Lonely Boy

Long time ago there was a boy who lived with his family, he was just an ordinary boy like any other boy who lived in the world. However, this boy felt like he didn't have any friend for his entire life. People might say that he had his family, but all of his families were busy doing their jobs and communicated with their own friends.

The boy couldn't have any friend because he had a really dark past which made him afraid to make a friend at school, at home, or anywhere. The only thing that could make him feel better was just writing something or cooked some food for him. However, one day he accidentally contact a girl. Luckily, he contacted the right girl and she actually the boy's classmate in an english course.

Well, at the first the relationship between these two people going really well without any kind of trouble inside it. The girl became some kind of cheerleader for the boy, she made him become a person who capable to communicate with other people. The existence of the girl inside his life made him become a really different person, without costing him his prestation or his performance at school. Nobody may realize it, but the boy really grateful to have that girl in his life. However, by the time the girl suddenly changed and avoiding the boy. She suddenly stopped answering the boy's message and that made him super sad. But he didn't stop texting the girl when he had free time.

A few months later, the girl texted the boy and apologised for not answering the boy's message for a while. The Boy forgived her and their relationship continued till one day, the girl asked the reason of the boy chatted her. The boy said that he wanted to know the girl more. Unfortunately the girl replied that she hated the boy and she blocked him. The boy tried to apology, but he never got respond from her. Of course that made him really sad and became a lonely boy again. But he still pushed himself to study for changing himself into a better man.