The door to Mimy’s apartment felt like a looming, overbearing burden.
Lucius wanted to live here until he died.
He had fallen in love with the city. He had always wanted a peaceful life, one where he could live honorably and proudly.
But for that life, he had to sacrifice a child. One that had not known fear or lies. One that had never committed any sins, except existing.
But he knew, deep down, that Mimy was just an illusion.
The entire life that Hunters who remain in this dungeon live are just that, illusions. This city no longer exists. It was created by the king to show Hunters what real life could be like.
But what is life anyway but a dream? Living in this dungeon is the same as living outside of it.
We think, therefore we are. Lucius is thinking in this dungeon; therefore he does exist in this dream. The people in this dungeon think, feel, have hopes and dreams.
They are just as real as any one of us.
But that is precisely why, he could not abandon Mimy.