Meanwhile, with Lia, Raven, and Rheyya.
"You mean Dright didn't tell you?"
Raven's remark made Rheyya confused. Rheyya was one of the people that Dright didn't tell what happened to Quare.
"… he didn't…." Rheyya replied. Raven and Lia momentarily stared at each other before relaying what had happened.
"Why not come to our room for now." Raven invited Rheyya. Meanwhile, Rheyya seemed hesitant as she stole a gaze at her room. Raven noticed this.
"You can fix your room later. Don't worry, we'll help too! Come on, let's go!" Raven said as she grabbed Rheyya's hand. Startling Rheyya in the process as Raven dragged her to their room.
"Have a seat and make yourself at home!" As the three finally entered the room, Raven led Rheyya and Lia towards a small table by the window with three chairs. Lia and Rheyya sat while Raven went to brew some tea with teacups with a cat-themed design. Humming in the process.