Chapter 20

"Did you know? The past two days where you were absent, Professor Gauche was always in a foul mood!"

My forehead creased at what Mia said. Sir Gauche is the youngest professor we had and he's our professor in Algebra. I am not sure how old is he but what I do know is that he's the youngest. I think he's around in his mid-twenties.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

Mia frowned before answering me. "You know that he has a crush on you, right?"

I choked on the burger I'm eating. I coughed twice while covering my mouth with the back of my hand. Dorothy patted me lightly on my back.

"Don't tell me you didn't know?!" Mia asked who even scooted closer to me.

I shook my head as a response.

"There was that day when Van told the whole class that he likes you and Professor Gauche happened to hear that. Do you know what he said as a reply?"

Before I could nod, she immediately continued talking like my answer was not needed at all. "The professor said that Van probably has no chance because your type is obviously not Van's. I mean, you know that guy... he's carefree and playful which is absolutely a turn off for you. Anyway, Van talked back. That's expected of him though."

"Van sarcastically asked the professor if there's a chance for you to look at the likes of him!"

"And you know what was Professor Gauche's reply to that? 'Absolutely.' That was what he said!"

I scoffed. "That's just it. It doesn't mean that... Professor Gauche likes me or something."

This is awkward!

Dorothy chuckled which made me turn to her who's sitting on my left. "A professor of my friend in the Engineering Department confessed her feelings to Professor Gauche and he directly turned her down, saying that he likes Amelia Savamonte in the Medical Department! There is no other Amelia Savamonte in our department besides of you!"

"B-But you can't tell that he's in a bad mood the past few days where I was absent," I defended.

Their conclusion is undeniably weak.

Hearing all of these is making me awkward and uneasy. I mean, it's our professor we're talking about. It should have been a good thing if they didn't tell me this so I won't come to know. I don't know how to interact with him again! I am usually normal to the guys who claim that they have a crush on me but the man which Dorothy and Mia told me about who has a crush on me is the man who happened to be my professor!

Thursday went by in a blink of an eye and today's Friday. We just finished our class in Algebra with Professor Gauche. I was low key observing him in the first few minutes since the class has started but when I didn't notice something indifferent, I calmed down and just listened to him while he's discussing in front. I didn't feel any special treatment and he treated the whole class equally so that made me comfortable more.

I was with Dorothy, Mia, and a huge group of our class when we went out of the building. The hallway was filled with loud chatterings and laughter because my classmates were talking about something funny. I just laughed with them whenever I heard something funny.

"We're going to Dorolo. Who wants to come?" Iowa, our class representative invited us. It seemed like it's their long time plan to go out and hang out in the nearest bar in the university. And besides, they're taking all their time because today's Friday and we don't have any projects and assignments to do at the weekend. It infrequently happens, so they're enjoying every vacant time.

Dorothy and Mia agreed as well as the others. "How about you, Amelia?"

I shook my head before giving them a smile. My bruise on the face doesn't hurt that much anymore so I was free to smile wide and laugh hard but the wound on the side of my forehead is still not healed so it has a bandage on it.

"I'm sorry, guys. Revi and I promised to see each other today so I'll pass. Maybe next time. I'll come next time."

Some of the boys whistled and teased while the girls giggled.

Iowa nodded at me. "No problem. Anyway, we'll head out now."

I gave them a smile once more before they went their way. I fished my phone out from my pocket to check if there are any messages but it's only Revi's, telling me that he'll be out after 10 minutes.

I was about to go to Revi's department when I saw Gael in the plaza in front of our building while talking to a girl wearing the same uniform as mine.

Maybe it's his woman again. To think that he's from another department, he must have liked the girl so much. I shook my head before I continued walking. It will at least take me 10 minutes before I will arrive at Revi's building.

"Hey," I heard Gael who held my elbow to stop me from walking. I immediately turned to him with a question in my eyes.

"H-Hey," I said, a bit surprised after I glanced at his place earlier but I didn't find the girl he was talking to anymore.

My eyes drifted from him down to my elbow. He let go of me and cleared his throat. "When did you get discharged?"

"Yesterday night."

After the night where he guarded me in Revi's stead, Gael didn't come to visit again. It's not like I want him to visit and it's not like I waited for him to come but he raised my hopes up on watching his upcoming race. He said that he'll give me as soon as I get discharged so I was very determined to get out of there fast but I haven't received any because he wasn't there when I got discharged.

He didn't exactly promise me that but it raised my hopes up. I was expecting and I was looking forward to it. Watching a car race is indeed thrilling and I've been a fan since I was a kid but I haven't watched it again since his competition last year. Gael invited Revi to watch then which I forced him to take me with him because I was so eager to watch too. Revi is not fond of those so I lost the zest I was feeling eventual.

"Do you need anything?" I asked. The clock is ticking and if he doesn't have any plans on saying anything, I should have walked the time I stalled in idling to Revi's building. But the thing is, I don't have the guts to tell him that because he might find me rude. I don't want to be rude even though he's always rude to me!

He got his wallet from his back pocket. His brows furrowed when he opened his wallet. I saw thick cash inside which made me gasp before looking away.

I heard him chuckle. "I won't give you. Ew."

I wasn't even thinking of that! I just don't want to see someone's money. Besides, because of its thickness, it's intimidating!

"Don't you have cards or something like that?"

He lifted his head with his forehead creased, confound.

"I just think that cards are much safer than keeping cash on your wallet," I said.

"It's a hassle. I like quick cash more."

I pursed my lips. I couldn't do anything about that and it's his money so I don't care what he wants to dow with it. If he will get robbed, I don't think he'll be a beggar or get broke. He won't be penniless even if he squanders all his money.

I kept on glancing at my watch which made him sigh. He probably noticed that I'm in a rush.

"Here," Gael said before handing me two ticket pass of the said race competition this weekend. My eyes widened at the sight of it. I couldn't stretch my hand. I was just staring ait with disbelief so he pushed it closer to me.

I slowly accepted it and read what's written in my weak voice.

"Car Race Competition: A Fun and Donation," I mumbled as I read what's written. My eyes glided to the lower corner of the ticket. "Oh, it'll be this Sunday."

My eyes watered as I lift my head up only to meet his eyes. His lips parted at the sight of my face which made me look away to wipe the side of my eyes.

"I thought... I thought you forgot about this," I said, a bit emotional.

He cleared his throat before looking away from me. "I didn't promise anything but I am true to my words, Amelia."

I laughed with what he said and nodded. I agreed with what he said though. Gael never goes back from his word.

"Thank you," I said genuinely before waving the ticket pass he gave me on the air a bit.

He nodded proudly before he hid both of his hands in his pockets. I felt new to seeing him with the clothes he's wearing today. He wasn't wearing civilian clothes or his usual black hoodie but he's wearing his complete uniform today. Perfect from the polo shirt down to his leather black shoes.

"I'm on my way to your department. You? W-Where are you heading to?"

He pointed to the Medical Department, not far from behind me. "I'll get some medical tools in your lab. Ciao."

He walked passed me which made me turn around, watching him walk away. I stared at him for a couple of minutes when I realized that Revi must be waiting for me already.

We were in Regala, the university's huge cafeteria. Revi didn't get to have lunch earlier and he just had a burger and coffee for breakfast because their first subject of this day in the morning is early so he's now having a brunch. I just ordered an iced coffee because I had breakfast and I ate lunch too so I wasn't really hungry.

I carefully sipped on my coffee while looking at Revi who's eating. I wiped the side of my lips before I mustered the courage I needed to say what I want to tell him.

"Rev," I called. I immediately stole his attention. He looked at me, waiting for me to say something. "What are your plans for this weekend?"

He wiped the side of his lips using the table napkin. "I think I will be busy both Saturday and Sunday, love."

I already expected that as an answer. His weekends are spent studying but he has time to spare for our dates.

"Why? Are you going to study?"

It's not a puzzle for me when Gael still has the time to join racing competitions despite the fact that they have a quiz this Monday. Gael is just not an academic-serious type of person.

Revi shook his head. "The stockholders of Dad's company will visit this weekend. Dad is still recovering and meeting with the stockholders will surely stress him. So Mom will meet them instead and she needs me for that."

So that means that he'll be very busy. I guess he can't watch Gael's race this Sunday and so does I. The excitement I felt earlier when Gael gave me the ticket pass was beyond bounds but hearing that Revi's going to be busy, it felt like the thrill I had were crushed mercilessly.

"We don't have exams this Monday but I'll be busy at the weekend to attend the company's monthly meeting," he added.

I just nodded before I held my coffee. I was about to sip on it when Revi asked me. "You'll be visiting your parents tomorrow, right?"

"I told Mama that I will."

"Okay. I'll just drive you to Gravetto."

"Okay," I said before taking a sip on my iced coffee.

His forehead creased when he noticed that I keep on throwing him glances when he continued eating. "Do you have something to say, Amelia?"

I put down the cup of iced coffee I am holding. I drew circles on the drips of water outside the plastic bottle of my iced coffee.

"W-well... Gael has a race this Sunday. He gave me two tickets pass when we saw each other while I'm on my way here."

He didn't say anything and just waited for me to continue talking.

"He invited the two of us but he was just so sure that you won't be able to come so I was planning to talk to you about it but you said that you have an important meeting to attend to so you can't go. I... can't go."

"I've missed two or three of his race this year. I would love to but you know why I can't."

"And because you couldn't go then there's no reason for me to go and watch the race," I said before giving him a smile. I finished my iced coffee while I could feel Revi's intent stare.

I know that it's my decision that must matter here but I can't help but ask for Revi's approval. I want to hear his say on this. Maybe because I grew dependent on him that is why his decision is relevant and I always seek his approval on everything. It seems like, I cannot decide for myself which is partly true. I cannot stand on my own yet. Not now. Maybe, not ever.

I was excited alright, but I think I need to let go of this feeling slowly. There's no point in keeping it if I know that there'll be no satisfying destination for it.

"I am the only one who's busy, Amelia." He said as a matter of fact which made me look at him. "If you want to go and watch the race, then you should."

My lips parted in surprise. "B-But... you're not going and... and-"

He sighed before leaning on his chair. "I know that you want to watch. What's stopping you?"

I cleared my throat before looking down at the table. I don't know what to say. Or maybe I do. I just cannot voice it out that he's the reason why I am containing this excitement.

"Do you want to watch Coln's race?" He asked.

"It's not exactly because of... Gael but the whole race, actually."

"So, that's fine then. You're going not to watch my best friend compete but you want to witness the whole show. That's enough reason for me to let you go."

I don't know what he meant by that because the excitement I felt earlier started to build up inside me again.

"Really?" I asked in excitement.

Revi nodded before flashing me a smile. "Yes, for real."