Chapter 15

"Where are you going?" Dorothy asked when we were freed by our professor in a major subject this afternoon.

"Revi's friend invited me to her birthday party," I answered while putting my notebooks inside my bag.

"Dehlia Minosa?!" She asked, stunned.

My forehead creased before flashing her an unknowing look. "You know her?"

"Duh. Of course! She's always the star actress every time there's a stage play. Not knowing her would be impossible, especially that I belong to the same club as her," she said.

Oh, right. They're in the same club, I forgot.

"I thought her birthday would be this Sunday?"

"Advance birthday party according to Revi," I said when we're on our way out.

"Where would she held it off?"

"Dorolo," I said.

"Oh okay, enjoy! I'll go now and I still have to go somewhere. Bye, Amelia!" Dorothy said before kissing my cheek and we then parted ways.

While on my way out of the university, I encountered some people I know. I was stalled for quite some time because I've been exchanging pleasantries with people I know.

"Let's hang out soon, Amelia. It's been a while since the last time." Hyacinth, a schoolmate of mine when I was in Senior High School said before bidding me goodbye.

Durem is a huge city and Dorolo is a bit far from the university. If I'll decide on walking to my destination, it would take some time and I might miss them there and besides, I was so tired because surprise exams earlier were all in a row that I could barely think of walking to Dorolo from here.

I was waiting for a taxi to pass by when my attention was stolen by an intriguing conversation not far from where I'm at.

My lips parted in shock when I saw how a girl slapped Gael. Gael was leaning against his gray sports car while still wearing a lab gown and was talking to a woman who seems angry judging from the extreme redness of her face.

"You said, I'm the only one?!" The girl screamed, etched with desperation and pain.

"You're the only one." I heard Gael. I didn't mean to pry but I can't help it. These days, I always encounter Gael with a lady and I am always intrigued by it for some reason.

"Well, guess what? I am the only Abegail out of your women whose names were starting from letter A!"

I scoffed at what I heard.

"You're right-"

I almost jumped out of my place when I heard the sound of someone hitting a certain someone. The woman just slapped Gael! I think the second slap hurts more compared to the first one!

"I am not up for dawdling, Lincoln. I am in search of someone serious and if you don't have any intention of being so, it would be good to end all these!"

I felt electricity crawling inside my ears when I heard Gael's sarcastic laugh. "How ironic. We haven't even started anything yet you're finishing everything off."

If it's not because of his obviously sarcastic laugh, I might be swayed by what he said. I think my heart will have a share on a pang of pain because of what he said if only I haven't known the guy she's talking to and his playful shenanigans.


"Will you please leave? I think my ears will bleed any time soon."

I almost jump out of surprise when the girl walked passed me while silently crying. I turned to Gael's direction who's now caressing his cheek and was moving his jaw a little with a lopsided grin plastered on his face.

"Miss? Will you ride? Then hurry up and get!"

I snapped. I didn't notice that a taxi stopped over.

"One moment, please. I'll take to someone for a second, Sir."

The taxi driver's forehead creased in confusion but he nodded as agreement eventually. I immediately walked towards Gael's direction who didn't even notice my presence.

"Gael," I called.

He was startled to see me but when he recovered from the shock, he shot his brows up and his smile on the lips has returned.

"Yo," he coolly said.

"What was that?" I asked with malice.

"What is?" He asked, baffled.

"I mean... your conversation with that girl earlier. You made her cry!"

I know that I am out of this matter because it is his business. But as a person and a woman who happened to hear their conversation, I can't stay silent and act as if I've never heard anything.

"That was nothing new. What's your deal, Amelia?" He asked, ridiculed.

Right. What's my deal? This is never new to me but I can't help but feel not used to witnessing it!

I sighed. "You should have been considerate of her feelings. As a woman too, I think she deserves a proper break-up and to know the reason why you cheated on her. Every woman deserves that, Gael. Man up!"

His lips parted in surprise and even shifted his weight. My chest lifted up and down, panting.

"The issue outside of your relationship with your boyfriend is something you shouldn't involve yourself with. If you think that all relationships were all perfect, well, let me burst your bubble but not all relationships are like yours, Amelia."

I pursed my lips in a snap upon hearing. It was like my bubble of determination has burst. What he said is a huge blow and a wake-up call as well. It woke something in me. And that is... not all relationships are like mine. He's right with what he has said, though. Not all relationships outside mine were perfect and smooth which conflicts my expectations.

Maybe I forgot that cruel reality for a second. Maybe because I am in a relationship that is seemingly perfect that I forgot that some other relationships are full of different feelings and emotions. Not all relationships are all about faith, love, and hope but it is a mixture of faith and disloyalty, love and hate, hope and despair, happiness and sadness, pain, and safety.

But no matter how cruel that reality is, it is still a reality that I should wake myself for.

Gael just pulled me from sleeping and dreaming fairytale. I don't know if that's good or bad but what I know is I have this ominous feeling.

He sent me to reality.

He stepped closer to me which made me step back, sending shivers down my spine. When I froze on my place after taking a step back, he crouched a bit forward and brought his lips near my right ear which then sent me uncomfortable yet safe bolts of electricity to my body.

"Your relationship with Revi might be flawless and seemingly perfect but trust me, Amelia..." He whispered, cutting himself off in mid-air.

My head was still but my eyes glided toward his face who's very near.

"Trust me, Amelia... a chaotic and imperfect relationship is much better than a relationship fed with fantasy and which deceives perfection."

He stepped back and he then flashed me a sinister smile.

"It seems like you're bound to pay much more than the usual fare because the taxi driver's been waiting for this long," he said before opening the door of his car.

I automatically turned to the taxi parked just right next to Gael's sports car.

"Ciao," Gael playfully said before going inside his car. In a split second, I found myself watching his fast-driven car, aggressively paving the busy highway.


I went to the taxi waiting and hurriedly went inside. "Dorolo, please."

The taxi nodded before turning the steering wheel to the direction of Dorolo.

I could feel the constant glances of the taxi driver on me through the rearview mirror. When our eyes meet each other, he immediately avoided my gaze and even shifted on his seat uncomfortably.

"Was that your boyfriend, Miss?"

"No," I answered immediately which made him chuckle, not buying it. "He's not my boyfriend."

The taxi diver didn't say anything and just stayed silent. I don't think he believes me.

When we reached Dorolo, I paid the exact amount of fare and even added an extra because I made him wait for quite long. I went inside Dorolo's coffee shop para mag-order ng latte. I am really in need of a cup of coffee to neglect my disturbing thoughts.

I was about to give my card to the cashier when someone already handed his card instead.

"Hey love," Revi welcomed me in his usual low, sweet voice.


I should not be bothered by what Gael has said. Though he's right about what he said that relationships aren't all perfect but I want to care less. All I want in a relationship was now happening to me. A perfect, smooth-sailing, and flawless relationship with the man who's a dream to every girl in town, Revi. I cannot ask for more.

I was the one who's in the wrong because I chose to involve myself in an issue of his relationship with someone. I was never nosy at things and intervening at other people's matters is not something I would do yet I unexpectedly did! I don't know why but witnessing how Gael handles his relationship these past few months made me want to involve myself.

I didn't know that this is how bad I am the moment I get myself involved!

What Gael whispered earlier that a chaotic and imperfect relationship is much better than a relationship who's fed in fantasy and a relationship that deceives perfection, I beg to disagree by that. I think that is a misconception but that'll be rude to say so I acknowledged the fact it is just his mere viewpoint of relationships and I cannot change his perspective on that because I don't think my own opinion will change just like that too.

How could I wish for that kind of relationship? It is a relationship opposite of my ideals.

So, no. I will never... ever... wish for that kind of relationship. I am already in a perfect relationship as it is. Although thrilling, choosing a chaotic relationship is something I never dreamed of having and will never be.

Revi held the back of my head and kissed my forehead dearly, taking all my worries and negative thoughts away.

"Let's go?"

I nodded before he held my hand and intertwined our fingers, pulling me near him.

I will always be with Revi... through the waking days and even slumber days because what we have is a perfect relationship.