Chapter 2: Other World

The sun rays that gradually went through her window dazed her as she sniffs and wipes her tears off. She slowly stood up and faced the mirror but as soon as she saw her eyes reddened and swelled due to hours of crying with her exhausted and miserable self through the mirror, she couldn't help but cry again.

After a few moments, she finally calms down when her phone suddenly gets numerous text and calls but she couldn't be bothered to pick it up as she didn't have the energy to do so.

A couple of minutes later, she received a voice mail from her friend. Since it was a friend that she trusted, she picked up the phone and called her.

"Hello?" Diana said weakly.

"Diana! I'm coming over! Are you home?" Her friend asked worriedly as she packs some food to at least make Diana feel better.

"I'm fine... I just want to be alone for a while."

Her friend noticed her exhausted tone so she didn't push her any further and instead warned her, "... Please don't do anything stupid."

Diana chuckled weakly and reassured her, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Alright, I won't come over but can you at least tell me what happened? I'm really worried about you."

Remembering it makes Diana feel more upset but she gathered her courage and talked to her about it, "I'm sure you already know... but... I was on my way home after the shooting and I heard about mom's condition from her friends. I rushed to the hospital but before I even arrived, she was already... gone."

There was a silence after Diana eventually accepted the fact that her mother passed away. But she breaks it with her half-heartedly chuckle and said as her voice trembled, "I... regret it so much. If only I was always there for her, if only I wasn't stupid enough... she wouldn't have died."

Diana once again shed tears and her friend simply listened to all of Diana's frustrations and loneliness until she calmed down.

"Have a good rest today and I'll come over tomorrow. No excuses."

Diana sniffs as she accepted her stubborn decision and afterward, both told their farewells.

Diana gets up with a sniff as she goes to the bathroom and splashes water over her face to freshen herself up. Although she was still feeling deeply miserable and mournful, she decided to make herself a bit better by reading her favorite novel.

There's a 99% chance that reading her favorite novel won't work since every move she makes and everything she sees makes her remember her mother but it was better for her to try it or else she would have a total breakdown.

Diana took a bath and wore pajamas to at least make herself comfortable and then she grabbed her bag with her and left the bathroom.

However, as soon as she closed the door, she was in a strange room that people could only see at historical times. At first, Diana thought she was having hallucinations due to her mother's death and continues to blink her eyes but seeing that it seemed real, she began to feel anxious.

Diana hastily turned around and opened the door, sincerely hoping she's simply seeing things but unfortunately this time, she saw a corridor that had antique frames and vases on the wall. Servants suddenly stopped their actions and were confused to see their master feeling surprised and to see her in strange clothes.

Diana had a gist of her situation but still had a doubt. She hurriedly opened the door once more and entered the room, hoping that she'll go back to her cozy room... unfortunately she didn't. It took her moments to accept that she traveled or to another world with no other choice.

"This is.... too much..."

Her mother just died and now she enters a strange room. She thought of how unfortunate she really was and sighs deeply. But Diana couldn't let herself down at the moment especially with her situation.

Diana composes herself and unconsciously examined the room and looked outside on the window. As she observed the vast garden, she assumed that she was rich.

"For now, I should gather information about this world then I have to find a way out..." Diana said to herself as she sighed deeply.

While she roams around the room, she found a letter on the table and reads it without any second thoughts, "Lucifer... Vandenburg?

What a vicious name... Is this my name?"

"Greetings, Lady Diana, I just wanted to tell you to fuck off..... and die."


Diana wanted to cry since there were many things that just happened and someone was suddenly telling her to die but she holds it in as she didn't want to make any ruckus and thought positively.

"The very first letter that I received had to be someone from hell, telling me to die. I suppose this is their formal way to greet someone they like."

Diana immediately sat down and grabbed a pen and paper as she gradually felt mad, "She should consider this an honor. I've been a goody-two-shoes ever since I was born and you Lucifer, my enemy friend, would be the first one to taste my new-fashioned and lovely curse words."

Afterward, she wrote the letter whole-heartedly as she emitted a dangerous aura with her invisible horns and creepy smile when suddenly someone knocks on her door.

"Come in," Diana naturally said that it made her feel odd.

"Lady Diana, I'm sorry to disturb you but the Duke wants to speak with you." The maid said as she lowered her head and shivered in fear.


Ah.... then I'm in a noble family...

"Yes, Lady Diana."

My name, it's still Diana... well, that's great, it makes things easier.

Diana wanted to change her outfit since she was still wearing her pajamas but she didn't know where her clothes were so she ordered the maid, "Get me some clothes that I can change to."

The maid instantly rushed off in a strange way.

Why did it feel like she was running away? Well, either way, I'm actually quite natural at commanding people... Working habits are quite scary...

A few moments later, the maid comes back with a few clothes in her hand but as Diana picked one of them, the quality of the dress felt rough, and not to mention, the color was too old-fashioned, it was like it was meant for old people to wear.

"Are you sure these are my clothes?" Diana asked as she felt odd but the maid simply nodded. Honestly, her pajamas felt more appropriate than the dress but she wore the dress in the end.

After dressing up, she said to the maid with her domineering aura, "Lead the way..."

As they walked on their way to the Duke, Diana looked around her surroundings and gradually felt stunned by how enormous the mansion was.

Arriving at the Duke's office, Diana can't help but feel more stunned to see two handsome men as she felt some familiarity. They had firm structures and had silver hair that was shining and sparkling brightly due to the sun, giving them a spotlight.

They both were wearing white suits that made them look like angels. Diana greeted them with a slight bow when suddenly...

"Diana!!" Her brother, Eric, yelled at Diana that made her flinch.

What is it? Why are you suddenly yelling at me?!

"How many more times do you want to damage our reputation?! You can do all you want but don't you ever drag the family into your mess!!"

Wow, great... after Lucifer telling me to die, now I am getting scolded for something that is not my fault.

"Diana, do you realize what you have done?" The Duke spoke up domineeringly that made Diana feel alert. "This time you've placed great damage for both the people and the household. I'll have you locked up in your room for a month as a punishment for what you've done."

Grounded for a month? that's nothing... As far as I could remember, I stayed at home for almost a year due to an outbreak of a virus. And for some reason, he feels more like a boss to me than a father.

Diana remained composed as she looked straight at the Duke's eyes with no sense of fear before bowing down and showing respect, "I understand father and I'm sorry for what I've done. This won't happen again, I hope you would forgive this ignorant child of yours."

Diana waited for a response while she bowed her head but after a minute has passed, she lifted her head since there was no response and she saw her father and brother stunned.

Why are they surprised? Whatever... I want to take a rest...

"If there is nothing more then I will excuse myself," Diana bowed once more and exited the room.


"F-Father.... who was that...?"

"...your sister..."