hair, streaking down from the middle with grey.

Ada's eyes fell upon a stout woman, who was sitting beside one of the naked touch, with body carrying a small untidy head. The three braids standing on the silver hair, was like a yam tendril, knotted above with a red bead, to form a window like structure, like a silt root. The woman had several calabash of food resting on her feet, which she was savoring greedily, not saving her five year old son the agony of salivating.

"What is it?" Ada heard the woman asked her son

"I'm hungry" the boy replied. He was staring at his mother with an absorbing and expectant gaze.

"Don't worry, you will eat, just exercise a little patient let me finish with this bowel."

"But that's the last bowel to be served, you said that for the last two they brought" the boy was sobbing now, almost at the shore of tears.

"Shut your mouth, don't you know that we adult require much energy. I am your mother, you should be grateful that I am trying to replenish all the energy you sucked from me when I was nursing you"

The woman swallowed the last bolus and picked up the meat. She adjusted her weight comfortably so she could have a full pleasure from eating the mutton, whose oil was streaming from her palms, slowly to her elbow. Her son still held her with that expectant gaze, but the woman flippantly closed her eyes and slowly brought her hand to her mouth. The meat which seemed glued to her hand was still steaming with that aroma, which could cause a hungry stomach roar.

"Get back here you godforsaken boy!" the woman exclaimed and made to pursue her child, but she couldn't even get up. She only stared with wide mouth at the disappearing features of her son who had snatched the mutton from her and had lost himself to the joyful crowd. She cursed and shouted, but the boy, who couldn't bear the pain anymore was nowhere in sight.

"Serves you right" Ada said and burst with laughter

"What are you laughing at" The woman asked

"Nothing" Ada murmured, still trying to suppress the laughter. The looks the woman was now shooting her, made her collect herself to the other direction, least the woman unleashes the boiling anger on her.

Ada slit pass the crowd, which seemed to be growing more and more. For a single moment, she found herself wondering why she was there at first.

Yeah. I remember, I came here to look for Chinwe -

"My eyes still can't help the beauty adoring your skin, and my mind can't comprehend the humbleness of your soul. Even my spirit is testifying to the world, what a gracious creature you are."

Not again, Ada mumbled and turned her attention reluctantly, to the familiar voice, which she had been trying all night to avoid. Nothing about it has changed, just the flattery.

"May you live long my prince" Ada curtsied

"I can see that the party has not taken you into its wings yet" the Prince said ignoring the greeting.

"I'm just looking for my friend Chinwe, I don't feel like partying tonight."

"Hah, and here I was hoping you would save me a dance, you owe me one you know?"

"Maybe next time my lord" Ada picked a flash back, trying to recall when she ever owned him a dance, she dared not to ask either.

The prince stroked his beard and smiled after sipping from the cow horn he was holding.

"Your penchant for fine wine hasn't grown cold." Ada chuckle "Old habit die hard"

"Yeah, I haven't had a good wine in decades. Those men in Dota are nothing compared with the wine tappers here. Do you know they could miraculously turn a single jar of palm wine into six jars?"

"Don't be ridiculous; unless they are gifted with the power from above, that act is impossible." Ada laughed. Their conversation was getting more natural, like those days when they were still kids. The finger which was now crawling on her skin was making her mind think she missed every bit of it. Maybe she did, maybe she still have a room for him somewhere in her love's hotel, or maybe she is still a fool to read meaning into every tingling act.

"Nah, they are nowhere near the power of the gods. They are just skilled in diluting what suppose to be a single jar into six or seven jars. The funny part in it is that it is sweet, but not as natural as a concentrated one."

"I can't even imagine the taste"

"Don't worry love, just pray to the gods that you don't marry anyone from Dota"

Ada couldn't help her thought as they reflexively drifted back to the announcement of the king. She tried to hide her sadness beneath a chuckle but ended up making it obvious.

"Please don't feel that way, I didn't mean–

"It's okay" Ada said softly, hating herself for feeling jealous. She didn't love him, not in that sense anyway and she saw no reason why she should get angry because he was about to get married. They grew up together in the palace, and he had been like a brother to her, she should be happy for him, not the opposite.

"I really don't want to marry her" Ada froze, but then lifted her gaze to meet his eyes; she was surprised at the regret she found there.

"It's not like you have a choice, you are already betroth, there is no backing down now" Ada said

"Yes, I wish it were not so" The prince sipped from his cup again, trying to gulp the anger and regret "What do you say about my proposal, have you given it a thought yet?"

Ada swallowed, that's the least of my problems now.

"Pardon me my prince." She said, hoping that he wouldn't notice the disappointment in her voice again. "You should give me more time to process it."

"Time-" was all he said before gulping the remaining content of the cup "I can tell you are afraid. You have every reason to. But just know that beyond words and beyond mountains, beyond oceans and rivers, my heart will always beat an extra pulse you. I await your reply, please give it to me soon, time is but a fleeting guest, I don't have him as a friend" The prince turned and walked away, engulfed by the crowd almost immediately.

Ada felt her heart lifting by his words. Was he serious, or is this just another love trick? He said he doesn't want to marry Olamma, a high born lady, whose father is famous for his numerous yam barn and livestock too many to count. But he is betrothed to her and only the gods can put asunder to their union. Besides, I don't like him, I don't love him the way I love Ikedi.

Ada found herself fiddling with the oscillating hair just under her ear. The king had set her lose from the turban of men; she was not ready to tangle herself with it again. Not now, not ever -

"His sounds so poetic you know?"

Ada shivered and turned to the voice, whose tone she can place a face on, anywhere, anytime.

"How long have you been standing there?" Ada asked and sauntered towards her friend who was all smile.

"Long enough to hear the desires in his royal voice." What were the two of you discussing?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I tell you" Ada sighed and took her friends hand, leading her away from the crowd of people.

"Oh, try me"

"He asked...he is asking me to be his mistress" Ada said

"Alaocha ehh!!!" Chinwe exclaimed, but Ada placed her hands on her mouth, trying to shut her up.

"Will you keep it down?"

"So sorry my dear friend" Chinwe apologies not able to hide the excitement in her voice "when are you leaving with him to Dota"

"I didn't say I accepted his proposal"

"What?" Chinwe paused, seeming not to believe her ears. "Why Ada, why are you letting this once in a life time opportunity slip from your fingers"

Ada rolled her eyes "You want to know why? Well, first I don't love him; secondly, I can't be his concubine. My heart beats for another"

"Just hear yourself talk; you are still in love with that godfor...sorry, that Ikedi who abandoned you?" Chinwe bit her fingers worriedly "Do you know how many girls wish to have a moment with a high born? Do you know how many will fight to touch a noble? And do you know how many will kill to be the mistress of the prince? You are casting gold as dung, why my friend?"

"I don't know" Ada said trying not to remain calm "But I do know one thing. I am not like other girls" they walked on into the night, the drum and the music getting fainter.

"But at least let him -"

"Please can we discuss this later?" Came Ada's plea.

"If you say so" Chinwe replied obviously not happy that Ada wasn't sticking to her advice.

The cricket's still played that melody with the night, making their own music as if they too were in worship to the light of the moon. The sandy road, which appeared pale from the full moon, snaked away and lost itself somewhere where the eyes' accommodation is limited. The air was getting more frosty, but the dryness, better than the day's.

"Where are we heading to?" Chinwe asked

"To the King's sacred chambers" Ada replied

"What? Wait, no way." Chinwe stopped dead in her track. She was looking at Ada with wide eyes, making sure her friend still had one head "You know I am not like you the favorite servant, the guard's guarding the entrance will hang my head on a spike when they see me"

"Who said you are going in with me? I just want you to accompany me, you will not denial me the pleasure of you company will you?"

"No I won't. But if I may ask, what are you going there to do actually"

"I am going to find out the truth" Ada replied softly as they continued on

"The truth, what truth are you talking about?"

"Don't worry my dear, we will find out soon"