Chapter 11: One more chance

At the hall, Jonathan has been frantically tapping his shoe on the floor as he sips his wine and looks for Diana at the crowd. It's been few hours since Diana went out and he hasn't seen her ever since so he's been worried sick. Suddenly, his patience ran out and he hurriedly heads to the garden.

Since the garden was too puzzling, it eventually took him to finally found Diana, crouching on the ground as she tightly hugs her knees with her head down.

Seeing her safe, Jonathan calmed down and extended his hand to her, "Diana, I've been looking for you. I thought some...thing...... happened..." Jonathan slowed down his last words as Diana lifted her head for Jonathan to look at.

Jonathan was surprised to see her in a mess, he instantly crouched down to support her, "What happened? Why're you sitting on the ground?"

He examined Diana from head to toe then saw a fresh cut on her neck and her sprained foot.

"Why's your foot swollen?"

"Well... it seems that it hasn't fully healed," Diana chuckled as tears were falling out of her eyes.

Diana wanted to tell Jonathan about the things she just witnessed but kept silent as she didn't want to trouble him and cause a ruckus. But Jonathan already had a gist of what may have happened and simply kept quiet.

He knew that Diana didn't want to talk about it so he didn't ask any further as he helped her stand up and escort her back home.

Meanwhile, Duke Erwin and Eric have been informed immediately by a servant that was sent by Jonathan before leaving the premises. Hearing that something happened to Diana, both hurried home as well as they said their farewells to others.

As soon as they arrived, they frantically opened the door and asked the servants about Diana's condition. The servant was about to say something when they suddenly heard Jonathan's footsteps coming down from the stairs.

Jonathan gave them a slight bow before speaking, "Duke Erwin, I apologize for taking Lady Diana back home without your approval but it was urgent since she said she felt uneasy. She's currently resting in her room."

Duke Erwin didn't respond as he stared at Jonathan intensely and instead, Eric spoke on behalf of Duke Erwin, "What happened?"

Eric's voice was deep and had a sense of distrust towards Jonathan, just as if he was blaming Jonathan for making Diana suffer. Jonathan noticed his resentment but calmly replied back, "I don't know the exact details but it seems that there's a cut on her neck. She said she didn't want to make a ruckus and told me to take her home."

Eric wasn't quite pleased with Jonathan's calm and confident reply but then Duke Erwin calmly replied back as he passed Jonathan by, "I see. Thank you for escorting her safely."

Eric followed Duke Erwin and headed upstairs, rudely leaving Jonathan behind. Jonathan could feel their resentment towards him but he simply shrugged it as he sighed and walked back home, feeling tired.

The next day, Diana woke up rather early, she gets up with great pain from her swollen foot and her cut on the neck. She gently touches her neck and felt a sting as she remembers the horrifying experience she had last night.

Diana ponders over what happened last night since she actually hesitated when the opportunity of dying was already in front of her. As a matter of fact, Diana was surprisingly relieved that she wasn't dead. But that was the problem she thought, as to why was she relieved?

She clenched the bed cover with mixed emotions as she tries to organize her thoughts and started to cry silently.

Many things have already happened but Diana didn't know what to do anymore. Even though it's been over a month ever since her mother's death, Diana just misses her so much that she thought of how much of a coward was she. She wanted to be with her mother as much as possible but couldn't bring to kill herself even though she knew it wasn't the right thing.

After thinking things through, the sun rises from her window and she eventually stops crying with her one last sniff.

Diana gazed at the sunrise with her swollen eyes due to crying for some time. She was glad that she had second thoughts as she could still see the beautiful sunrise.

Afterward, Diana becomes determined to make her life better. There were many things that she regretted and maybe she was given a chance to start a new life to make things right.