Near Oblivion

Filled with peace and harmony, people proceeded accordingly with their schedules and everyday lives when suddenly, somewhere within the globe… Monsters appeared taking the shapes of carnivorous mutant and chimera animals… Giant centipedes as large as a building rampaged, Bears with horns, wings, and armor of a rhinoceros beetle devoured several civilians, and overgrown bees what could suck blood plagued a whole city.

News spread, alerting all the areas that were not yet terrorized, allowing them time to build tight defense around their areas, using every method they can think of. Metallic walls, taller than the largest buildings were constructed around the cities. Traps and bombs were also planted on several places in hopes of stopping these monsters they now call “The Oblivoids.”

Cities that were not able to reinforce on time were mercilessly destroyed… Settlements that were prepared had hard times dealing with the said monsters. In the end, Humanity was at a loss, to the point that lights of hope left their eyes. Until one day, as if in response to the uprising crises and terrors, children with supernatural abilities were born across the surviving settlements around the world. These abilities of the children were named as “Blessings,” along with the children, being called “The Blessed.” People around them staked their lives in order to protect and nurture them.

Years have passed… many people lost their lives, protecting their hope for survival… their sacrifices were not in vain. With the help of the Blessed, people began their counterattack against the Oblivoids, taking back what they have lost. Of course, death was inevitable. Time passed, and people found a way to process the remains of these Oblivoids into weapons capable of killing Oblivoids, entitling these tools as “Zeds.”

These are deadly weapons capable of giving its wielder equivalent capabilities as the Blessed. Of course, wielding these came with a price. Not everyone ended up being able to wield them. Only those who are highly, or completely compatible with these tools were able to use them. These people with such compatibility were called, “The Haulus.”

Later on, humanity was able to bring back most of its former glory. They also succeeded in pushing back the Oblivoids, but not to the brink of extinction. Technology also advanced significantly thanks to the Oblivoid remains, enabling tools to be made similar to the Zeds, but are usable by anyone, even those that are not considered as a Haulus. Years and years have passed, and just like people hoped, their peace lasted.

Leaders across the world established their own academies in order to train all those that are capable, in order to avoid similar horrors like what happened in the past. Among these schools is the Royal Chaos Academy, a school of prestige and fame, and where the prodigy, Dright Azure was enrolled at along with his sister, Quare Azure. Within this school lies another organization, the Royal Phantoms.