Chapter 3

I know that I should not bother myself thinking about Aubrey's confession. So what if she likes Revi? There are many girls out there who like my boyfriend and they don't even faze me. I can't help but feel a little discomfort because Aubrey's an old friend.

It's a waste, no matter how I think about it. She doesn’t consider me as a friend anymore just because of a man. I find her reason petty but if she likes Revi that much, I think it's a big deal for her after all.

Was that how shallow she thinks of friendship?

I shook my head to withdraw my disturbing thoughts. I am in the middle of a class and instead of tiring myself thinking of that, I should just focus my attention on our professor discussing in front.

"I heard someone from the freshmen fell unconscious after dissecting a frog!”

I chuckled at what Carolina said. That issue was nothing new to us, Nursing students. We have worse than that back when we were still in our first year. Vomiting and collapsing became normal for us already.

"Even though I was wearing gloves, it was still disgusting!” Misha exclaimed, reminiscing her memories.

I decided not to let any thoughts and questions inside my head about Aubrey's confession earlier. I am not the type to dwell on things like that. Besides, I am pretty confident that Revi will never look at Aubrey. I have proven that because there was never a time when he was linked to a certain woman. He’s surrounded closely with just his girl friends in which I know.

My phone beeped when we are taking the stairs down to the first floor of our building. I fished my phone out of my pocket and found Revi's name plastered on the phone screen.

From: Revi

I'm done with my class. You?

I smiled unconsciously. I typed for a reply while being careful at my every step down the stairs.



I hid my phone inside my pocket for the fear that I might miss a step and would cause me to fall.

Carolina nudged me when we arrive at the first floor and was now walking outside. She pointed her finger somewhere in the plaza in front of our building so I followed her line of vision along with Misha.

"Oh, it’s your lover boy!" Carolina shrieked while slightly poking my waist. Misha shot me a teasing smile too.

I was avoiding Carolina’s poking on my waist and laughed with them while they continued teasing me about Revi who’s waiting for me in the plaza.

When I looked back at Revi, our eyes met. He immediately flashed me a smile and waved her phone a bit on the air.

"I’ll go first. Goodbye Carol, Misha!”

I went out first and immediately went to my boyfriend who’s standing near the patios of the plaza.

"Did you wait for long?" I asked when I'm in front of him. I raised my wrist to check the time on my watch. “I’m sorry for taking so long—“

I was cut off when Revi suddenly kissed me on my cheek. I looked at him, stunned. I wasn’t expecting to receive a sudden kiss with people watching us!

He smiled and reached for my shoulder bag before carrying it.

"I miss you," he said.

My lips slowly stretched for a smile. "I miss you too, Rev."

He tousled my hair and let out a deep chuckle that it sounded sexy to my ears. "You’re such a flirt.”

I rolled my eyes at him. "You’re the one to talk."

He laughed and held my waist. We walked together towards the university parking lot. I guess we’re not going to have a date across the university road and eat some street foods again. But when I remembered that we were there yesterday, I felt relieved that we’re not heading our way there today.

It’s not good to eat street foods every day. I’ll feel like my stomach would be filled with too much flour if we do that daily.

"You had a late lunch?" He asked.

I nodded quietly.

"I thought you hate late lunch?" He asked, confused.

"I think it's inevitable for college students. My body is already used to eating lunch at a late time though.”

I adjusted my body. It can’t be helped because our classes would not end at a perfect lunchtime so I grew used to having late lunch now. Even though we’re released before lunchtime, I intentionally eat my lunch at one in the afternoon or so. In that way, I managed to adjust my body and feel hunger at an exact time as planned.

I cleared my throat. I’m not jealous nor nervous but I think asking Revi a question will calm me.

"How about you? Where did you grab your lunch? " I tried not to hint him any suspicion from my voice.

"Marco and Elena went somewhere. Dehlia had lunch with someone I don't know."

I turned to his way. "So you ate lunch alone?"

He nodded without looking at me.

I didn’t ask after that. He said that he had lunch alone so I wouldn’t suspect him of having lunch with someone, not his friend. Revi didn’t lie to me once so I confidently believe him without having doubts.

When we reached his car, he opened the shotgun seat’s door and waited for me to comfortably sit inside before he walked around and went in.

I was adjusting my seat belt when he said something. "I ate lunch alone, that's true, Amelia. But when I was on my way to my building, your friend approached me and asked me to talk with her for a minute."

My hand froze on my seat belt. I know that the 'friend' Revi was talking about is no other than Aubrey. I didn't correct him. Somehow, I want the word 'friend' to stay between me and Aubrey when in reality, we are not friends anymore.

"I can't remember her name but I know that she's your friend," he said while looking at me.

Something about what he said calmed me down. See? He can't even remember Aubrey's name, let alone look her way.

"And? Did she say that she likes you?" I asked after I looked at him. His eyes widened a fraction, probably not expecting me to ask him that.

He licked his lower lip and avoided my eyes. "Yes, she did."

I nodded and looked at him, indulging him to come and face my way. He’s a chick-magnet even then but when someone confesses her feelings to him, it seems like hearing a woman telling him that she likes him was new to his ears even though it always happens. He’s shy when it comes to ladies who confess their admiration to him but he’s still vocal about what he honestly feels.

"What did you say to her?” I asked with a hint of tease.

He shyly glanced at me. "I replied 'thank you' of course. But... I told your friend that I love you."

I raised my brow and stifled a smile. I leaned on my seat with my arms crossed over my chest. "And what's with her hugging you if you told her that you love someone else?"

He looked at me with shock etched on every corner of his face. His lips parted, struggling on what to exactly say. It seems like he was caught cheating when the situation wasn’t the case.

"Well... you can't expect everybody to just accept the fact that my heart belongs to someone else. Your friend was persistent so maybe she thinks hugging me might make my heart waver."

I expected a lot of good things about Revi. We weren’t together when Aubrey confessed her feelings to him and I didn’t tell him about the picture that Millena sent so everything must be perplexing to him. But instead of asking me about how come I knew that to satisfy his curiosity, he chose to explain first.

I bit the insides of my cheeks. I was close to smiling but I ended up stifling it just so he would feel that I’m sullen about the matter.

I pouted. “If that's how bad she wanted to make you doubt your feelings for me, she should have kissed you."

He groaned and then shot me a glare. "I won't let that happen, Amelia. And besides, even if your friend kissed me, my feelings for you won’t change.”

I raised my brow. "So it was okay if she kissed you. Is that what you mean?”

"What?!" He groaned frustratingly and held onto the steering wheel.

"I said I won't let that happen. You even sound supportive for Pete's sake! Wait—you’re not making any sense.”

I chuckled while shaking my head. “Girls are enigmatic. Why even bother getting a girlfriend in the first place, right?”

His lips protruded as he looked in front. He looks cute.

"I have a question," he said.


"How did you know that… your friend hugged me?”

I sighed. “There was a picture of her hugging you. A friend sent it to me.”

In a relationship, honesty is needed. Revi was always honest with everything so I think I should return the honesty that he needs too. He can't be the one who's just honest but I should be too. We are ought to be honest with each other because we are in this relationship and we’re responsible for each other. If a couple is honest with each other, you're building a strong foundation for your relationship. In that way, it won’t be destroyed so easily.

This love we had for each other... it will conquer anything.

He was surprised upon hearing that but he didn’t say anything. He's popular so it's normal for pictures, stolen or not. That is why he is so careful because people are just so easy to make an issue even though most are only mere speculations. Well, he never had any issues before. His record is clean.

"You weren’t even surprised by Aubrey’s confession?” I asked, a bit curious.

I cannot just create imaginary thoughts that are why there is a need to ask him.

"Her name is Aubrey?"

I rolled my eyes which made him chuckle. "Now you know," I said in a flat voice.

He shrugged. "No. It's just that... I think I heard that name somewhere before."

"Maybe he’s an ex-girlfriend of yours?"

He shook his head firmly. "You're my first girlfriend."

I snapped. Right. I tend to forget that fact about him sometimes. How could I? Revi is heavenly handsome and he’s a boyfriend material so I couldn’t really believe that I am his first girlfriend.

Well, having the title as his ‘first girlfriend’ makes me special so I was kind of happy about it.

"And my last because I’ll marry you."

I choked on my saliva. This guy!

"To whom did I hear that name from?” He wondered, scratching his chin a little.

"Hmm. Maybe your past fling,” I said.

He didn’t have a girlfriend before me but I was sure that he keeps flings at least.

"Hey! It’s not! Ah, enough! Maybe I heard that name from Aeone or maybe she’s Marco’s ex. I’m not quite sure”

I sighed, letting go of the thought. Whatever that is, I don't care. I am her girlfriend now and even if Aubrey was really Revi’s past fling before we happened, I don’t care anymore. I didn’t snatch someone and never will I snatch someone. I won’t stoop that low. If Aubrey thinks that I snatched Revi away from her, then she's wrong or maybe she's just simply delusional. Revi courted me formally while she was only kept as a fling and was being hidden in the shadows.

How would a past fling beat the girlfriend?

"Rev," I called.

He looked at me intently, patiently waiting for whatever I will say.

I heaved a deep sigh as I let out a faint smile. "Aubrey is not my friend anymore. I didn't correct you earlier but if you ever feel sorry for rejecting her without hesitation because you think that she's my friend, please free the guilt or discomfort you’re feeling. I don't want you to keep referring her as my friend when the truth is, she already cut off her ties with me a long time ago."

He was just silent for a moment but he didn’t tear his gaze off me. "I don't know what's the reason why it has to reach to that length but I won't ask because I am out of that."

I nodded.

"But I just want you to know that I am not feeling any guilt or discomfort. I could reject thousands of girls because I now have you."

I smiled at him dearly.

"Amelia," he called. He cupped my cheek and caressed it softly with his thumb while our eyes were fixated to each other.

"You're worth a million of everything. I couldn’t trade you for just mere thousands."