Chapter 14: Pranks

"I'm gonna make him look like an idiot.. a fool...," Diana seriously said with her arms crossed.

"...Do it yourself, don't drag me into this," Eric felt that she was being ridiculous, and as he was about to head out, Diana suddenly yanked his collar that pulled him back.

"Are you trying to kill me?!"

"I can't do it by myself so you'll have to assist me," Diana ignored Eric's yelling and forced him to do as she says.

Seeing that he had no choice, Eric sighs before glancing back at Diana, "How old were you again?"

"10 years old. Got a problem with that?"

Eric was pissed off by her response but remained calm "You're not fit to do pranks anymore... And what if I don't cooperate with you?"

"Do you want a death wish?" Diana swiftly gave him a death glare with her fierce tone.

Eric immediately shuts his mouth, not thinking of retaliating back anymore, and listened to every plan that Diana has made.

And so! Make the inflexible Grand Duke look like an idiotic fool with Lady Diana's all-mighty pranks plan commence!!


In the garden, Eric and Diana are waiting behind the bush for Duke Erwin to step over a pit that is covered with leaves and grass on top.

"Diana... this is too much obvious for a prank..."

"I know, that's why I made a backup. Just watch."

A few moments later, Duke Erwin arrives and heads towards the entrance. But of course, he immediately noticed the covered pit hole and swiftly avoided it however as he took another step, unfortunately, he fell into the trap.

Diana struggled to laugh silently as he watched over Duke Erwin feeling speechless while Eric was stunned to see that it actually worked on him.

"Pffft!! I can't believe that this is making me laugh so hard!" Diana said with her hands covering her mouth.

"He actually fell for that?!"

"There's more to come," Diana said with an evil grin.

Eric was getting a bit convinced and decided to go with Diana's flow and thus, both pranked Duke Erwin non-stop.

Just as he was about to enter the manor, a sudden shower of a bucket of ice and cold water fell over him like a waterfall. Duke Erwin was utterly speechless as his eyes bulged out from the shock and extreme cold.

Servants were just as surprised as they immediately grabbed towels and prepared a hot bath for him.

Meanwhile, Diana tried to suppress her hysterical laughter with Eric who was also speechless as they hid behind the walls.

"Eric! Hurry! Prepare the clothes," Diana said as she giggled and headed to the bathroom.

Duke Erwin has finished his hot bath and was about to change his clothes. He searched for his clothes and found nothing but a white silky dress that fitted him just right. He fell silent and called servants but unfortunately, Diana and Eric told them off.

Realizing that there were no servants, Duke Erwin's mood deepened while he was confused as to why was there no one around.

Rather than going out naked to his room, he decided to wear the sexy strapless dress.

But little did he know that Diana was recording every move he made on her phone as he ran to his room. Fortunately, the phone wasn't at Eric's sight and was focused on his front view.

"Bwhahahaha his thingy is bulging out!" Diana laughed hysterically.

Even Eric who always gets annoyed and mad at Diana couldn't help but also laugh with her as he tried to suppress it.

On the other hand, Duke Erwin was once again speechless because as soon as he entered his room, his entire room along with all of his furniture and stuff turned all to pink.

"He's shocked pfft," Diana whispered as she peeks through the gaps of the door.

"Stop peeking! You'll see him naked!" Eric told Diana off.

"So what? I'll just cover my eyes."

Eric was speechless as he felt helpless but in the end, he also joined Diana at peeking.

Thus, for the whole week, Diana and Eric did nothing but prank on Duke Erwin.

Duke Erwin fell to numerous pit holes and loudly bumped himself into a fully cleaned mirror as he entered the manor. He slipped on a slippery part of the floor and had his office inside wrapped in foil and tissues without him knowing, it made his work more difficult.

Diana even served him a juice that was upside down and he didn't know how to deal with it as he stared at it for a few hours.

Even his bedroom where he can only find peace was destroyed by Diana as she pulls out numerous pranks in his sleep and he wakes up tiredly with extraordinary makeup.

What's worse was that he unknowingly ate onions in a disguise of apple with Diana's surprising art skills and also ate a cake that had fillings of spiciness.

With numerous pranks he experienced, his resentment was felt by everyone at the manor but he still had patience within him as he remained calm which made Diana feel surprised and amazed that she applauded him for his endurance.