
Chapter 1: Into Another World pt.1

Electronic beeping constantly filled the room where three people stood close to each other. All three of them stared at the 3D holographic model on the high-tech table.

"Is this the final model?" Asked the cyborg whose body was fully plated with metal armour.

"Y-yes sir, I believe that this is the best model that we can come up with." Answered the man who stood to the right of the cyborg.

“What do you think, Xero?” The woman with reddish black hair asked the cyborg.

“It should be good enough to do the job. You may start the next process, I shall be heading back to the castle now. Take your time on this project, we expect you to carry it out successfully.” The cyborg turned around to leave.

After the cyborg had left the dark room, the two let out sighs as they rested their tense bodies on the hologram table, slightly distorting the 3D image.

“Hah…” The woman exhaled again. “We should get going.”

“Yeah… No time to spare. Let’s get started.” The man tapped on the holographic console and sent a file.


A few months later.

On a cloudy evening, a highschool boy cycled on a stretch of road. His golden yellow hair flowed backwards as the wind blew past his speeding figure. His eyes were light blue stapled on an average face. His figure was that of an average teenager who rarely does workouts.

He arrived at the front gate of his home which looked like an expensive bungalow. He pushed his bike inside as the gate opened and parked it in the open garage. He then went to the front door and unlocked the door with his key.

As he swung the door open, he shouted.”I’m home!” As to show that he had returned safely.

“Ah! Matt, I didn’t expect you to be home this early.” Said a woman with brownish hair in her late thirties while carrying a basket of clothes.

“The guys all wanted to head home early. Many of them already had plans tonight with their family.” Matthew answered while taking off his shoes.

“Oh… Sorry sweetie, but I’m afraid that your uncle and I are a bit busy.” Matthew’s aunt said in a regretful voice.

“That’s okay aunt Claire.”

“Don’t worry Matt, I promise that we’ll find some free time to spend together.”

“I’d like that.”

“Well, you go on ahead. I’ll prepare dinner after I finish hanging the laundry.” Said Claire.

“Okay aunt.”

In his room, its walls were filled with video game posters, but other than that, his room was pretty neat and tidy. Probably his aunt had already cleaned it for him because he did not remember leaving it like that.

‘Thanks aunt,’ Matthew said in his heart.

Matthew took off his school uniform and bag, threw them on the chair by his desk. He leapt on his bed and fiddled with his phone. He caught up with the messages left by his friends. Most of the messages were about their plans for the vacation, until someone suddenly brought up the topic about their summer assignment. The poor guy was immediately replied with curses and swears.

Mathew only laughed at his friends’ attitude. But then again, thinking about the assignment.

“Why am I paired up with ‘her’ of all people?” Matthew said to himself. He recalled what happened earlier at school.


End of school, naturally the students were all busy chatting about their plans for the rest of the day, but on this occasion, the rest of the holiday. The entire class was like a beehive with almost everyone talking to each other.


The teacher clapped her hands twice to get the student’ attention. After the class had calmed down a little, the teacher started speaking.

“All right everyone~ Now I know you are all happy and excited about the upcoming vacation, right?”

“YEEEAAAAHH!!” The students shouted in unison.

“Well, I hope that you all will enjoy the vacation.” The teacher said in such a cheerful voice. “However, I would like to assign all of you for a summer project!” She clasped her hands close to her face, acting cute.

Meanwhile the students-

“WHAAAAAAATTTTT!!??” Were very shocked by this.

“Why teacher, why?”


“My plans!”

“My vacation!”

Complaints were shot by the students simultaneously.

“Now, now, please calm down. This was the principal’s idea.” The teacher gestured with her hands up and down. “I already have an alternative to make this easier for you. YOu shall be doing this in pairs!”

“Huh?” Almost everyone said at once.

“Yes, in pairs. Not only is it easier to do the assignment, you can also finish it sooner and it’ll be more fun to do with someone else.”

“Well, that’s not bad I guess.”

“I don’t really mind either way.”

“I’ll take option three, don't do it at all.”

“Say that to the teacher, why don’t you?”

“Are you crazy? No way with that tiger.”

“I can hear you, you know?”

“Erk! Forgive me!”

A more positive thought bubbled up in their minds overall. The teacher continued.

“Well then, I already have the list ready, no changing pairs. If you do, then both pairs will immediately fail.”


“Okay, now I’m going to read the list. First is David and Felix.” Theteacher started reading the list she made.


“Albert and Damia. Chloe and Eli. Hataru and Kenji...” And the list went on.

Until finally, “And last but not least, Matthew and Rose. Alright, is there anyone that I missed?” She took a glance at her students. “No? I will post the assignment in the group chat later on. Well then, we are done here. Goodbye everyone~ Hope you have a great vacation~” The teacher waved as she exited the class.

“Thank you teacher!”

As soon as the teacher walked out of the classroom, the students immediately shot up from their seats and began to disperse. However, one remains seated.

Matthew was as if stuck in a dilemma.

"Did I hear that correctly?" He asked himself. "I am paired up with Rose?"

He was worried about his pair for the assignment his teacher just gave.

'She may be one of the top of the class, but she's kinda scary and is really serious about work. It may be difficult to deal with her.' Matthew thought to himself.


"Hm? Oh…"

While worrying about his pair, the subject of matter appeared in front of him.

"Oh, h-hey Rose." Matthew greeted with a slightly stuttering voice.

"Hey uhh, look, I just want to assess a few things about the assignment." Rose stood with her arms crossed.

"O-oh, what is it?" Matthew did his best to control his voice.

"..." Rose fell silent for a moment before inhaling to speak. "To determine where we should meet up to discuss the assignment."

"Oh, well I'm fine with anywhere or anytime really. I don't have any plans yet."

"Oh is that so? Then how about the park tomorrow?" She raised a finger in suggestion.

"Yeah, that sounds- Wait, tomorrow?!" Matthew shot up from his chair and slammed on the table in shock.

Rose jumped back a little.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early?"

"Well… The sooner we are done, the more vacation we can enjoy, right?"


"And besides, you were the one who said anytime is fine."


"Well then it's settled. See you tomorrow." Rose turned around and quickly exited the classroom without listening to Matthew's pleads for her to wait.

"Hah… I guess I 'do' have something to do tomorrow."


Matthew took a shower and changed his clothes before heading down stairs to the dining room. From the stairs, he could already smell the delicious aroma that came from the kitchen.

When he arrived at the doorway, Matthew saw his aunt placing the plates filled with spaghetti with some bolognese sauce.

“Wow aunt, spaghetti for dinner? Nice.” Matthew said as he entered the dining room.

“Ah Matt, just in time. Come, let’s eat together.” Claire pulled out a chair and sat on it.

“Thank you for the food!”

They both chowed down on the seemingly delicious content on the plate. Matthew opened up a chat with his aunt.

“So aunt, is uncle still at work?”

“Yup, you know how his work as a deputy officer of the company is.”

“Must be a lot. I can’t imagine how much work he had to do.”

“Well that goes for me as well. I gotta go back to the office later to settle a few things.”

“Oh really? So you are not going to be home tonight?” Matthew asked.

“Afraid not and I don’t know when either of us will be home.”

“That’s okay. I can take care of myself. Besides, I already have something to do tomorrow.”

“What would that be?” Claire asked.

“Just some assignment that our teacher had us do in pairs.”

“Oh an assignment… Wait, did you say in pairs?” His aunt’s expression suddenly became extra bright, which made Matthew shudder.

“Uhh yes…” Matthew answered nervously.

“Is it a boy or a girl?”

‘I knew it!’ He shouted inside.

“A girl…”

“Waaahhh! My nephew has a girlfriend now!”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“I’m so proud of you!”

“Like I said, she's not my girlfriend.” Matthew’s replies were flat.

“Where are you going to meet her?”

“At the park, why?”

“Invite her here.”

“PUFF! Uhuk! Uhuk! What, why?” Matthew was very surprised by Claire’s words.

“It’s summer, it’s hot outside. It is much cooler in our house isn’t it?”

“That doesn’t explain your intention!”

“Oh~ I have no intentions at all. I just want both you and her to be safe and cool inside our home.”


“Okay then, I’ll be going now. Take care of the dishes for me would you?” Claire stood up. “Please take care of the house while we are gone.” And she quickly left while leaving behind a few giggles.

Matthew stared in the direction that she just left and sighed. “Fine aunt…” He did not want to upset his aunt who took care of him since he was little.

After he finished washing the dishes, he reached for his phone inside his pocket. “Guess I gotta tell her about the change of plans.”

‘I don’t have Rose’s number, but I’m pretty sure I can find it in the class’s group.’

He scrolled through the list of people in his class and found the one he wanted. He dialled in the number and put his phone beside his ear.

Truuuttt… Truuuttt...

The phone rang, waiting for the receiver to answer.

Matthew gulped. He was nervous.

After a while, the call was answered.

“Hello, this is Rose.”

Matthew quickly addressed himself. “Ah hello Rose, it’s Matt-”

“Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message.”

“Oh, it’s just a voicemail. Well, whatever. Listen, I want to make a change of plans. Instead of going to the park, how about we meet up at my house? D-don’t get me wrong. It’s just that my uncle and aunt won’t be home so they asked me to take care of the house. If you agree, call me back or text me or something. Uhh that’s it I guess, bye.”


Matthew ended the call quickly.

“Yeah, text me or something… Why didn’t I think of that? Ugh whatever, I should send my address to her.”

With the technology nowadays, he didn’t have to write down his address, all he had to do was just send his current location via a mapping app to Rose. With that done, he went upstairs.

Upon reaching the next floor, he suddenly received a notification. He checked it out.

“A new game is on sale right now! Only 500 000 copies! Free one day shipment! First comes first serve!” Matthew read aloud what the notification said. “...”

Without even thinking much longer, he tapped on the notification which brought him to a certain website. There was an ad for the game being played. After watching the ad, he instantly tapped on the buy button at the bottom of the screen.

PRICE: USD 1199.99

“Not bad.” He proceeded to the next process.


Matthew had just bought the game. He was very excited and couldn't wait any longer.

“While I wait for that…” Matthew entered his room and closed the door behind him.

He pulled out the chair by desk and sat on it. He turned on his desktop that was under the desk. The monitor lit up. Matthew put on his headphones and his activity started.

“Hey, is everyone ready?” He spoke to his friends that were online at the moment. “Alright, let’s go!”

Matthew proceeded to play games for who knows how long.