
Chapter 78: Legendary Hunters pt.2

“What… Happened?” Matthew’s voice was weak. He saw Crone walking not far from him.

“I did not think that even one of you could injure me by this much, but I thought wrong.” Crone walked slowly past him.

Matthew saw what he looked like. Half his clothes were burnt away and was still smoking. A part of his exposed body was also charred but it was slowly healing. Once he was past, Matthew could no longer see him.

“You all held out for a good amount of time, and I was told to not kill you just yet. You all will be useful later, but this girl…” Matthew could not see him, but Crone walked up to Rose. “This girl might be useful to be kept with us for now.

Her pink hair was partly colored red with blood. Crone was about to touch it when a spark of electricity shocked his fingers.

“Don't. Touch. Me.” Rose softly said with a stern but weak tone.