Jack gave them a kind smile.
But kindness was not seen behind those eyes.
“Zoe, dear. You should really learn how to pick your allies” said Jack.
“Francis, I have a somewhat strange power that lets me control temperature and fire,” she said.
As her hands lit up in fire, she sent a massive fireball at Jack.
But Jack snapped his fingers, and the fireball disappeared. Suddenly, the entire plantation was burning. It had randomly appeared behind them.
Francis was still analyzing the strange magic that Jack used. Everything in this universe is tied down to a rule, a principle that could not be ignored. That was what the lady had told him.
The only thing that can create matter out of thin air are angels. Hunters create and use their abilities through energy. It was as if they absorbed the calories of their prey, and through that energy, they used their abilities. It followed Einstein’s famous equation.
There must be rules to his usage of magic.