Prologue - 02

“Just to Name a Few”

Our epic starts on the simple life of Ch'ing crown princess, Shin-li. Well, just to describe her, let's take a look on this short list:

1. She is not pretty, but certainly beautiful with long, straight, black hair that is always tied by a ponytail.

2. She is easy-going, joyful and fun to be with.

3. She is not a princess type but more deserves to be a female knight with her bow and arrow that are always at her side.

4. She is outrageous and easy go lucky.

5. She always gatecrash their palace just to get along with the commoners.

6. She is certainly not feminine - eats a lot, talks a lot, laughs a lot.

7. She is fond on horses and her favorite sport is archery.

8. She sings . . . sad to say, it is not ideal one just like what everybody thinks it is.

9. Her circle of friends are the boys in the neighborhood.

10. She always skips her lessons.

Take note: She hates target shooting - A.LOT.

If a typical princess is the one who always stays inside her room and learning how to be an ideal woman and an ideal wife someday, well, princess Shin-li is not the type that a typical prince charming of most fairy tales dream of.

She is a princess who always dream of freedom and enjoyment, away from the critic eyes of the King’s Counsel. Being the only child , Shin-li grew up, living her life on wherever or whatever the king and queen chooses for her - what type of clothes she will going to wear or on what food she will going to eat and even on what type of character or personality she should be.

Her life is so simple because she always disappoints the whole monarch on her every ways.

But, what if it is now already time for the whole kingdom to find for the deserving successor of the throne? And all of a sudden, Shin-li's simple and silent life turn into a whirl wind?

Okay, here goes the list of the three "aspiring" prince charming on the rescue:

1. Yuan Gheo'to [pronounce as: ge-yo-to; "Gio" for short]

- The easy-go-lucky successor of Yuan clan. He is the son of the king's secretary of state and the best friend of Shin-li. He is her protector and he knows all her flaws. They are best buddies on orgies. Being her only childhood sweetheart, he already loves her ever since. The question is if whether she feels the same way too?

2. Tang Kent-li (English name: Dione Tang)

-a prince charming type, Dione was race in the family of surgeons. As a result, he became one too, with a specialization on cardiovascular surgeries. He grew up on States, though he is a full-blooded Chinese. What is interesting about this man is his great passion on the sport known as archery. Monarchy always attracts his interest and he is familiar on Confucian classics. He is a smart young man who had a great likes on brave girls and is attracted on women that can ride on horses.

3. Seto Dom 'yo-gi [pronounce as: Dom-yow-ji]

-often called as Yugi on most characters of this epic. He is the hardheaded, windbag and prime topnotcher Casanova ever lived. He is the son of the prime minister. He likes to bullied people with atmosphere that is far from his world. He do not believes in love and always wants to play because for him, everything are all games - even in terms of hearts. He was born with a silver spoon on his mouth and believes that he already have everything, only except for her, and this girl challenged his pride so much. He had a strong front though loner and deserted inside. He is happy-go-lucky and is engage from one fight after the other. Favorite sport: TARGET.SHOOTING.

Now, the biggest question ever is who will be her knight?

One warrior princess and three handsome cavaliers. On these three right ups, one is the pretender; the other is the shadow, while the other one left is the knight in shining armor.

Who will emerge victorious? Who will stand up as the best? And most of all, who will wins her heart?

Is it the pretender?

Or the shadow?

Or the knight?

Who is this knight . . . ?