Chapter 52: Final

A week has passed, and it's time for the final match between Ray and Ryo. Both of them have been waiting for this match since last week. They haven't talked since the morning, they greet the receptionist and leave the inn together.

As usual, the crowds are hype about the match between Ray and Ryo. They come in to the arena early, 30 minutes left before the final start but the crowds are filling every seat in the arena.

Rigurd and Shen also ready to watch the final, but before the match start Rigurd has inform the announcer about the king's aura usage in the tournament. Since Ray has used it once the king now prohibited the king's aura.

"Hm, I add a new rule regarding the king's aura usage in tournaments, what do you think Shen?."

"I think it's a wise choice, because a person who possesses a king's aura is too strong, so prohibited the use of the king's aura is a great judgement your majesty."

"Could you just shorten your answer next time, Shen?."

Rigurd scratch his head.