Ser Jaime patted Ben on the shoulder before leaning over the map.
" Now the tunnels, they aren't big or stable enough that we can send an army in. But if we send half a dozen men, they might be able to sneak into the castle. We split up into two forces. A fourth of our men march to the castle from the North, through Idris. The enemy will be focused on preparing the main gate for a siege, they'll expect us to barge in through their front door. The eastern and western gates are heavily guarded. It's impossible to force our way in through those. But that's only from the outside. Our main force rides towards the eastern gate, avoiding the city altogether.
Now the men we sent through those tunnels, their job is going to be to open up the eastern gate for us. Once they succeed, we'll rush in and overwhelm them before they can regroup. That way, we can have the upper hand. That way, we might just win."