Chapter 38: Winter Break Part 1

Months had passed now. The first week after the test ended came and went with me and the dominating win of Class A being the hot topic. I would often hear the students talking about how I'm a virgin when I slept with a girl my age. I did get called by my juniors and other third-years. They were inviting me to hangout with them. There were a few confessions too that I rejected. It's because what they were feeling wasn't love. They're just infatuated and saw my victory as somewhat a way to test me.

"It's snow."

I like the snow that were falling down the sky. The moment it touches your skin it gives you a slight chill and it will disperse not lasting a minute. Christmas is just around the corner. And our winter break will soon come.

Even though we will surely pass the 1st semester, everyday classes were still there and we were still taking weekly tests, raking more points. I would also often go to the Battlegrounds to see what was new.

"Good morning."