A pirate ship had engaged in combat with the merchant ship. Thanks to Matthew and Afro’s involvement, the pirates were subdued with ease. They were tied up and brought onto the main deck of the pirate ship.
“Thank you for your help, sirs.” The captain said to Matthew and Afro after they threw down the last of the pirates.
“You’re welcome.” Afro said. He was currently in his shark form. His shirt was torn and only had an oversized white shorts.
“Ugh! Who’d have thought a Dragon Emperor would be here?”
“We were fully equipped to handle this.”
A couple of the pirates whispered to each other.
“Oi!” The captain stomped the deck and shouted. “You are either going to tell me who sent you, or you will be food for the fish!” The captain was incredibly furious and scary.
“Ha! As if we’d tell you!”
“We’re loyal to the captain!”