
Chapter 18: Hunter Exam Finale pt.2

Matthew clashed with three people at once. Attacking, dodging and blocking with all his might. Matthew was able to keep up with the onslaught of attacks and defend himself properly while also countering some of their attacks.

However, there was one person that was giving him trouble.

'His movement is so much faster and his attacks are even stronger, heck even his defense is tough too. I need to get rid of these two and deal with him later.'

With that in mind, Matthew focused his counterattacks on the two lackies. Trying to make them stay down.

Matthew swung his sword to deflect all the attacks that were coming at him. He then focused his astra into his left fist and slammed it into the ground.

The ground shook and broke apart, causing all of his opponents to lose their balance. Using this chance, Matthew first kicked Alan away as far as he could. He then proceeded to attack the big guy.

'This guy's defense must be pretty tough too. Then I'll have to put in a little bit more power.'

Matthew's sword bursted into a blaze. He swung. An explosion was set off upon contact.


The explosion sent the big guy crashing into a couple trees. After so, he did not stand up anymore.

"No! Why you-"

Without being given a chance, Matthew punched the other guy in the gut. Also sent him crashing into a tree.

"Phew~ two down, one to go." Matthew whistled.

He looked to where he had kicked Alan.


Alan suddenly jumped right in front of Matthew. Along with him was a loud thunder.

Their swords rattled on each other's blades.

"You weren't lying when you said you were holding back." Alan said.

"And I can still keep going." Matthew gave a smirk.

"Is that so? Then, show me your true power!"


The interlock broke and was then followed by a series of fierce attacks.

Rose and Cecilia who were watching held their breath in.

“I almost can’t believe the scale of their fight.” Rose said.

“They’re only students but their skill and power can be said to be of a Rookie or Novice rank.”

“We should probably stay a bit further away.” Rose slowly stepped back.

Cecilia wordlessly followed without taking her eyes off the fight.

Matthew and Alan were roughly on the same level by Rose’s and Cecilia’s standard. However, those who are much more perceptive can tell who was winning here.

Matthew was getting pushed back once again even though he already increased his power output. Alan’s speed and power was still above his.


Matthew lost his grip on his sword and it was thrown away by Alan. Now unarmed, Alan kicked Matthew. Matthew was able to cross his arms together to block it and was pushed a few meters away.

He could feel a little sting in his arms.

“Heh, is that it? Is that all that you are able to do?” Alan said with a cocky smile. “You did quite a number on them though.”

Alan was starting to talk all high and mighty again, Matthew thought. Matthew felt a little infuriated by Alan’s behaviour who lost his cool a minute ago.

‘What a cocky guy. He just keeps talking doesn he?’

“Come on~ show me your full power. See if that helps hehe. You really thought that you’d beat me or was that just your heroic side? Showing off when you can’t even deliver…”

Alan continued on with his rambling but at one point, it struck Matthew’s nerves.

“Just so you know, I’ve ‘accidentally’ killed a few people during my past takings of the exam.”

“And?” Matthew lifted an eyebrow.

“If you admit defeat now, I might just let you live. But if you don’t, I might just ‘accidentally’ kill all of you.”

Matthew’s eyes went wide. “What?”

“Don’t take it personally. It’s just, just looking at you guys infuriates me. Like garbage that needs to be thrown away. So why should I keep garbage huh?”

“... You really intend to kill us?” Matthew asked.

Alan only replied with a sly smile.

To be honest, Matthew was enjoying this fight and he wanted to prolong it. However, if something happened and he was unable to fight anymore, it might turn out bad.

Matthew decided that it was no time to hold back anymore. He now must end this quickly.

"Hey, Alan right? You said you want me to show you my full strength? Then behold."

Matthew's eyes sharpened and flared red. He released a frightening aura.

So powerful that the air itself felt heavy. Wind blew violently as blazing red aura surrounded him.

Alan did not even notice that he was shivering until he looked at his hands.

"What… What is this?" He muttered.

Rose and Cecilia hid behind a tree trying to withstand the wind. Their dresses were flapping as violently as the wind that blew.

"This is my full power." Matthew said.

Alan's eyes shook at the sight of his opponent's power.

'He's… He's been hiding such power?!'

Alan felt fear for the first time in a while. However, his ego and stubbornness overcame his fear. He stood his ground and released his own aura.

Through one's eyes who was watching the fight, they would see two tornadoes about to crash into each other. That much would explain how the others felt.

Matthew and Alan once again clashed in a furious battle. Only that this time, the winner was already clear.

Alan swung. Matthew dodged and counterattacked. Even though Matthew had lost his sword, Matthew's movement speed and attack power was far superior compared to Alan.

Matthew flawlessly dodged or blocked all of Alan's attacks and his attacks were spot on.

Matthew knocked Alan in the air, then jumping up to catch up to him mid air. Matthew gathered his astra into his right fist and struck down on Alan, sending him crashing into the solid earth below.

The battle this time was short and ended with the victor.

Matthew swiftly landed back on the ground. He looked back to where Alan had crashed.

He was knocked out cold. After confirming that his opponent was out for the count, Matthew dispersed his astra and relaxed his body.

"Fuhh~" He exhaled. "You can come out now." He said.

"Is… Is it over now?" Cecilia peeked out from behind the tree.

"Yeah, but I wasn't talking to you two. The other two behind that bush, come out."

The bush itself shook in surprise. A brief moment later, a boy and a girl came out.

"D-don't attack, okay?" The boy said.

From his voice, he clearly was holding back fear.

"I recognise you two. You were the ones that ambushed us before." Matthew said.

"Y-yes, that was us."

The boy was really straightforward. Possibly because he was scared.

Matthew tried to call them down. "Relax, no need to be tense.” He threw in a smile as well. “What’s your name?”

“Ah... It’s Chang.” The boy said.

Matthew turned to the girl which was enough for the girl to know what’s up.

“I-I’m Xia.” She said.

“Okay. I’m Matthew by the way, Cecilia, and Rose.” He pointed to himself and the others who were walking towards him. “So, what were you two doing hiding in that bush? Trying to steal back your badges I presume?”

Chang and Xia flinched when Matthew said that. Sweat beads ran down their necks as they swallowed their saliva. Matthew noticed but he tried not show his joy over his discovery since it might scare them.

He only smiled slightly. “Guess I hit the jackpot.” Matthew rummaged in his pocket and threw something at Chang. “Here.”

Chang caught it and looked at it. It was a badge.

“Did I get the number right?”

Chang was surprised. “Y-yes.”

“Alright, Rose, give the other one to her.” Matthew said.

Rose did not question and tossed a badge to Xia.

Xia caught it and her reaction was the same as Chang’s.

“Why…” Xia slowly asked.

Then Matthew was also stupefied. “Hmm I wonder why too. Well, we already have enough for ourselves. You two can go on. Just, don’t bother us anymore, okay?”

“Y-yes of course, thank you. Come on Chang.” Xia bowed profusely before immediately leaving the scene followed by Chang.

Silence filled the scene for a moment. Every one of them was thinking of Matthew’s action just now.

“Why did you give them their badges back?” Rose asked after a while.

“To be honest, I don’t know. I just thought that, maybe that was enough fighting for today, and I just… You know, did what I did.” Matthew said while staring in the distance, even though there were just trees.

“Eh…” Rose could only look at Matthew in disbelief. “Simply, you were already satisfied with the fight and now you decided to call it a day?”

“Uhh yeah I guess.”

“Ugh~ I can never understand you…” Rose shook her head and sighed.

“What about you?” This time Matthew asked.

“Hm?” Rose turned to him and tilted her head.

“You just gave that badge to them without even questioning it, why?”

“... That’s…” Rose looked away and fidgeted, as if refusing to answer.

Matthew waited for a while for an answer, but he decided to not push further. “Well anyhow, are you two okay? You’re not hurt are you?”

“Ah yes, I’m fine, I’m fine.” Rose replied, followed by Cecilia. “I’m okay too.”

“Glad to hear that. Well, I say we can wrap it up for now. Just need to be careful of any ambushes.” Matthew said as he turned around to leave the scene.

“Wait, Matt!” Rose suddenly called out.

“What is it?”

“You said we already have enough badges, right? When did you get them?” Rose asked.

“Oh that. These guys had a lot on them, see?” Matthew took out a handful of badges from inside his pocket. Roughly, Rose counted eleven badges which was more than they needed. “I grabbed them while I was fighting, just in case I couldn’t win and had to make a break for it.”

That statement left the other two shocked. “While… Fighting?”

“Yeah, just in case. But thankfully I made it through so it’s all good. Come on, hngghh~” Matthew stretched upward while moaning, “ I’m really tired after that fight. Kinda wanna take a little nap.” Then he walked away.

Rose and Cecilia followed him but their minds were still fixated on Matthew’s fight. To be able to not only fight on that scale of power but also having a chance to steal the badges without the enemies noticing, it sent shivers down their backs.

Rose was especially shocked. ‘I knew he was strong, but to this point… And here I thought I was on the same level as him.’ Rose scoffed by herself. ‘Well, I’m glad everything is okay.’

The team had just gone through a really tough fight, but it was worth it. With more than enough badges in hand, they had firmly secured the pass for the final phase.