The smoke covered his eyes.
Like a curtain, hiding away the reality of everything.
He kept staring away.
A suffocating feeling pushed him down.
The color blue sparkled with great attention.
A sigh escaped his mouth.
When exactly it managed to do this?
He does not know.
Time moves on at a very slow pace.
He keeps going.
Afraid to harm those around him.
How can someone live like this?
This is the fate of those that are blessed with too much intelligence, the psychology book says.
Then why do I commit so many stupid mistakes?
There is no answer to that question.
A sick feeling persists around him.
But you have friends? a whisper comes around.
But these feelings persist, he means to say.
But he is not heard.
Will he ever be heard?
Sometimes he smokes.
He hates it.
More than anything in the world.
It makes him feel sick.
He still does it anyway.
An actual feeling of sickness is better than this, he tells himself.