

Caleb was angry at Liam.

It wasn't because of just any petty reason. Liam had ditched Caleb last night to hang out with some guy from his school.

When Liam finally did see Caleb the day after, he was shocked to find out that Caleb wasn't talking to him, refused to even look his way.

"Why are you being like this?" Liam sat on his best friend's bed, inches away from Caleb who didn't even look up from the book he had on his lap. "Are you angry? Did I do something wrong?"

Caleb flipped onto a new page, not really paying attention to the printed words and wishing Liam would just leave. He really was still pissed.

"Caleb," Liam tried again. "Caleb, seriously?" Nothing. "You know, it's kind of unfair that you won't even tell me what I did wrong. We're fourteen, not six."