"Umm... what are you doing, Mee?" Kevin asked worriedly. Mia had been constantly ringing an irritating handbell as soon as they entered her house.
Mia turned around to face him while her long locks of hair swirled around in an elegant fashion, making Kevin’s heart skip a beat. “You’ll get to know it soon,” she winked at him playfully and got back to her work.
Kevin’s lips puckered on their own at her reply, as this wasn’t what he was expecting, at all, when he decided to drop her. “First the boys didn’t let us spend any alone time and now this irritating bell,” he rolled his eyes as he dropped himself on the couch. His eyes wandered to the ‘perfect-in-a-crazy-way’ girl he was madly in love with. Gradually he got lost in his endless thoughts of how they were always fighting to now, being totally smitten by each other.