
"Good morning, Brother." she greeted with a light smile.

"Good morning." Dright greeted back.

Then, a thought came to Dright as he walked in closer to where Quare is.

"Come to think of it, Project Oblia doesn't have any proper attire... I can't just leave her on those clothes for long... hmmm..."

"Hey, Quare. Do you still have some of your old clothes?" Dright asked.

Quare gave a puzzled expression.

"I still have my old clothes, but.... what will you need those for..?"

Upon hearing this, Dright quickly thought for a second and came up with an excuse.

"Well, you see, there was this collapsed young girl I saw last night, unconscious and she was lying on the streets. I couldn't leave her in that state, so I carried her home. I couldn't just leave her on those clothes, so can I borrow some of yours..?"

Hearing this, Quare gazed at Dright with eyes of suspicion.



"I see... by the way, brother, you didn't do anything dirty to that girl, did you..?"

Hearing this, Dright let out a confused look.

"Huh..? Why would I do something like that?"

Quare was speechless. Quare's face was obviously saying, "Really..? My tactless and oblivious brother? Do nothing to a defenseless girl..? Really..?" She thought of this as she took a sip on her glass of milk.

"By the way, did you sleep together in the same room?" Quare asked, and Dright retorted calmly.


"I see. All right. I'll let you borrow some of my clothes on one condition." Hearing this, Dright anticipated something serious.

"What condition..?"

"I'll be the one to dress her."

Dright dropped his shoulders and thought, "That's it..?"

"Okay." As he gave his reply, Dright thought, "I guess that's fine. It's not like Project Oblia will do anything to her if she's asleep." He thought of this with his mind still half asleep. He didn't think deep enough.

With this, Quare gave a satisfied look as she placed her glass of milk atop the dining table. When she reached the stairway, Quare remembered something as she turned to look at Dright.

"I know you haven't had any breakfast yet, brother, so I went ahead and made u some!" She said this with a cheerful smile before completely turning around.

Footsteps that climbed the stairs resounded.

Dright doesn't realize it, but that smile from his sister just made his morning.

Dright stared at the glass of milk that Quare placed atop the table. Then, he went to grab a cup, then proceeded to brew some coffee at the kitchen counter. Then a thought came up to his brain.

"Wait... what if Project Oblia..."

The thought finally crossed his mind. What if Project Oblia was already awake? If so, it was dangerous to let his sister go alone. After all, there is still too little information about Oblia. Nothing is scarier than the unknown because who knows what it might do.

And so, Dright rushed over to them with his portal.

"Quare are you--?!" He shouted in a panic with his right hand reaching forward. Half of his body passing through the portal he created.

He ended up right at the back of the door. The light from the morning sun outshined the image of Quare. She is definitely along with another person. She was with a little girl sitting upright on the bed's foam, which is Oblia. Both of her hands were raised, wearing nothing. Her eyes, peeking from the small spaces of her bangs, glows the vivid color of ruby amidst the shadows made by the morning sun. Meanwhile, Quare was standing in front of the said girl. She was holding a one-piece dress and was about to put on Oblia.

Quare noticed Dright instantly and stared at him with a surprised face, but was then transformed immediately into a face of disgusted look. Shadows overshadowed her eyes.

"Brother....?" She said with a smile with a dark aura.

"... Ehh hehe... sorry..??" Upon saying this with a wry smile, he retracted his body back slowly, exiting his portal, and ending up right in front of the kitchen counter where he was brewing coffee earlier.

But now, he has confirmed that Project Oblia is now awake. He only had little time to analyze her, but sure enough, nothing was abnormal with her body for now.

But even so, what Dright did was very unlike him. The usual calm Dright would never panic. He can be a bit irrational when it comes to his sister.

After brewing some coffee, he went to get a plate then ate the food that Quare made for him at the dining table. He gratefully ate the food while temporarily forgetting about the complicated things. After that, he grabbed his phone that he left on his bed with his portal then sent a message to his father. He texted Project Oblia's situation.


After some time, Quare went down to where Dright is, who is peacefully sipping coffee at the dining table

When Dright noticed Quare approaching, he noticed that she had a depressed look, then, he saw Project Oblia, who was right behind Quare, holding a part of her sleeves. Her expression was blank and her bangs were thick, covering both of her eyes. Her ruby-colored eyes were peeking from the small spaces of her bangs.

When Dright saw Oblia, his calm expression shifted to a slightly serious one. He secretly thought of the fact that his sister is walking with someone she barely knew of without getting shy.

Then, Quare spoke up, catching Dright's attention.

"Brother.... this girl said that she doesn't remember anything from her past... much less her own name..."

". . ."

Upon hearing this, a thought came to his mind.

"Maybe she isn't shy because she feels sad for her..? or is it because Oblia is younger..?"

Then, as if realizing how irrelevant the thing he was thinking of, he shook his head to shake off the unnecessary thoughts then went back to the subject at hand.

".... I see... now that's troublesome... Did you talk to her..?"

Hearing this, Quare nodded.

Dright shifted his gaze once again to Project Oblia. "Is that true, little girl?"

Oblia nodded.

Dright calmly analyzed the situation.

"Project Oblia... most likely, she had been transplanted with Oblivoid genes... Oblia probably isn't her real name, and if I ever utter this name in public, people would most likely realize that it's from the word Oblivoid, though I think they'd just normally brush it off as saying that her parents just have weird naming senses... not to mention... people linked from that organization would instantly realize her real identity..."

By this organization, he meant the one he destroyed last night. The building that was burned to ashes by Carnage was just one of the many secret bases of this certain organization. Royal Phantom had been working endlessly on eradicating them for quite a while now. The Blue Carnage occasionally, but unintentionally, helps the Royal Phantoms. This group of people calls themselves, "Grimmers." This organization has never succeeded in their experiments thus far, causing the deaths of many innocent people. The objective of the group was still not clear. But... seeing Project Oblia, things were starting to change for the worst.

So with that in mind, Dright thought of a name.

"I guess, for now, we should call her... Lia. I mean it's troublesome if we don't have any means of calling her... is that okay with you..?"

Saying this, Dright looked at the girl that was peeking from behind Quare with a faint smile.

Oblia, who is now called Lia, nodded as a response. Satisfied, Dright stood up from his seat.

"Alright then. I guess I should also get ready for school."

As he said this, he opened a portal to his storage, stepped inside, then when he got out of the portal, he was now clothed in his uniform and was fresh out of the bath. The reason was that time is frozen inside the portal, and for some reason, he doesn't drain a lot of energy when he is inside the portal. The only thing different was when he stores other living creatures other than him. That is when he gets very tired instantly.

His dimensional storage had a bath and a closet. The bath's water came from a water tank, which he fills up occasionally. How did these fit? It's because inside his storage is a never-ending space. With these, he took his time within the dimensional storage, then went back out as if he was only out for a second.

"Well then, time to go." He said this while fixing his necktie.

Hearing this, Quare got anxious. She seems to be worried about leaving Lia alone. Dright noticed this, then as if on cue, his phone rang. He took his phone from his pocket, then read a notification of a message from his Father.

As he read his message, Dright smiled, then walked towards Lia. He then lowered his posture in order to match Lia's eye level. Then he asked.

"Would you like to come to school with us?"