Chapter 4

Arriving late on the pack house. I heard my older brother Kaden shouting at Argus.

"What do you mean carried by a Lycan!? Where is she? You didn't follow them? Are you that stupid?!"

"Isn't a good thing to get rid of her?"

Argus answered not caring about Kaden's wrath.

"Well she's still your sis-" Kaden stopped talking and began to sniff the air.

"Lina! I know you're there. I told you that eavesdropping is bad right?! Where did you and that filthy Lycan go huh? Are you hooking up with that man? Huh? What a whore! A murderer and then a whore. You sure sunk low! How much lower can you be huh? Can you be a prostitute next time?"

Argus shouted, before running upstairs probably to his room. His words cut deep.

Kaden sighed. Like he's fed up with Argus's attitude and not mine.

"Just cook dinner, I wouldn't appreciate you coming home late next time just because of whoring around with higher ranks." and with that he too turned around and walked upstairs leaving me in the kitchen to cook.

After I cooked their dinner, I headed to shower and do the usual routine before I lay in my bed.

I couldn't sleep. No matter how I try to sleep I couldn't. I close my eyes and thousands of thoughts came swirling in my mind.

This day is so eventful. I can't believe I just met my mate which is an alpha anyway who rejected me by the moment he saw me.

And then I got to see and bond with the Lycans in their pack house!(which looked like a mansion) Heck a lycanthrope even saved me. All in one day.

At this moment I don't really know what's happening. Why would Alpha Jasen would reject me anyway? I heard that alphas must be more possessive than those lowlife wolf. I'm surprised he isn't crawling back to me now.

I'm also thinking of the blue eyed Lycan, but my wolf is thinking of the green eyed Lycan. I don't even know why I'm attracted to a Lycanthrope. Sure he is much attractive than an average werewolf. Heck he is even lore attractive than an alpha but still. Fantasizing him is wrong. Now I feel like a real whore.

Seemingly lost in my thoughts I began to feel sleepy. Slowly my eyes closed and drift me into a comfortable darkness.




There is a prophecy,

The rejected will bring peace along with the destined. And will own the most powerful pack which will be considered Royals. One is weak but two is strong. But not all act is real. The real destined will have an eye like a sky.





I woke up staring at the pillows weirdly. I felt like I heard something while I'm sleeping yesterday. Like a dream but I can't remember what exactly. And I feel like forgetting something that is important.

Shrugging it off I began to shower and cook breakfast for the pack. After cooking. I hurriedly grab my things and walk my way to the school. I know that my brothers would leave me anyway. That's what they do every single day.

When I arrived at the school gate. I noticed Alpha Jasen and his minions are in there seemingly waiting for someone.

Ignoring them, and the tug that is pulling my heart to him. I began to walk inside but a pair of strong and masculine hands wrapped around my waist. And because of the sparks as always I knew who it is.

'Mate! Mate!!'

My wolf yipped. I can imagine her jumping and doing circles.

'Yeah, the mate that rejected us.' I said.

She didn't reply after that.

"Don't ignore me mate." He whispered right behind my ear sending tingles in my spine. His voice is so deep I almost swoon and hug him but I remembered what he did. The rejection and the pain that I went through.

"I am not your mate anymore Alpha Jasen. You rejected me right? You left me alone."

I don't know where all this courage came from. But I might as well use it.

"I Alpha Jasen of the Silver Moon pack accept you Lina Millers as my mate and as my packs Luna"

And with that the warmth that left me when he rejected me yesterday came back. But does it feel good? No. It feels somewhat wrong.

"What?! You can't just reject me and then accept me like I'm a toy! Like I'm a gift! What the heck is wrong with you?"

He looks away from me. His jaw clenching from time to time.

"Well, I- I came to think of it. That I only have one mate. So yeah I made a mistake I'm taking you back."

I stared at him weirdly.

"Is this a dare Alpha Jasen? Because I don't have time to play."

"No no! This is real! I want you to be my Luna! I don't care if you murdered your pare-"

"I didn't murder them! I told you!"

"Yeah right, anyway, do you accept me?" He rolled his eyes for a bit.

'Accept mate!! Mate loves us! Mate accepts us!!'

My wolf yelps excitedly. But I really don't think that this is a good idea. Sure I can be out of this hell hole if I accept him. No more abuse for me. And I only have one mate right? But I really think that this is odd. Like something is wrong.

'If you won't accept mate I will leave you!'

My wolf shouted inside my mind. I can't help but widen my eyes at that.

'You wouldn't!' I dared her. But knowing her, she would probably do that. Heck she left me by a year when my parents died since I am not allowed to shift.

"O-kay I-Ill accept." I sigh. There's no turning back now.

He grinned so big that I highly doubt if its real.

"Great! See you!"

And with that he storms off inside the school.

That's it?