In her room, Joline sat... contemplating her entire life. With the door shut, of course, that was the only way she could really be free. In front of her sat a container full of pills. She didn’t know (or even remember) where they came from but, she didn’t care. All she wanted was to blot the whole world out and concentrate on herself. She didn’t even care about leaving Tyler who seemed way too obsessed with talking about his own life which, Joline did not need. She needed to take a break from this overwhelming atmosphere full of wisps persuading her to take more. She bustled out of the room where she found her parents sitting down cosily watching TV but... she just thought... what if they were better off without her. What if, the only way she could finally get her validations – was to be gone. And in that spur of the moment, she dashed up the stairs went to her room. As if it was nothing, she popped the last pill into her mouth and... gone.