After an hour drive, Pius and Aims pulled over in front of the restaurant. Pius quickly got down and opened the door for her with a broad smile on his face.

" Here we are..your highness......", he uttered calmly.

" Thank you...", she cried, blushing.

They entered the restaurant, hand in hand and sat on an empty table in the middle of the restaurant.

" Good afternoon... welcome to Linsey's restaurant...what may I offer you ", a waitress approached.

They nodded at each other and smiled.

" May I see the menu...?", Aimscious exclaimed.

The waitress handed over the menu to her and stood by their table patiently for their order.

" we'll take vegetable rice with potato chips. But first get us some fruit juice...", ordered Aims, handling over the menu to her.

" okay.. ma'am, I'll be with you shortly. "

She replied and left for their order.

Pius and Aims sat at the table ,chatting and laughing happily.