Chapter 16: Royal Brothers

"That man is a prince?!" Diana yelled.

Wait... she also said Prince Devin.......... oh my God...

"But he's also not a prince since he doesn't have royal blood in him."

"Huh...? Then... he's adopted?!"

"Yes. To be exact, the king adopted him from the slaves. He speaks through his sword and lashes anyone out who's in his way and eventually he had the title of being a monster..."


"Ever since then, people drove him into a corner. Ah! I also heard that few nobles want him to be next king because of his power and I suppose they want to use him for their purposes."

Diana suddenly stood up and walked to the window with her complicated and irritating look. She pondered over whether she should approach Darius or not.

Truthfully, there were still some lingering thoughts of killing herself in the back of her mind. Knowing that Darius ends people's lives made her want to persuade him to end her life.

Her goal was to die but since she couldn't do it by herself why not let someone kill her? She didn't want suicide nor torture towards death, she wanted to die peacefully and gorgeously.

She missed her chance in the garden so she thought... why not ask him again? Now that she knows his identity, it would be easy... right?

Diana sighs as she stares outside of the window when she suddenly hears a group of men yelling and forming lines at a distance, "Hm? What's that?"

Eva comes forward and looks outside of the window to answer Diana's question, "Oh... It's the knights and special forces. I told you the other day that they were going to be doing some preparations and training for war..."

War... I never expected that I would witness it.

Diana swiftly turns around and walks towards her wardrobe as she picks an outfit that she would wear for the day.

"Lady Diana... how about your truth?"

Diana flinches with her question and tried to avoid the subject, "Well... on second thought, you'll have to wait a bit more."

Eva sighs secretly as she couldn't truly know what Diana is thinking about but either way she has decided to fully trust her no matter what the circumstances are.

A few moments later, as Diana heads to the group of men, servants were astonishingly gazing at her as she walked gracefully with her maroon coat that's been tightly hugging her turtlenecked clothes along with her flawless curves.

But with her black high-waisted pants, she looked more domineering than usual. They thought of how she was the spitting image of the late Duchess who was the most powerful and gorgeous person all over the country.

That was the fact they all knew...

Hmm... I think this outfit would be a good sell...

At a certain distance, Diana gradually saw the looks of the group of men but as she got a bit closer, she suddenly stopped on her track and gave off an intimidating aura that Eva couldn't ignore.

Eva wondered what was wrong when she suddenly flinched overhearing Diana's deep voice, "Eva."

"Y...yes, Lady Diana?"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me they were ridiculously handsome..."

Eva weakly stumbled with Diana's words and unnecessary resoluteness as she asked, "That's what made you so serious?... Do you have to be that scary...?"

"Eva. From now on, if there are attractive guys' insight, let me know." Diana was dead serious as she flicked her hair and walks away.


Upon a closer look, Diana was amazed because if the men she's currently looking at were living in the future, they'd already been living the best of their lives and have fans all over the world.

"Wow... Father is wasting their potential. We could've been richer if he turned his troops into idols..." Diana mumbled to herself.

While wandering around, she spots Duke Erwin on the balcony from the second floor with his eyes scanning the group of men.

Diana was envious since she was certain that Duke Erwin's place was the most suitable position to look upon the group of men and decided to also position herself at the balcony.

As soon as she joined Duke Erwin on the balcony, she was pleased as it was truly heaven, "Oh my... I should start thinking of my harem. Everyone's so yummy~ Should I have a feast tonight?"

Ahhh... How lonely... these are the words who's been living a single life...

Duke Erwin instantly turned his head as soon as he heard Diana's voice and felt uneasy but was yet again stunned by her appearance. He felt a bit sentimental after gazing at Diana for a few seconds but before he could even comment about it, Diana bombed him with questions that made him snap out of it.

"What are you preparing? Army? Do you think that you'll win? Is there anything I could help you with? I could supervise them. I may not look like it but I do have an interest in swords and battles. Oh and don't worry, pranks are postponed for the moment since I'm preparing other things. You can take it easy for now."

With Diana's continuous questions and comments, Duke Erwin wasn't able to ask as he stared at her with a defeated look and sighs, "Go back inside, there's nothing you can do here."

Diana was satisfied as she gave him a grin of victory but then a voice nearby them interrupts both, "General, evaluation has been settled smoothly."

Duke Erwin swiftly turns his head towards the voice but Diana was stunned by the familiar person coming towards her.

"Is that so? Then, just as we planned, we still have weeks to prepare." Duke Erwin said in a domineering manner.

"Yes, general..." Devin responded with his business smile until he noticed Diana that he made a gentle greeting smile, "It's nice to meet you again, Lady Diana."

At this moment, she remembered every single embarrassing thing she said to Devin during the celebration. Diana forced herself to smile back but her inner self has been panicking and screaming about how ignorant she was.

"It's nice to meet you as well... your highness..."

Devin was pleased to see Diana once again, especially with their current meeting since he feels different whenever he sees her, "You're looking so lovely today as well."

"Y-you flatter me... haha..."

Duke Erwin suddenly interrupts by clearing his throat as he glared at Devin, "Your highness, please keep your flattery to the minimum. Please keep your distance, around 5 meters. Ah, no, 10 meters please."

Devin felt the animosity from Duke Erwin that made him decide to tease the Duke a bit, "Eh? General? I don't know what you're saying but I'll keep that in mind."

"Prince Devin. Don't even think about it, I don't want my daughter getting involved with you."

"General, you're so mean... what should I do if your daughter falls for me because of your actions?"

"What nonsense are you saying...?"

"Should I take Diana as my queen?"

Duke Erwin was so shocked by his kind of serious-looking question that he firmly opposed it nervously, "No way! Over my dead body!"

"Why are you so against it?" Devin pouts cutely as he grumbled.

Wha-what the hell are they doing?! Why are they talking about this in front of my face?!

"Anyway, I'll leave the training to you both." Duke Erwin said.

Suddenly, a figure of a man who was behind Devin slowly comes forward from the dark with his sharp eyes.

"Yes sir." They both replied.

Diana started to tremble from fear once again as she saw the frightening man before her but clenches her fist and slowly regained her composure back.


"Ah... Diana, I have to do something at the moment so you'll be supervising them for a while until I or Eric comes back from his errand." Duke Erwin suddenly said.

Diana was rendered speechless with her widened eyes as she stared at Duke Erwin who's walking away immediately after giving orders... leaving her with massive pressure between two royals.

With Duke Erwin out of sight, Devin glanced at Diana and noticed her obvious reaction that made him silently chuckle as he thought of how Diana was kind of adorable.

On the other hand, Diana wanted to retreat so badly, especially when she's with the two royal brothers but with Devin's smile, who's waiting for her, and Darius's staring, who's also waiting.

She had no choice but to grit her teeth and went along with them.

Ugh... today is the most hateful day...