
We all live in the same earth and we all feel almost the same thing with another creatures. However everything had changed since the Corona virus or well known as Covid 19, we are all forced to live and stay at home and let the doctors and medic team do their job. Every single thing that we feel is different, especially for people who live far away from his or her family and partner. Well, as the government said that all we have to do is just stay at home.

Well, we have to say that it is the right thing to do. But, we all know that when we are doing just the same thing for all day will lead us to be bored and right now most people feel that. Except when you are somebody who has enough money or creativity to make your day always fun and different. We have to say that not everybody can do that, there will be a part when humans feel really bored and nothing can entertain them anymore. The government may gonna say :

Government : " Love your family and just stay at home."

However they don't think how's the feeling of people who live far away from his or her family and partners, people who have limited supply, people who suffers in poverty, and etc. We cannot call every body or everything just in the same level. Not all of us are in the same level, there are some economic classes and not everybody in the highest level of it. There are some people who cannot live without working outside from home, there are some people who don't have enough money or resources to work online. Not every country also ready to make their people work from home cause not every single kind of job can be done at home.

People also will suffer with this policy (stay at home), humans have feeling we must be missing our family, our partner, our friends and everything. No matter how strong we are and how patient we are we must be feeling it. Humans are weak, we cannot live by ourselves with this policy it makes us separate from people who we love and people who actually we need and of course we feel sad about that. Some people may say that we need to stay strong on facing this plague, but how are we suppose to be strong when we are far away from our family and beloved one!???

Well, it may be hard but the only thing that we have to do is be patient and trust the god. We can't hoping to the government, we suppose to put our hope in Allah SWT. Because Allah is our god and only in Allah we can trust something. So, let's just face this situation with everything that we've got and we don't need to feel all that sort of bad feelings. Just try to face it with smile and not giving up from this plague. Together (even separately), we are strong cause we have god who protect us and believe that everything is already being scheduled even if we feel like it's like injustice but just stay strong because we can do it.