Mart and Aimscious alighted at the school's entrance, while Vicky on the other hand watched them from the school's hall with disdain as they sauntered to the campus ,hand in hand, chattering and laughing.
" This is the last time you'll see a smile or laughter on your face in this school, Aims- Get ready for what's coming." She smirked and gave an odd smile. Turning on her feet, she trod off back to the class.
Vicky settled back in her desk with a sinister smile as she signaled her friends , Marta and Rita to over. They got to her desk and sat settled next to her.
“What's up girl? –why this sudden meeting?
Did you miss us already? ” Asked Rita, tickling and teasing her.
“ Stop it Rita, its tickling.” She laughed.
“It's Okay , Rita. Let's know the reason why she called before our teacher comes in.”
Martha cautioned.