Chapter 9

Someone came and told me that my mom was calling me so I went there. She was standing there with aunty and Priya.

When she looked at me, she said, " Rahul, go inside your dad needs to talk to you." I was a bit surprised … what was she doing here but I just nodded and went inside. Uncle and dad were looking happy.

" Rahul with God's grace and Kabir help, we found a very beautiful, sensitive, sweet-natured girl for you, she is ready to get married to you at such short notice. She is an angel, but promise me you will take very good care of her and you will always keep her happy, because if you don't, I'll kill you with my own hands."

I was surprised, how did Uncle find the girl so easily and so soon? but I just nodded.

" But who is the girl?"

" Well, it is Priya," Dad told me.

What ??

Is he joking with me ? No doesn't look like. Oh, my god!!

I didn't even know. how to react.