
Ch 44 : New world Beginning

The worst possible scenario was yet to begin. Ella was in a state of scepticism. While being carried on the wagon, she was not certain if she could hold her life for long.

The worst she could remember was hours back when she was sold out to the man who was receiving enormous respect for being a noble and was getting addressed by his fellows as the duke, Lord Rosario.

It did not take long for Alex to come back to his senses. Alex might own a much slender figure with a delicate face screaming his elegance having not a single mark on his skin. But he was the alpha who had the power over most of the wolves. He was strong undoubtedly.

Value of him increased so much that it was almost on the verge of a war between the nobles. Alex if had tried, could free himself and took the charge. But Ella instantly informed him about the situation and ordered him to keep his calm.