“Thank the gods you’re here. I have been searching the world for you.” The Prince panted haggardly like a swimmer who hadn’t seen the shoreline until now. Nothing about his posture was welcoming, the crease lining his young face, mirrored the worries that were obviously building inside of him. For the wealthiest and the most adorable young man in the entire kingdom, he was rather dressed like a commoner, with the girdle of his sword rounding the small pelt on his waist, and exposing strong muscular laps, almost like that of a yam tuber. The three birthmarks on both sides of his chest, were almost fading, a contrast to the identical ones on his left upper arm. His hair had grown long or maybe she hadn’t paid attention to notice them before. Their dark rich color, suggested that water might have imbued them one or two times, but they remained rough as if the only comb they knew were the grace of the five fingers.

“What do you want?” Ada asked without any pleasantry. She didn’t bother to hide the confused anger either. She was tired of this man pestering her with frequent love proposal. She wouldn’t be his mistress, not that it mattered now anyway, she just needed to flee, to get out from here as soon as possible. Leaving home to a known destination for life’s sake was ideal, but the scariest was leaving to an unknown destination. The king’s palace had always been her niche, a home that can never be called a house, despite the servitude. All her days she had spent in Alaocha, and now to save her dear life, she must flee.

“I don’t have time for this your drama.” Ada heard the Prince say. The anger in his words were unreadable, she couldn’t place a hand where she had offended him. Not that she cared, he could stick his head in the sand if he likes, she needed to get out of here.

“I guess I should leave then.” Ada walked passed, not sure of her destination.

“Where are you going?”

“What do you care?” Ada asked without slowing. The saddened emotion was already crawling its way to the surface; it was just a matter of time before it takes over the brave spirit she was trying to wear.

“Foolish girl, for once in your life will you listen to me? Don’t make me regret coming here.”

Ada paused in her wake and turned to face him. The urge to leave was kicking the sadness within her and the warning of the diviner, also chiming like a loud gong. But there was something in the prince’s voice, something strong enough to root her feet on the cold sand. Even if she wanted to snob him, her legs would not obey, they certainly had grown mind of their own.

“Listen Ada,” The Prince said more urgently as he walked towards her and held her hands. His hairy face was hardened with moons of training, but in his coppery bright eyes, something else contrasted that hardness, a mixture of sadness and some fragments of fear. “I know your little secret with my father. I know he told you about the Ofor. Don’t worry; you can call it jealously if you wish, but that would be not be necessary now.”

His words sent a chills down Ada’s spine. It must have been hard for him. He was the heir to the throne, yet his father hadn’t trusted him with the secrets of the throne? Well, until now, Ada would have been angry with the king, but the naked truth of the diviner had brought stream to her desert of mystery. They were interested in her because they felt she was connected with the Ofor, and without her the power might leave the land. That’s why the king had showered her with kindness and love, making the world thinks she was the favored servant, the apple of the king’s eyes. How untrue it was. But how long had the Prince known, who had told him?

“I heard you crying like a lost child yesterday.” The Prince said, answering her unspoken questions. “Anyway, none of that matters now as you must hurry, a search party, led by the king’s guard is looking for you.”

“But…how…” Ada stammered, “Oh no. If you heard me last night, does it mean you reported me to your father, did you tell him I had a hand in the missing Ofor?” Ada asked as the realization struck her.

‘You have been betrayed,’ those were the last words of the diviner.

“Think what you want. I only confronted my father on the matter of trust. Perhaps, the walls have ears after all; those guards in the palace must have overheard us. It doesn’t matter now Ada; you must understand that I am only doing this to protect you.”

“Protect me? Please take me off the picture, Chika; you are only doing this to the best of your interest.” Ada flared and moved away from him, she rarely call him by his name. “I can’t believe you are referring to this as protecting, what were you thinking? Do you know the number of people that will die if the news of the missing Ofor spread to the neighboring villages?”

“I know, but like I said, I only confronted my father, it was a father to son talk,” The prince heaved. “The deed has been done, we can’t turn the wheel of time. Right now you have to run away and never come back.”

“But I have no place to go” Ada sobbed. She was holding that hair beneath her ear now, struggling to keep the pool of tears from rupturing and raining down.

“That brings us back to my previous proposal.” The prince moved close and stroked her braided hair with his forefinger. “You can be my mistress and I will shelter you from the anger of the village. As my mistress you will have the protection of the royal family. Let me protect you my love. Let me save your life from the raging storms. Let me be the cloud that brings the rain to your draught. Let me be the song you hear every night as you close your eyes and the air you breathe every morning as you open your curtains to the new day. Let me be your strong hold and your fortress.”

He’s beautiful. Ada realized as she stared into his eyes. They both held the gaze, unable to break it. For once Ada was lost in those beautiful eyes of his. They were strong now, and she knew he would stay true to all he had said. He would protect her from the hidden rage of the people. He would build the world for her. She knew he loved her, but, what do you do when someone loves and you don’t love them in return? What do you do when the only one you want to be in his arms was the one who had betrayed you?

Ada traced her fingers across his hairy face. She couldn’t doubt his affection; they might be real. But now, what she must face was greater than her. She must find the Ofor, not because she was connected with it now, but because she must prevent it from going to the wrong hands. She must find it if she were to save the lives of the people of Alaocha from the Never-ending war. Without the Ofor the people of Alaocha are vulnerable, she must fix what she had messed up.

“You are a good man, Chika. You are a good prince and would make a fine king. You will reign for a very long time. But I have no place beside you. You belong to your betroth, Olamma. She will keep you warm and bear you beautiful children.”

“But I don’t love Olamma. My heart beats for you. You are my world.”

Ada smiled at his words. She remembered them from their childhood. Those where his favorite play talks, who could have guessed that he would grow into a man with those words still permanent on his lips.

“I need to find the Ofor; I need to bring it back home where it belongs.”

The prince hissed sadly and broke the gaze. No, it was not a sad look. His expression had suddenly changed as he pulled Ada behind and drew his sword. Ada’s emotions were tangled at first until she saw two king’s guard running towards them.

The muscles on the chest of both men were flapping angrily like the wave of the river behind. The royal symbol of a spear piercing a heart was drawn on their chest with a white substance. Their hair was plaited to a single braid which held so many cowries.

“Greetings my lord and Prince,” Both men said almost simultaneously and bowed as they came to an abrupt stop in front of the prince. They seemed to have been running for miles without resting, yet at the look of it, nothing suggested that fatigue was setting in.

“We were ordered by the king to bring her to the court,” It was one of the men that spoke this time, with a very deep and coarse voice.

“Tell the king that I will bring her to court myself.” The prince said calmly. Ada saw his grips on the sword tightened. It was odd; she had not seen him with real steel before. He always played with wooden swords when they were little and promised to protect her. But that was a long time ago, seeing him with a real sword, ready to defend her…it took her breath away.

“I’m afraid that’s not happening, it was an order from the King, and we are not going anywhere without her.” The other man added.

“I am your Prince and I order you to return to court. I will bring her back myself.”

“The King gave his orders; it’s beyond your jurisdiction. Just let her come with us, we promise we won’t be too rough with her lovely skin.” The guard that had spoken earlier said with a smirk. Ada knew him; he was one of the many men that had tried to ride through her legs and had failed. She wished she could use a knife and wipe that smirk off his face.

“Anyone who wants to take her must come through me,” The Prince said and readied his battle stance. They were perfect. But Ada’s heart was beating on her chest as if they would break her rib cage. Can he really protect her? He should just leave her to face her penalty.

“Seriously?” The king’s guards asked and laughed, “You only had training boy, you don’t know what real battle taste like, and we have been fighting all our lives. Let the girl come with us and we would save you the trip to the healer’s hut.”

“That’s not happening.” The Prince swerved his sword. The metal looks so new.

“Perhaps, your father should find himself a new heir. You are so disappointing.” The first guard spat and charged.

Ada grits her teeth as metals met midair, flaring yellow sparks. Prince Chika jumped back and defended the attack coming from the right. He shifted his weight slowly, but quickly enough to dodge the blade that struck where he was. He was no match for the king’s guard. They were strong and each of their blows sent back his defending arms. It’s just a matter of time before he got himself killed. She must end this fight now or she will spend the rest of her days regretting.

Ada opened her mouth to speak but found no words. The Prince had ducked with a swordsman’s grace, and had stab the guard in the chest. The fight had taking a turn. Even though the king’s guard was strong and confident, he lacked the speed and flexibility. He had underestimated his opponent and that had been his mistake. Now he bled to dead, wide eyes, staring at the prince with awe.

The surprise on the other guard’s face was evident that he too had underestimated the Prince. Seeing his fellow guard dying with a sword in the heart made him trace his steps carefully.

“You have the chance, return to the king or you will end up like him.” The Prince warned as he drew his sword out of the dying man’s chest.

“I am Udemba,” The guard beat his muscular chest “Son of Udenne. Warrior of the first guard of Alaocha, killer of lions and tiger, protector of the kingdom. I don’t run away from a fight. The king has given his orders; his words will not return void.” The king’s guard said. But just as the words left his mouth, he threw away his spear and shield and fled almost immediately.

“Coward,” the Prince said and relaxed his stance. He turned away from the fleeing guard and realized just then that Ada was kneeling on the sand, unable to control the laughter.

“I thought he wanted to fight?” Ada laughed. “From the way he boasted, one could think he was very brave.”

“I definitely will deal with him when I get to the palace. We don’t want weaklings as warriors,” The prince wiped his sword on the body of the falling guard and sheathed it.

“Since you are turning down my proposal, you probably should be on your way; more of the guards will be heading this way now.”

“I can’t thank you enough Chika, may the gods prolong your days.” Ada whispered and pulled him into a tight hug. His body was warm. And too damn comforting.

“Head for Dota,” The prince said as they pulled apart “I have a friend there, her name is Nneka. She will take care of you. Just tell her I sent you but never mention the missing Ofor to anyone.”

“Okay,” Ada nodded.

“Take this, that’s the little I could smuggle out of the kitchen without raising suspicion.” Right in the Prince’s hand was a small wrapped leaf and a dagger. “Stay safe, Ada, may the gods be with you.”

“Thank you for everything, I will never forget this day,” Ada said. The approaching footfalls made her turn her parting steps into a sprint.