Chapter 5: Charm

At 5 am in the garden, Diana was jogging non-stop when suddenly Eva calls her out that made her stop.

"Lady Diana, there are letters for you."

"Letters? Now that's odd..." Diana said as she took the first letter.

Hm? Letter from the Prince? Prince Louie... now that's a common name.

"Lady Diana, how are you? I heard that you've finished your probation by now. Well, I just want to tell you in advance that when you arrived at the party next week, you don't have to approach me for I'll be busy entertaining some important people. You'd be a great help if you could just sit and stay still in a corner."

"This is it? Why is he telling me to fuck off and he'll fuck girls?" Diana questioned Eva but Eva shrugs as her answer while Diana continued her ranting.

"And stay still?! I'm not a bitch. Are all people here freaking bastards?"

"Lady Diana, I don't know what you're saying but I could tell that it's inappropriate."

"Fucking manners. Who the hell does he think I am?! Gosh, burn this letter!!"

Eva nodded and handed another letter to Diana at once. Diana wanted to refuse the letter as she stared at it with uncertainty but she took it in the end, "Is this letter gonna make my day worse?"

Eva nodded honestly and said, "It's from Lucifer Vandenburg."

".... why did they name their child Lucifer..." Diana mumbled and read it.

"Lady Diana, you don't have to downgrade yourself with your old-fashioned words. I don't want to be called evil for such a thing, unlike someone I know. Besides, you still owe me a debt so keep your attitude in check. See you soon, my friend."

"NONSENSE! Old-fashioned?" Diana scoffs with the thought, "Ugh! Burn this old woman with the prince!"

"Yes, Lady Diana," Eva said and directly burned the letter in front of Diana with an extreme loathing towards the letter.

Diana was a bit surprised with her attitude, "Wow... you're still cute even though you're quite mad."

Eva was surprised to hear the word cute as she never heard anyone declared those words to her so she changed her expression to an extremely disgusting and 'I don't care' and 'huh' face.

" don't have to change your expression that much... Anyway, Eva, how long was it before my probation?" Diana said as she looked at the sightly sunrise and stretched her arms upwards.

"It's been a month, Lady Diana."

"Really?! And it's only natural to visit the family after probation, right?"

"Yes, Lady Diana."

Diana bowed her head as she slowly laughed creepily and looked at the sky with her evil face, "Eva! It's D-Day!!!! The day where we'll have to kick some asses!!"

Diana turned around and faced Eva as they headed to her room, "Choose a dress for me today. Something modest would be good, I'll go see my lovable father... "

In her room, standing in front of the huge mirror, she lets her wavy silver hair down and puts on a pure white off-shouldered dress that shows her pretty collarbone. And as the gentle wind blew from the open window, her dress flowed like a waterfall down to her knees. Her pretty legs were firm just like her classic snowy stiletto heels.

Just like she imagined, she looked like an innocent girl who has always been protected from any risks or dangers. But she felt something was missing, she thought of it for a while when the gentle wind blew once again did she know what was missing.

She picked a flowered hairpin from the jewelry box that she found and placed it on the right side of her hair that made her more look pure.

"Eva! What do you think? It's pretty nice for my first time, isn't it?"

"Yes, it suits you now than before you were still plump."

Diana displays her poker face after she heard the word 'plump' as she doesn't want to remember it anymore and looks back at the mirror as she pats her dress, "Anyway, Is this too much? I'm afraid this appearance of mine would shock the servants and my family to death."

Eva responded clearly with a laugh through her nose and Diana clearly heard her that she swiftly glared at Eva while Eva simply avoids her eye contact.

Regardless of their silly talks and gestures, Diana walked out of her room with the correct posture as she held her head up high. Servants were stunned to see her looking lovely with her domineering aura, they couldn't take their eyes off her as she briskly walked like a fashionista towards the Duke's office.

Duke Erwin has been doing paperwork ever since morning when Eric suddenly comes in to report the situation of their business.

"So? How is it going?" The Duke asked as he didn't look at Eric and continued looking at his paperwork.

"There were some slight problems but I've already arranged for some workers to fix it and they would finish it in a week."

"I see... that's good then."

After reporting, Eric wanted to ask something related to Diana but he hesitated as he thought his father wouldn't care about the situation of her daughter.

But Duke Erwin noticed he was hesitant to speak, "Say it..."

Eric caught on with his words and decided to tell him, "On my way here, I heard the servants whispering and talking about how sister became stunningly attractive."

"Attractive? You're hearing things. I haven't heard from anyone for the past weeks."


"There's no chance for your sister to change."

The door suddenly opened as Duke Erwin firmly said change. Diana elegantly walked in and smiled gently with her small and pretty face just like an angel but her villainess aura couldn't be ignored.

Duke Erwin and Eric's eyes widened as soon as they saw Diana. They couldn't believe what they were seeing was real. As Diana gave a slight bow, Duke Erwin automatically stood up from his seat as he felt dumbfounded.

"Greetings to you father and brother, I've come to say my gratitude for taking care of me during my probation. I apologize again for what I've done and it won't happen again next time."

The room was filled with silence but it broke down when Duke Erwin interrupted with his one word, "Marie..."

Diana was startled for a second and thought that he was calling her mother's name but she swiftly gets back her composure.

"So it's true... But how..." Eric asked as he looked at her from head to toe.

Diana simply smiled innocently at Eric making him feel in awe but then ignored him and turns her attention to the Duke with a smile that looked as if she was mocking him.

Duke Erwin felt this and composed himself, "Prepare yourself for a gathering next week. Make sure to make yourself look good."

"Of course, this current me doesn't look good at all." Diana sincerely said that made Eric feel speechless.

Duke Erwin and Eric thought that Diana was already lovely enough in their eyes, her outfit could already be used in a gathering yet she actually felt that it wasn't right.

"I won't be taking too much of your time since there are a lot of things that I should prepare, so I'll excuse myself."

"Yeah..." Eric mumbled.

Diana bowed her head and exited the room. As soon as the door was closed and they got as far away as they could, Diana couldn't help but laugh hysterically that tears were coming out from her eyes with her hand on her stomach.

"Hahaha, that was kind of satisfying. They can't even say a sentence," Diana said as she wiped her tears off.

"Lady Diana, manners please." Eva reminded.

Diana calmed down but continued giggling, "Anyway, wait for me at the carriage, I'll just change my attire."

Eva nodded and headed to the carriage while Diana changed into a commoner's attire that she bought during her probation with the help of Eva as she didn't want to catch the attention of others, especially her enemies.

She took her phone with her as she headed to the clothing store that she planned to go to.