Abduction 2

After Dright exited the infirmary, he tried opening a portal that leads to the Headmaster’s office while walking but to no avail, he wasn’t able to. A portal did open, but it wasn’t big enough for him to fit, and he couldn’t maintain it for long as it disappeared after a second. He stopped for a while to muster his energy to open a portal big enough for him but yielded the same result. Finally, he tried to open a small portal to his storage. He was able to maintain it without complications. He then closed it, and his energy got consumed, making him stumble and lean at the wall. To be exact, He was testing his current capabilities. Dright felt dizzy and took a break for five minutes before proceeding his way out of the school. At the same time at the infirmary, Maroon woke up.

After walking down the stairs, Dright made a turn and leaned his back on the railing, opened a small portal to his storage, and took out his earpiece to contact Ceda. He inspected his surroundings first to see if there is anybody around for confidentiality. Once he confirmed that the coast was clear, Dright equipped his earpiece and contacted Ceda.

“How may I be of service, sir Dright..?” Ceda immediately replied. In response, Dright had Ceda report what happened after he retreated. Ceda reported that Hanzo suddenly disappeared on its radar, even if it could detect every life signature within the city.

“I see…” Dright replied as he placed his hand on his chin. He was pondering for what possibly happened but was only able to think of one.

“He probably has some sort of signal jamming device with him…” Dright murmured as he searched for more possibilities, but nothing came to mind.

And then lastly,

“Did you relay the information to the higher-ups already?”

“Yes…” Ceda answered. Hearing its reply, Dright let out a sigh of relief. With it, he no longer needed to go to the office and proceed on going home.

Meanwhile, Crimson grabbed his bag as he went out of the infirmary and walked in the same direction as Dright did. Then, Crimson heard a familiar voice as he stopped by the first step on the stairs going down. He couldn’t understand the words since it was weak, but he clearly recognized that it was Dright’s voice.

“Who are you talking to, Dright?” A familiar voice suddenly spoke to Dright, catching his attention. With it, he immediately looked where the voice came from and saw Crimson, standing at the stairs with a curious look on his face.

“The headmaster asked me for a few things…” Dright lied.

“How far did he hear…” He thought at the same time.

“I see,” Crimson replied with his usual expression.

Dright was walking far too slow due to his weakened state, which is why Crimson caught up to him. Not to mention the five-minute break he took.

“Were you eavesdropping..?” Dright asked directly with a bit of coldness in his tone.

“Of course not. I’m not that kind of a person.” Crimson answered calmly.

Hearing Crimson’s answer, Dright intensified his look and glared at Crimson, giving pressure to him. The reason why Dright did as such was to squeeze more out of him to determine if he was telling the truth or not. Dright's action startled Crimson as he flinched and gave a nervous smile.

“Wha?! I’m telling the truth!” Crimson retorted strongly, convincing Dright that he didn’t lie. Seeing Crimson's reaction made Dright loosen up back to his usual expression as he continued walking again.

Crimson observed Dright, who is now walking at a slow pace with his hands in his pockets.

“Where are you going?” Crimson asked with a hint of worriedness within him.

But Dright kept silent and just kept on walking unsteadily.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Crimson said as he leaped down from the stairs and landed right beside Dright.

“Let’s walk together!” Crimson exclaimed to Dright as if he already forgot what Dright did to him yesterday. Remembering how optimistic Crimson was, Dright let out a sigh and said,

“Do as you please…”

Meanwhile, with Quare. Almost all customers have left the bookshop. Quare is currently reading a book by the shelves near the transparent glass walls of the store. But then, a certain blonde-haired boy wearing a support course uniform stopped by the street across the road of the shop. That blonde-haired boy was Kira, one of the Royal Phantoms. He stopped and stole a gaze at Quare through the transparent walls of the store.

“I wonder who she is…” Kira asked himself as he took another glimpse at Quare. Unlike most of the Royal Phantom members, Kira is unaware of Quare’s and Dright’s relationship. There are plenty of chances for him to speak to Quare at school, but for some unknown reason, he’d always get interrupted either by a stray drone or Dright suddenly appearing to distract him. Same situation when he sees Quare by the bookshop.

He then let out a sigh as he remembered some other things he needed to attend to as he started walking again.

Then, a nameless person bumped shoulders with Kira as he apologized lightly before walking once again. Kira didn’t look at the anonymous person’s details but what he did know is that he was wearing a black-colored long-sleeved polo. Same as Kira, the nameless person stopped at the same position where he stood and mumbled something.

Then suddenly, Quare’s phone vibrated. Quare noticed as she took it out of her bag and saw a message from Dright.

“I’m on my way now.” was the content of his message. Dright didn’t need to ask where she was anymore since Quare would always be at one place whenever Dright gets late. She was about to send a reply, but then all of a sudden, the network service suddenly turned to none, which rarely happens around the city. For now, she inputted her reply and sent it, hoping that the service would get back soon. She then decided to buy the book she was reading as she took it at the counter and paid by scanning her phone at the scanner. Unaware of Dright’s state, she assumed that he would immediately be there at the entrance when she exits out of the shop. But, what awaited Quare was a man in his mid-20s, staring at her at the other side of the road, with the shine of his glasses hiding his eyes.

Meanwhile with Raven and Lia, after walking for quite a while, are now finally near the academy. The route they are currently on was connected to the bookshop where Quare is. Raven is holding Lia’s hand as they walk at their own pace. But then suddenly, a chill ran down her spine as two figures formed in her field of vision on the other side of the road. Her cat instincts detect something horrible was about to happen as her fur on her ears stood up in response.

Raven fastened her pace slightly. Lia noticed the change as she also adjusted without saying anything. Now that they’ve gotten close enough, Raven can now clearly perceive the two images. One of them is familiar, but she couldn't recognize the other one. As they got close enough, Raven pulled Lia to an alleyway and peaked out slightly.

“Quare? Who is that guy with her?” Raven thought as she enforced her senses to hear better.

“Hey, kid. I want to ask you some things…” the anonymous guy said.

“Y-yes?” Quare answered while not looking at the man’s eyes with a shaking voice.

“For the time being, I should inform Dright…” Raven thought as she reached out for her phone and dialed Dright’s ID.

“Network issue. Please try again later…”

Raven then checked her network connectivity, and it was zero. She then placed her phone back as she deemed it useless at this time in need. So far, Raven wasn’t able to follow their conversation since their voices were too weak. But then, her instincts told her that something bad has happened. Raven looked back at the two as her eyes widened in surprise.

Raven saw Quare, who was conversing with the suspicious person, suddenly stumble on her feet. Seconds later, Quare loosened her grip, dropping her bag to the ground as the anonymous person lifted Quare to his shoulders.

"Whew!" The person let out as he then proceeded walking. The shop keeper took notice of such happening as she pressed the emergency alarm to inform the security.

Suddenly, a square-shaped hole appeared as four offensive type automatons jumped out from it. Upon landing, the robots surrounded the person and pointed their guns at him. That person released a sigh as he swept his arm in the air. At the same time, the four automatons surrounding him immediately got destroyed. At that moment, Raven observed the person's arm disappearing as it slowly formed back to its original state after the destruction of the robots.

"Geez! How troublesome! Can't you just spare me for being injured?" He said as he pointed at the bloodstained part of his pants.

"What’s he doing here?” Raven said as she clicked her tongue.