


Spending time with my parents has been more than what I hoped for. We went all over L.A. visiting the sights. I had been the one to buy mom and dad their house in L.A. nearly two years ago. It was a promise I made to them when I started this whole performer thing. I made sure they lived in a quiet neighborhood where they could roam around and enjoy nature as much as they want.

Three weeks had passed by much quicker than I thought they would. I mostly kept to myself, not bothering to check social media much and just enjoying being with my family. It was like my own little vacation before the band became busy again.

Currently, I was stood waiting for my luggage at Sydney Airport. About ten different fans have already come up to me and asked for a picture or an autograph, and even though I barely got any sleep in the plane, I tried not to show how jet-lagged I was. It was the least I could do for them. Thankfully, they were all very nice and weren't that evasive.

Liam had texted me a few minutes ago saying how he was already waiting for me. Truth be told, during the few weeks I was away there wasn't a day where I would not think about Liam at least once, which I knew was absolutely crazy.

Besides a few texts here and there, we didn't really talk after the video-call.

A few moments later, I had successfully claimed all my bags and was about to call Liam to ask where he was when I spotted the small crowd and the 6 foot-something blonde towering over all of them in the middle. I stopped in my tracks, smiling as I watched Liam interacting with the people around him. They weren't getting too close to him, which was a relief. I wasn't in the mood to be escorted by security right now.

Liam paused from a conversation he was having when he saw me. He waved, said something to the people around him, and they let him pass so he could make his way towards me. He was actually jogging towards where I was. Behind him, phone cameras were being pointed at us.

I spoke up, Liam a few feet away. "I'm hoping you weren't too grumpy to those people."

He stopped right in front of me, arms immediately wrapping around my waist and face ducking into my neck.

For a moment, I couldn't breathe, not at all prepared for the sudden affection. I could feel Liam's breath on my neck and his hair tickling my cheek.

The sudden ‘aww’ sounds coming from the crowd of people filming us snapped me back into reality.

Liam was putting on a good show.

I hugged him back, ignoring whatever emotion was attempting to stir inside me. "Hey, Walker." I greeted him. He pulled away and I took a good look at his face. "You should shave, man."

"You're just jealous because you can't grow facial hair." Liam lifted his head, and I examined the small stubble he'd apparently been growing since I went away. I let out a sarcastic laugh, humoring him. My eyes landed back on the group of people who had been talking to Liam earlier. "They're still taking pictures."

"Shocking. I wonder why?" Liam whispered back. It was work not to roll my eyes. He looked like he was about to say something when I kissed his jaw, stubble and all. Another chorus of ‘awww’s erupted.


"A reminder," I smirked, letting my arms fall to my sides and trying my damn hardest not to make it obvious that I was embarrassed by what I just did. "For you to shave. If I can't have facial hair, neither can you."

Liam smirked back. He went to grab my suitcase before I could even protest. "You don't have the option to have facial hair, Caleb. I do."

I stuck my tongue out like a mature adult.

We started walking towards the exit, passing by the group of people on the way. A few of them asked me for pictures as well. And then there were those who asked for a picture with both Liam and I.

After taking a picture, a girl with bright red hair asked, "Caleb? I just wanted to know what is it you like most about Liam?"

There were many things I could have answered, but I kept it simple. "I like his cooking skills." I replied. That seemed couple-y enough, right?

Few more pictures later, Liam and I were walking hand-in-hand towards the parking lot, him wheeling my suitcase behind. I insisted that he didn't need to do that and that I was fine, but he just wouldn't budge.

I waited until we got to his car before I let go of his hand.

After placing my luggage into his trunk and getting into our seats, Liam started the engine. "So, how was Los Angeles?"

"Hot. Very sunny. Just like I remember." Music started to play through the speakers. Liam had connected his phone to the speakers before driving off.

While I was still on the airplane, I spent a lot of time worried about how it would be awkward between Liam and I. Contrary to my beliefs, the conversation continued on like normal. It seemed as if he wasn't going to bring up the kiss anytime soon, and I don't think I should either. I understood why Liam couldn't, he told me so himself. I knew where he was coming from.

"What do you have scheduled so far?" He asked.

My head leaned back and I closed my eyes as I tried to recall the email Patricia had sent us about what our schedules consisted of. "Honestly? Too many things. We have non-stop interviews and meetings since the tour's starting soon, plus rehearsals next week. Don't get me wrong, I really am excited, and I'm so grateful we're going to have a world tour. I'm just saying, I'm pretty sure these next two weeks will drain me."

Liam shot me a look of sympathy before locking his eyes on the road again. "Look on the bright side, once these two weeks are over you'll be so excited for your first show you'll probably forget all about how tired you've been."

I nodded, acknowledging his point. "What about you?" I asked. "What do you have planned for the next two weeks?"

"I have, I think, three more interviews for the new movie," Liam began to tick off his list of things to do. "Courtney said she'll confirm with my agent what day this week my two other photoshoots will be, a brand deal I can't share much about since we'll still be discussing the final details soon, then I'm meeting with people all week for an upcoming movie."

My eyebrows rose, both impressed and a little worried. "You're a pretty busy guy yourself."

"Uh-huh. Today's actually the last day-off I'll have in a while."

"Liam," I couldn't tell if he knew I was frowning at him. "You could've been resting or something, not driving back and forth just to pick me up from the airport."

He chuckled at that, making me frown even more. "Relax, will you? I wanted to pick you up."

"Well, you made the wrong choice." I mumbled, causing Liam to laugh again.

"I don't think so," Liam shrugged. He shot me another look. "I do want to go somewhere, though. Care to join me?"

My eyes narrowed at him. "That depends. Where are we going?" It didn't matter where we were headed, actually. I knew I'd go with him anywhere once he asked.


"The Sea Cliff Bridge?"

I'd be more confused if I didn't see Liam smiling so much. "Yeah! You know, some fresh air would do us both some good." He lowered both windows and immediately I felt the wind hit my face.

"Fresh air? That's why we're here?" My voice had to be a bit louder since the sound of the wind was quite loud and Liam was currently singing along to The Anthem by Good Charlotte.

"I come here when I want to take my mind off things."

"What happens when we reach the end?"

"Then we go back and do it again."

I shook my head. "You're crazy."

"Enjoy your surroundings, Caleb. Really look." Liam seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself, which I guess was good enough in my book.

I faced towards the sea, watching as large waves hit the shore. I let myself enjoy the moment, the feeling of salty wind and being seated in Liam's car like we were the only two people in the world.

The current song playing had ended. I didn't notice at first, but it was apparently my voice singing through the speakers.

Head’s spinning, ears ringing

The world’s been getting to me.

And lately, I’ve found myself wishing

To put behind all this catastrophe.

My gaze flickered from Liam's phone then at Liam himself. "You have my song on your phone?"

Liam winked at me before turning up the volume.

You take my hand, you catch my glance

Right here in the dark with our door locked

Right here with you is where I want to be

And suddenly he was singing at the top of his lungs. "Because everything with you feels right, now everything seems alright! We can’t change facts but we can delay them, because with you there’s endless possibilities!" He continued to sing along, very loudly might I add, even going so far as to start drumming on the steering wheel. "There’s gotta be magic in your touch. When we’re together things come together, in this space we can get lost forever. Honestly, the temptation’s getting to be a bit too much."

Of course, I decided to go along. "A future with uncertainty is terrifying," I sang just as loud, making Liam stop and stare at me with this big grin present on his face. "But together we’re gravity defying!"

Then we were both singing along as loud as we could, the wind carrying our voices and the people in the few cars passing by probably looking at us like we were a couple of weirdos.

I was starting to understand what Liam meant. Here, it felt like I was floating.

And when the time comes, we’ll have to face reality again

Whatever road’s ahead of me, I promise I’ll get through

As long as the ending’s with you

I turned to Liam who now had his arm stretched outside the window, feeling the wind on his hand.

Because everything with you feels right

Now everything seems alright

We can’t change facts but we can delay them

Because with you there’s endless possibilities

The whole scene had me unable to look away from Liam. Maybe it was the way the sunlight fell upon his face, making his hair seem golden and the light hitting him beautifully no matter what angle he turned his head.

Because with you nothing’s out of reach

With you’s the only time I feel at ease

We can’t change facts but we can delay them

Because with you there’s endless possibilities

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Maybe it was the way the blue sea or the clear sky were mirrored in his eyes. Maybe it was because he was still singing along to my song at the top of his lungs, his whole being looking at peace and just so happy.

Because everything with you feels right

Now everything seems alright

We can’t change facts but we can delay them

Because with you there’s endless possibilities

It amazed me just how much I could be in love with a moment.

Because with you nothing’s out of reach

With you’s the only time I feel at ease

We can’t change facts but we can delay them

Because with you there’s endless possibilities

And how much I could be in love with a person.