Chapter 18: Promise of the Past

Abyad's heart was a tempest of conflicting emotions as he walked away from Aayat's cold demeanour. The weight of his mistakes bore down on him like a heavy burden, each step he took away from her feeling like a step deeper into the abyss of regret. He had hurt her, betrayed her trust, and shattered the love they had shared. Abyad knew that he deserved her anger, her hatred even, but what cut him the deepest was the realisation that he had changed her, turned her into someone he didn't recognise.

His decision to leave the country felt like an escape, a desperate attempt to distance himself from the wreckage he had caused. Packing his bags, he felt a heavy ache in his chest, a mix of self-loathing and longing. Abyad's heart still held a place for Aayat, a place that ached with the knowledge that he had lost her forever. He asked Izza to drop him at the airport, the weight of his actions hanging heavily over their parting.

Aayat's world was a whirlwind of emotions after Abyad's departure. Her heart wavered between hurt, anger, and a deep sense of betrayal. She couldn't fathom how the person she had loved and trusted had deceived her so profoundly. The revelation shattered her faith not only in Abyad but also in her own judgment. The pain was a constant ache that gnawed at her, but Aayat was determined not to let it break her.

Her encounter with Abyad had left her wounded, but it had also stirred something within her. Aayat had always been a fighter, and she was not about to let this heartbreak define her. She poured her energy into her studies and focused on building a future that was solely hers. The bitterness fueled her determination, and with each passing day, she took another step toward her goals.

Aayat's heart felt heavy with the weight of her emotions as she sought solace in the familiar confines of her kitchen. Cooking had always been her way of finding calm in the chaos of life. As she moved around the kitchen, the rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the sizzle of the pan provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. She needed this time-out from the world, a moment to collect her thoughts and process the whirlwind of emotions that had consumed her.

The aroma of fried rice filled the air, and Aayat's mind briefly drifted to the times she had cooked for Abyad, the moments they had shared back in college. The memories were bittersweet, a reminder of what once was and what had been lost. Pushing aside the pang of longing that threatened to overwhelm her, she focused on the task at hand, determined to create something delicious and comforting.

As she delicately prepared the chocolate mousse, Aayat's thoughts turned to Zinat, her best friend who had been struggling in her own way. A sense of concern tugged at her heart as she remembered the changes she had noticed in Zinat's eating habits. Aayat's worry quickly morphed into a realisation that went beyond friendship. Zinat meant more to her than just a friend, and the depth of her feelings took her by surprise.

The sudden epiphany hit Aayat like a bolt of lightning, and she couldn't contain her excitement. She had to share this revelation with Zinat, to let her know that their bond went beyond friendship. Bursting with enthusiasm, Aayat couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh My God, Zinat!!!" Her voice carried a mix of astonishment and joy that echoed through the kitchen.

Zinat's entrance into the kitchen was met with a whirlwind of emotions and energy that she wasn't prepared for. A look of concern crossed her face as she inquired about Aayat's well-being. The sight of Aayat jumping with excitement seemed both baffling and amusing to her. "What!! Are you okay? What's wrong with you?" Zinat asked, her worry evident.

Aayat's eyes sparkled with a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. "I'm totally fine, but you are coming with me as soon as you finish this," she declared, her voice filled with determination. She handed Zinat a plate of her favourite pizza, a small gesture that held deeper meaning.

Zinat's confusion quickly turned to a mix of annoyance and amusement at Aayat's insistence. "I think your breakup made you crazy, usually people cry but you are jumping like you won a trophy," Zinat remarked, unable to hide her amusement at Aayat's antics.

Aayat's lips curled into a mischievous smile as she met Zinat's gaze. "Say whatever you want, no one can ruin my happiness. You are coming with me, that's it!" Her words held a sense of urgency, a desire to share her newfound realisation with Zinat.

Zinat's grumbling acquiescence was met with a satisfied nod from Aayat. As they sat down to enjoy the meal together, Aayat's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. The kitchen, once a place of solitude, had now become a space of revelation and connection. With each bite of pizza and shared laughter, Aayat felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deepening bond with Zinat.

"Aayat, will you please tell me where you are taking me?" Zinat's tone held a tinge of irritation. Her brows furrowed, and she crossed her arms, visibly puzzled by Aayat's secretive behaviour.

Aayat's lips curved into a mischievous smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement. She had orchestrated this surprise with care, knowing that it would bring a mix of emotions to her best friend. She decided to play along, using a question to tease Zinat.

"Okay, answer this, who are you to me?" Aayat's voice carried a hint of playfulness.

Zinat's annoyance deepened, and she fired back, "Do I look like a joke to you?”

Aayat's gaze locked with Zinat's, and she pleaded with her eyes for Zinat to play along. She wanted this reveal to be special, a moment etched in their memories forever.

"Your best friend, what else?" Zinat's response was laced with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.

Aayat's smile widened, and she couldn't contain her excitement any longer. She let out a joyous laugh before delivering the final piece of her surprise.

"And my brother's wife!" Aayat's words hung in the air, and she handed Zinat the pregnancy test she had prepared.

Zinat's eyes widened as she noticed that Aayat finally realised about her condition. Aayat didn't need words to decipher Zinat's reaction; the look on her face said it all. In that moment, their emotions swelled, and they embraced each other tightly, tears streaming down their cheeks.

After the tears had been shed and the initial shock had subsided, Aayat's voice trembled as she spoke, "Go back there with Aadi, Zinat. I think you'll find solace in Zubbu's memories, in the place where your love story began.”

Zinat's heart swelled with gratitude for her friend's understanding. Aayat's intentions were clear, and Zinat knew that returning to the place where she had shared countless moments with Zubair would bring a sense of healing.

"I was already planning on going back, but I wanted to fulfil my promise of turning you into Kayra," Zinat's voice held a touch of wistfulness.

Aayat's eyes softened with affection for her dear friend. "You already succeeded in doing that, Zinat. I am fine, and I'll be better. As for Rania, you know I am her main target, and it's not safe for you here... go back. You can come to visit later, or I'll come to you. But for now, go.”

There was a brief moment of hesitation in Zinat's eyes, a conflict between her desire to stay and support Aayat and her understanding of the necessity to prioritise her own safety and well-being. Aayat's resolute gaze, however, left no room for argument.

Before Zinat could voice any objections, Aayat took charge, swiftly booking Zinat's return tickets. Aayat's practicality was matched by her unwavering concern for her friend's welfare.

As the news was broken to Aditya, Aayat's amusement bubbled to the surface. She couldn't help but tease him about the time it took for him to convey his feelings to Ahaana. Their playful banter was a reminder of the lightness that could still exist amidst life's challenges.

A sense of bittersweet serenity settled over the room as Zinat retreated to Aayat's room, her heart heavy with the memories of the love she had lost. The engagement ring on her finger was a symbol of the love she had shared with Zubair, and as she closed her eyes, she allowed herself to be transported back to those cherished moments.


On the day of her engagement, Zinat woke up with a heart full of excitement and nerves. She and Aayat had just finished their Fajr prayers when the whirlwind of preparations began. Aayat, her best friend and partner-in-crime, led her into a luxurious spa and skincare session.

As the turmeric face mask was delicately applied, and Aayat skilfully plucked Zinat's eyebrows, the atmosphere was filled with an air of anticipation. The two friends shared giggles and secrets, completely absorbed in the world of beauty. Time passed unnoticed, and in their preoccupation, they even forgot to eat breakfast.

However, salvation came in the form of Zubair, the love of Zinat's life and her future husband. He entered Aayat's room like a knight in shining armour, bearing a tray adorned with fluffy pancakes and a vibrant assortment of fruits. The tray also held two glasses of juice, as though he had known they would be too engrossed to nourish themselves.

Zubair, the ever-doting prince, lovingly hand-fed Zinat, making every bite a gesture of affection. His presence filled the room with warmth, and Zinat couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the incredible man who would soon be her partner for life.

As Zinat savoured her pancake, Aayat excused herself to freshen up. Left alone with Zubair, Zinat felt a sweet rush of butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't resist flirting with him on this special day. With a mischievous smile, she teasingly remarked, "You know, Mr. Future husband, I think you make a better chef than I do.”

Zubair chuckled, his eyes sparkling with adoration. "Well, Future Mrs.Zubair Ahmed, you're my muse. Everything tastes better when you're around." His words were filled with sincerity, and he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Zinat's heart fluttered at his compliment. "Flatterer," she said playfully, reaching for a piece of fruit and bringing it to his lips. She watched as he bit into it, his eyes never leaving hers. The connection between them was electric, and the anticipation of their life together was palpable.

With a soft, lingering touch, he wiped a smear of juice from her lip. "I can't believe this day is finally here," he confessed, his voice filled with emotion. "I've dreamt about this moment, about spending the rest of my life with you.”

Zinat's eyes welled up with tears of joy. "Me too," she whispered. "I can't imagine my life without you, Zubair. You're my rock, my anchor, and my greatest love.”

He leaned in closer, their foreheads touching. "And you, Zinat, are my everything. I promise to cherish and protect you for as long as I live.”

Their tender moment was interrupted by Aayat's return, her face still adorned with the semi-dried face mask. She playfully cleared her throat, and they pulled away, blushing. Aayat, couldn't help but tease them.

As Aayat returned, she playfully demanded her share of pampering, and it was a well-known fact that Zubair could never resist her requests. Zinat excused herself to wash her face, and upon her return, she found Aayat applying the face mask to Zubair's features. The sight was too adorable to miss, prompting Zinat to stealthily capture the moment with her camera.

After Aayat was done, Zinat suggested that she take a shower to prepare for the next steps of the engagement preparations. With a nod of agreement, Aayat complied, leaving Zinat and Zubair to share a private moment.

Zubair engrossed in his phone, his handsome features lit by the soft glow of the screen. With a mischievous grin, she gently wrested the device from his grasp, coaxing him to close his eyes and trust her entirely.

Zinat's tender fingers began to work their magic as she lightly massaged his head, each stroke of her fingertips creating ripples of relaxation. Zubair, with a contented sigh, allowed himself to be swept away by the soothing sensations. It didn't take long before he was lightly dozing, the cares of the day slipping away like shadows in the sunlight.

The face mask had dried completely on his face, and Zinat knew it was time to remove it. She reached for a soft towel, damped it with the fragrant rosewater, she prepared earlier, and began the delicate process. The cold water against his face stirred Zubair from his slumber, his eyes blinking open, a little disoriented. What he saw before him, however, made his heart skip a beat.

Zubair's face was now radiant, an ethereal glow accentuating his strong features, and his endearing dishevelment only made him look irresistibly cute. His eyes locked onto Zinat's as she continued to wipe his face gently. A wave of warmth washed over them, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, his heart swelling with love.

Feeling his affections, Zinat placed the now damp towel on the table, her arms snaking around his neck as she drew herself closer. Their foreheads touched, and in the intimacy of the moment, their hearts spoke the words their lips were too shy to utter.

"I love you," they whispered simultaneously, their breaths mingling, their smiles mirrored. It was a moment of pure, unadulterated love, a promise that transcended words.

Zubair leaned in for a tender kiss on Zinat's forehead, however, the entrance of Aayat interrupted their intimate moment. Zinat, momentarily flustered, tried to pull away, but Zubair's embrace held her gently in place. Aayat's smile conveyed her silent understanding, and she moved to the mirror, focusing on drying her hair.

"Give me a moment, hayati," Zinat requested playfully, aware that Aayat's Mehendi needed attention. Zubair's response was a kiss on her cheeks, and Zinat slipped away with a smile, heading toward Aayat. The camaraderie between the friends was heartwarming.

"Done romancing my brother?" Aayat's teasing words floated through the room as Zinat approached her. Zinat's smile widened, but she decided not to let her best friend's jibe go unanswered. "Oh, just a little. Can't resist when he's so charming," she quipped, the sparkle in her eyes revealing her playful mood.

Their lighthearted banter continued, Aayat feigning shock at Zinat's gratitude for the applied Mehendi. "Thanks for last night," Zinat said with a nod toward the rich henna on her hand, her playful tone accompanied by a wink. Aayat's faux indignation was endearing. "Oh, so now I'm a stranger who applied Mehendi?" she retorted, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Amid their friendly repartee, Zinat's laughter flowed, her happiness infectious. "You're no stranger, you're family, princess," Zinat replied with genuine affection, her eyes fixed on Aayat's as she continued to apply the intricate Mehendi designs on her hands. Aayat's smile softened, and a warm moment of sisterly connection passed between them.

With their Mehendi session complete, Zinat and Aayat found themselves in the midst of lunch preparations. Their steps led them to the dining room where Aayat's mother graciously served them plates of delectable fried rice. The aroma of the food and the shared moment made the scene even more delightful.

Aayat looked at her painted hands and then at the plate of fragrant fried rice before her, her lips forming an adorable pout.

Unable to resist her friend's charm, Zinat chuckled softly and decided to play along. She picked up a spoonful of rice and gently held it to Aayat's lips. "Come on, Aayat, you can't let this beautiful henna go to waste," she teased, her eyes dancing with mirth.

Aayat, always one to enjoy the pampering she received from Zinat, obediently accepted the spoonful of rice, her eyes sparkling with affection. "You're spoiling me, Zinat," she playfully scolded, her cheeks adorned with a mischievous blush.

As Zinat fed her friend another spoonful of rice, they exchanged knowing glances while, across the room, Zubair watched the two friends with an adoring smile, marvelling at the beauty of their friendship. Zinat, his soon-to-be fiancée, radiated warmth and kindness, traits that had captured his heart from the very beginning.

After a hearty lunch, Zinat and Aayat retreated to Aayat's room to get ready for the engagement ceremony. Zinat took a refreshing shower, relishing the moments of tranquility before the whirlwind of the celebration.

Emerging from the bathroom, her hair still slightly damp, Zinat allowed Aayat to work her magic. Aayat expertly applied makeup that enhanced Zinat's natural beauty. She straightened Zinat's hair, creating a sleek and elegant look that Zubair had always admired.

As Zinat gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her heart raced with excitement. She was about to embark on a new chapter of her life with the man she loved dearly. The thought of Zubair waiting for her, ready to exchange vows of love and commitment, sent a wave of butterflies through her.

Aayat, having finished her friend's makeup, looked at Zinat's sparkling eyes and couldn't help but tease her. "Zubbu is going to be completely mesmerised when he sees you," she quipped, her playful tone mirroring her playful mood.

Zinat chuckled, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "I can't wait to see the look on his face.”

The room was filled with a palpable energy, a sense of love and joy that seemed to infuse the very air they breathed. Zinat's heart swelled with gratitude for the people who surrounded her on this momentous day.

As Zinat got ready, Aayat prepared herself as well. She had a role to play in this celebration, not just as Zinat's best friend but as an integral part of the event. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she carefully chose her outfit for the day.

Zubair, too, was getting ready, his heart filled with anticipation. He couldn't wait to see Zinat in her bridal attire, to take her hand in his and promise a lifetime of love and devotion.

Once the preparations were complete, Zinat and Aayat emerged from the room, their outfits and smiles equally radiant. Zinat felt a surge of emotion as she looked at herself in the mirror one last time. Today marked the beginning of a beautiful journey, one she was ready to embark on with Zubair by her side.

Zinat couldn't help but feel a growing appetite as the day's excitement and nerves danced in her stomach. The thought of the upcoming engagement ceremony added to her restlessness. Her heart fluttered with anticipation, but her growing hunger reminded her that she needed sustenance.

Aayat, always attuned to Zinat's needs and emotions, noticed her friend's restlessness. She flashed a warm smile and, with her usual grace, ventured into the kitchen. It wasn't long before she returned, a plate loaded with delectable pizza slices.

With a lighthearted laugh, Zinat accepted the plate. "You're a lifesaver, Aayat.”

Aayat chuckled, knowing how nerves could play tricks on one's appetite. She playfully fed Zinat, each bite bringing comfort and solace to her friend.

As they savoured their meal, they drifted into a cozy conversation, sharing the latest news, gossip, and dreams. It was a cherished moment, with the promise of a lifetime of togetherness just hours away.

However, the tranquility was momentarily interrupted by the chiming of Aayat's phone. A call from Abyad, her past love, illuminated the screen. Aayat's eyes sparkled with surprise and perhaps a hint of nostalgia as she picked up the call.

"Assalamualaikum Habibti," Abyad's voice oozed charm through the phone. "I saw the selfie you sent, you are looking gorgeous.”

Zinat chuckled softly. "Well, thank you. But maybe you should know who you're speaking to first.”

Abyad, caught off guard by Zinat's playful response, abruptly ended the call. The unexpected turn of events left both Zinat and Aayat in fits of laughter, their shared amusement adding to the delightful chaos of the day.

Before they could catch their breath, Zinat's phone buzzed, signaling another incoming call. Anticipating who it was this time, Zinat reached for her phone. But her attempt was thwarted by Aayat, who snatched the device away with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

A mischievous grin danced on Aayat's lips as she held the phone out of Zinat's reach. Her playful revenge was in full swing, although she momentarily forgot that her brother was a master at understanding her antics. Not one to waste time, Zubair skilfully deflected her schemes.

In a direct and composed manner, he addressed Aayat, requesting her to hand back the phone to Zinat. Her attempt to pout in response only drew an affectionate smile from her brother.

Reluctantly, Aayat conceded, passing the phone back to Zinat. She then shifted her attention to her half-eaten pizza, relishing the flavors while contemplating her next move in the game of teasing.

"Come quick," Zubair's voice echoed through the phone before he disconnected. The volume was so high that even Aayat, seated beside Zinat, overheard the conversation. Without wasting a moment, Aayat devoured the last slice of pizza, cleaned her hands, and added the final touches to Zinat's makeup.

Once they were fully prepared, Zinat and Aayat entered the living room, where an unexpected surprise awaited them. Rania and her parents were present, a sight that threatened to dampen the joyous occasion. However, Zinat and Aayat exchanged silent glances, silently deciding not to let this intrusion affect their mood.

With grace and determination, Aayat seated Zinat next to Zubair, positioning herself beside Aditya, who held both engagement ring boxes. The living room was adorned with the soft glow of rose-scented candles and a profusion of roses, creating an atmosphere of romance and celebration.

After reciting heartfelt prayers, Aditya stepped forward, presenting the engagement ring to Zubair. The simple yet elegant ring, adorned with a small diamond and the letter 'Z' intricately engraved, was a symbol of their love. Zubair gently slid it onto Zinat's ring finger, their eyes locked in an intimate connection.

Aayat followed suit, extending Zubair's engagement ring. With a loving smile, Zinat placed it on Zubair's finger, sealing their commitment with a tender exchange of glances. Family members gathered around, offering their congratulations, but in that moment, Zinat and Zubair's world seemed to exist solely within the clasp of their intertwined fingers.

Throughout the engagement ceremony, Zubair never let go of Zinat's hand, a silent affirmation of their bond. Their whispers and stolen glances were a testament to the comfort and understanding they had discovered in one another.

As time passed, Aayat playfully insisted on taking selfies with Zinat, capturing every cherished moment of the day. Zinat was about to reach for a drink when Zubair, with an almost possessive hold, pulled her closer. Concerned about the prying eyes of the guests, she questioned his actions.

"Zubbu, what are you doing? Everyone is looking," she said in a hushed tone, attempting to break free from his loving grip.Their playful banter was a language of its own, a secret conversation that only they could understand amidst the bustling engagement celebration.

Zubair, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, tightened his grip slightly, his fingers tracing delicate patterns on her waist. His voice, a velvet whisper meant only for her, filled her ears. "Let them look, my love. It's our day, and I can't resist stealing a moment alone with you."

As his words hung in the air, Zinat felt a shiver of delight run down her spine. Her heart fluttered like a caged bird yearning to be set free, but in Zubair's arms, she already felt as liberated as she could ever hope to be.

Their playful exchange, however, was abruptly interrupted when Aayat careened into them, her momentum leading to an untimely collision. Zinat gasped as her best friend tumbled and then lay still on the floor, unconscious.

In a heartbeat, Zubair's playful demeanour transformed into that of a caring protector. Without hesitation, he scooped Aayat into his arms, his strong and reassuring presence offering solace even in the midst of unexpected chaos. Zinat, her concern palpable, reached for her phone with trembling fingers and promptly called for a doctor.

Meanwhile, Aditya, ever the reliable presence in the background, set to work examining the CCTV footage. The room buzzed with concern as the engagement party momentarily ground to a halt, friends and family alike shifting their attention to the unfolding drama.

*flashback end*

Zinat stood by the window, gazing out at the moonlit night. The world beyond seemed to echo the quiet turmoil in her heart. She sighed, a wistful sound, as if the weight of the universe rested upon her shoulders. In this solitary moment, she allowed herself the vulnerability of introspection.

She wished things were different, simpler, unburdened by the complexities that fate had woven into her life. There was a promise she had made, a solemn commitment that now felt like a distant star in an infinite sky. It was a promise that she cherished, but it also left her feeling adrift, unsure of how and where to begin.