When you're in front of the enemy
even if your hands are trembling
-Kureo Mado
A woman draped in a deep indigo cloak shouted.
I could only see her chapped lips, high level magic prevents me from seeing anything else.
My breath comes out in short pants as I collect myself. I don't feel safe here. An evil aura lurks around that has my skin covered in goosebumps. My muscles are tensed tight, ready for any sudden movement that could be a threat.
"I just want to speak to you." Her voice is soft, smooth, seductive. It makes me wonder what type of work she does.
I don't answer her, I only stare, apprehensiveness clear as day in my eyes.
"I know you don't trust me. I wouldn't either. I'm sorry about the sudden attack earlier, one of my clans high ranking elders wanted to test you. You're pretty strong for your age."
I let no emotion show on my face. "I'd like to propose an alliance."
An alliance? For what!? Do they know who I am?