

They won. Except they didn't really. It didn't feel that way when she looked at the piles of corpses gathered in the courtyard.

They didn't celebrate.

The first two days were a blur. The bodies of all the dead were collected and gathered in the courtyard. Celeste could not help but stare at the endless rows of corpses all covered in white sheets.

She had been foolish to think that it would end any other way.

War was easy compared to what came after. No one felt when they were on the brink of dying, they were too busy trying to stay alive. But when the war was over and you looked at the never endings rows of bodies, wondered how many of them were your friends, wondered how many of them you had killed...

That was the most torturous part of the war.

No one looked cheerful. No one was celebrating. Not many were talking either. They were all assessing their losses. They were all too busy thinking about the corpses.