
Chapter 188: Enter, The Colossi

East Cobalt Ocean, Shark clan territory.

The battle between the combined might of the five clans of the Cobalt Empire Army and the Scarlett Army was ongoing. The army that was mostly made up of the Shark clan was actually holding off the Scarlett Army very well.

The Shark clan was well known for their strength after all. This result was to be expected honestly. However, that did not mean they didn’t have their worries.

Afro was fighting against a mosasaur-like monster with just his bare hands. Even so, his punch was powerful enough to cave in the skull of the beast. Blood exploded out of the cracks of its skull as it floated lifelessly.

Another monster came from behind him. Its jaw was wide open and seemed like it was about to bite Afro’s head off. Then, a powerful blast of air bubbles hit it and cut its head clean off.

“Watch your back.” Ace said as he floated toward Afro.

Afro smiled and showed his sharp teeth. “Thanks but I didn’t need your help, you know?”