Chapter 20: The accident

Aditya sat in the dimly lit room, watching over the two sleeping figures with a heavy heart. Their tear-stained faces were a painful reminder of the emotional turmoil they had been through. He had promised his closest friend, Zubair, that he would protect and care for these two remarkable women, but he felt helpless in the face of their suffering.

Aayat's decision to embark on a journey of her own had confirmed Aditya's suspicions, and now he had to be extra vigilant when it came to Zinat. He knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not when the safety and well-being of both these women were at stake.

As he thought back to the last words Zubair had uttered in the hospital, a shiver ran down his spine. It was a solemn promise, one that weighed heavily on his shoulders. Zubair had entrusted him with the responsibility of ensuring Zinat and Aayat's happiness and security, and Aditya was determined to honour that promise, no matter what challenges lay ahead.


Aditya's heart was heavy as he stood by Zubair's hospital bed, trying to hold back his emotions. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him, and he struggled to find the right words to say. Zubair's condition was dire, and the prospect of losing his best friend was unbearable.

"Hey bud, how are you holding up?" Aditya managed to ask, his voice tinged with sadness.

Zubair looked at him with a mix of determination and resignation. "I am not sure if I will make it after the operation, I heard that the chance of survival is very less," he informed, his words hanging heavily in the air.

Aditya's heart ached at the bleakness of Zubair's words, but he knew that being positive was crucial in this moment. "You are strong, you'll make it through," Aditya tried to reassure both himself and Zubair.

But Zubair's eyes held a deeper concern, and he spoke with a seriousness that made Aditya's heart clench. "Take care of my queen and my princess, look after them and guide them but do not cocoon them, and by them, I mean especially the princess. She needs to grow.”

Aditya nodded solemnly, understanding the weight of Zubair's words. He knew that the responsibility of caring for Zinat and Aayat was now resting on his shoulders.

Zubair's voice continued, soft but filled with purpose. "When the time comes, give this key to Zinat. She'll know exactly what to do with it." He held out a key, and Aditya took it, acknowledging the significance of the gesture.

Zubair's words became more somber as he revealed his plans for the future. "I already wrote up my will. All my properties and money will go to Zinat and Princess. You'll allow them to access it when they are ready." Aditya nodded again, silently committing to fulfilling Zubair's wishes.

Zubair's voice wavered slightly as he spoke of Zinat's pain. "Make sure they are happy, and if possible, make Zinat live again. I know when I'll be gone, she'll build a wall around herself and would not let anyone in.”

Aditya's eyes welled up with tears as he listened to his friend's heartfelt words. He couldn't bring himself to speak, overwhelmed by the emotions that were threatening to spill over.

Zubair's final words were a poignant plea, filled with love for those he cared about. "Take care of yourself as well, bro, tell them that I love them."

Aditya's heart was heavy as he stood outside the hospital room, struggling to find the words to convey the devastating news to Zinat and Aayat. He knew that this moment would change their lives forever, and the weight of that knowledge pressed down on him like a boulder.

He reached for his phone, his fingers trembling as he dialled Zinat's number. A few rings later, she answered, her voice filled with anticipation and excitement, unaware of the tragedy that had unfolded in her absence.

"Zinat," Aditya began, his voice quivering with emotion. "There's been an accident, Zubair…"

Before he could finish the sentence, Zinat's voice grew frantic on the other end. "What happened? Is he okay?"

Aditya took a deep breath, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him. "Zinat, you and Aayat need to come to the hospital immediately. It's serious.”

He could hear the panic in Zinat's voice as she replied, "We're on our way. Just hold on.”

As he hung up the phone, Aditya's gaze fell upon Zubair's bag, the one he had been asked to keep. It contained the personal items that Zubair had wanted close during his operation, a poignant reminder of the man they had all lost.

With heavy hearts, Zinat and Aayat arrived at the hospital, their faces etched with dread and sorrow. Aditya stood in the hospital corridor, the weight of sorrow pressing down on him. The doctor's words echoed in his mind like a cruel refrain: "Zubair died due to a relapse." It was a devastating blow that had left both Zinat and Aayat in tears, and Aditya struggling to find the strength to comfort them.

Zubair had always been a pillar of support for both Zinat and Aayat, and his sudden absence left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Aditya knew that he had to be strong for them, to honor his promise to Zubair, and to ensure that they would find a way to heal from this immense loss.

As the hospital staff prepared Zubair's body for the final journey, Aditya couldn't help but reflect on the circumstances surrounding the accident. Zinat's revelation about the car's recent servicing and her suspicion that the accident might have been intended for her added a layer of complexity to their grief.

Zinat's voice, heavy with grief, broke through his thoughts as she asked, "How did the accident happen?”

Aditya sighed, his brows furrowing as he replied, "It was a brake failure.”

Zinat's immediate response was disbelief. "That's not possible, the car came from servicing yesterday only," she said, her confusion deepening.

Aditya nodded, his own suspicions growing. "I think there is more to it," he admitted. He couldn't ignore the possibility that this accident was not an accident at all, but something more sinister.

Zinat's eyes widened as realisation dawned. "If that's the case, then it was not aimed at him. It was meant for me. He insisted on taking my car this morning.”

Aditya understood the gravity of her words. If someone had indeed tampered with the car, it meant that Zubair had been unintentionally caught in a dangerous web of events. His sacrifice to protect Zinat had cost him his life.

"I will look into this later on," Aditya assured Zinat, his voice filled with determination. For now, he needed to divert her attention from the painful thoughts that threatened to consume her.

"Go freshen up," he instructed gently, knowing that they had a long and difficult day ahead of them. They needed to prepare for the burial ceremony, a solemn event that would mark Zubair's final journey.

flashback end*

Aayat gazed at the photograph of Abyad for a moment longer, her thoughts a whirlwind of conflicted emotions. She did miss him, that much was undeniable, but she couldn't bring herself to reach out to him. Trust had been shattered, and it would take more than just words to mend it. For now, she needed to focus on herself and the mission she had set before her – uncovering the truth behind her brother's death. Zubair's passing had left a void in her heart, and she was determined to find closure, even if it meant delving into dangerous territory.

Lost in her contemplation, Aayat was jolted awake by Zinat's sudden, ear-piercing yell. Her heart raced as she shot up in bed, concern etched on her face. "What happened? Are you okay?" she asked, scanning Zinat for any signs of distress.

Zinat, however, seemed far from distressed. She wore a mischievous smile as she calmly declared, "I want to eat ice cream.”

Aayat blinked, a mixture of relief and exasperation washing over her. "You almost gave me a heart attack just because you want to eat ice cream?" she scolded, though the corners of her lips twitched with an amused smile. She reached out her hand to help Zinat out of bed, her earlier alarm dissipating.

"You know, sometimes I think we tend to exchange characters," Aayat remarked with a chuckle. "Usually, I'm the childish one.”

Zinat, now on her feet, couldn't help but laugh as well. "Well, sometimes it's good to be the childish one and be pampered by my one and only best friend," she replied teasingly.

"You guys are sneaking into the kitchen again?" Aditya's sleepy voice questioned, catching them red-handed.

Startled, Zinat and Aayat turned to see Aditya, who had spent the night on the living room couch, having discovered their late-night escapade. Zinat, her face showing disappointment, responded, "Yes, we wanted ice cream, but it's all gone.”

Aditya couldn't help but smile at their childish behavior. It was a rare sight to see Zinat, who had once enjoyed the simplest pleasures in life, return to her playful self, even if only for a moment. He grabbed his purse, ready to run a quick errand.

"Don't worry, I'll go get some more ice cream from the store downstairs. In the meantime, why don't you two watch some TV?" Aditya suggested before heading out.

Both Zinat and Aayat settled on the living room couch but didn't bother to turn on the TV. The conversation took a more serious turn as Aayat voiced her concerns. "Zinat, promise me you'll be careful. Rania has attacked you twice that I know of.”

Zinat, puzzled, responded, "Twice? I remember the accident, but when was the second time?”

"I overheard what you and Aditya said on the day Zubbu died," Aayat explained. "The car was yours, and it didn't seem like an accident. As far as I know, she's the only enemy we both have, so I suspect she's behind this.”

Aditya, returning with the ice cream, heard their discussion about Zubair's accident and decided to chime in. "Aayat, you don't have to worry about that. I've already hired a private investigator.”

Aayat, determined, requested, "Give me the private investigator's contact. I'll handle this from here, and I won't show any mercy this time.”

"Be careful, Aayat, and keep us updated," Zinat cautioned.

"Don't worry, my queen," Aayat replied with a smile, passing Zinat her ice cream. As they enjoyed their frozen treat, they talked until exhaustion overcame them, one by one falling asleep on the couch.

The following morning, Aayat's alarm roused the trio. With only an hour left before Zinat and Aditya had to leave for the airport, Aayat hurriedly helped prepare breakfast for them. Due to her university classes, she couldn't accompany them to the airport.

It was Aayat's first day of laboratory sessions post her semester break, and she hoped her assigned lab partners wouldn't be difficult to work with. She entered the lab, donning her lab coat, and took a selfie to send to Aditya and Zinat. Seated in the back, she paid close attention to the instructions.

She was assigned to work with two girls, Luciana and Hina, for their first experiment involving DNA fingerprinting and basic forensic science techniques. Luciana, a skinny and energetic brunette with glasses, and Hina, a calm and composed girl with long lashes, both behaved professionally and warmly. Aayat maintained a professional demeanour, careful not to let her guard down.

As the day's experiments progressed, Aayat absorbed everything attentively, knowing that this knowledge could be invaluable in her pursuit to unravel the truth about Rania.

When classes were finally over, Aayat checked her phone and received a text from Aditya, informing her that Zinat had gone missing. She requested Aditya to return to her place, while she contacted the private investigator to help unravel this new mystery.