Chapter 23: Secrets Unraveled

Aayat retreated underground for a few days, allowing herself the time and space to contemplate her next move. She was well aware that trying to communicate with Rania would likely lead to a confrontation. Zinat and Aditya stood by her side, supportive of her decision, and for once, they didn't fear her impulsiveness.

Having learned the truth about Rania's feelings, Aayat found herself with a better understanding of her nemesis’s actions. She recalled an incident from the past, during Eid, when Rania had behaved rudely towards her. At the time, Aayat had been perplexed by Rania's behaviour, but now, armed with this new insight, she comprehended the underlying reasons behind it.


As soon as Aayat saw the new moon, she approached her mother with a request to apply Mehendi on her. It was a tradition for girls to adorn their hands with henna for Eid, and she loved the fragrance that wafted from the freshly crushed henna leaves. Eid celebrations were often hosted at Rania's house, and on the eve of Eid, family members and friends would gather at Aayat's home to apply Mehendi.

At the age of eight, Aayat was the centre of attention, pampered by her parents and her elder brother. While her mother applied henna to her delicate hands, her father brought her snacks, and her brother helped tie up her hair, occasionally feeding her tidbits.

When her cousins went outside to play, Aayat was compelled to stay indoors due to her susceptibility to illnesses. Her brother chose to stay with her instead of joining Rania in the backyard, which made Aayat feel happy as her brother was her closest friend within the family. However, Rania disrupted her contentment when she entered the room.

Rania attempted to persuade Zubair, Aayat's brother, to join her outside, but Zubair remained resolute in staying by Aayat's side. Frustrated, Rania burst into tears and complained about Zubair always being with Aayat, stating that Aayat was no longer a baby. But Zubair defended his sister, referring to her as his princess, and Aayat beamed with pride at her brother's words. Rania, growing even more frustrated, rudely interrupted, prompting Zubair to scold her and demand an apology.

In the end, Rania muttered a small apology and left in tears.

*Flashback end*

Aayat opted to send the evidence she had gathered against Rania. However, she knew she had to wait for Rania's next move, which she anticipated would be malicious. When Aayat returned to her classes the following week, she was greeted with gossip about her. Unlike Rania, Aayat remained unfazed, confident that she had done nothing wrong.

Aayat proceeded to the Media room, where she asked her friend to make an announcement clearing Rania's name. She provided her friend with new pictures to post and instructed her to present them as original. Within the hour, as per Aayat's plan, Rania's reputation was restored, and her friends returned to her side. However, Rania, wise enough not to accept these fair-weather friends, promptly dismissed them.

While Aayat was busy executing her plan, Rania found herself deeply perplexed by her enemy's actions. This was the first time in years that Aayat had done something beneficial for her. The last memory she had of Aayat being kind to her dated back to when they were both innocent eight-year-olds.

Rania tried to push aside thoughts of Aayat, but her enemy's unexpected gesture gnawed at her. Eventually, Rania sighed and decided to meet with Aayat. Before she could muster the courage to text her, she received a message from Aayat, instructing her to meet at her apartment after university. Rania chose not to respond, leaving the message unread, as replying in agreement seemed like a waste of her energy.

As Rania drove to Aayat's apartment, she couldn't help but reflect on the day that marked the turning point in their relationship, when the sweet and innocent Aayat had inexplicably started to despise her.


It was Eid, and Rania had secretly written Zubair's name on her hand. Eid celebrations were always held at her place, and she was busy hosting guests. She was her usual cheerful self until Aayat arrived, accompanied by Zubair. What infuriated Rania even more was that this Eid was not just Eid; it was also her birthday.

Zubair spent most of his time with Aayat, not even offering her a birthday wish. Aayat's overly sweet and childish demeanour grated on Rania's nerves.

After serving lunch, Rania discreetly added an extra-hot chilli to Aayat's food, causing her to cough uncontrollably. Aayat's parents suggested taking her home, which briefly brought Rania joy. However, her happiness was short-lived as Zubair announced that he would accompany Aayat.

"No, Zubbu, you can't go... not today," Rania pleaded desperately. But Zubair was adamant and confronted her about the chilli in Aayat's food, questioning her sanity. Rania attempted to play innocent, but Aayat interjected, as she often did.

"It's fine, Zubbu," Aayat reassured him.

Rania couldn't contain her frustration. "I thought I warned you to stay out of our matters?" she snapped at Aayat.

Aayat tried to explain herself, but Rania had reached her breaking point. She decided that Aayat would never understand and, in an act of spite, threw her cold drink on Aayat's new dress and tangled a piece of chewing gum in her hair. She knew this would infuriate Zubair, but it was the best retaliation she could think of. Aayat had always intruded on her relationship with Zubair, and today she had ruined her birthday.

*Flashback end*

As Rania arrived at Aayat's apartment, she was taken aback to find Aayat casually dressed in pyjamas, seated in front of a projector screen while engrossed in her phone. Rania couldn't help but respond with a dry question, "Why did you want to meet me?”

Aayat, seemingly unimpressed by the lack of pleasantries, retorted, "Glad to know you will never have any manners!" Rania merely rolled her eyes, choosing not to dignify the comment with a response. She took a seat beside Aayat without uttering a word.

Aayat proceeded to switch on the projector, and to Rania's surprise, images and memories she had been trying to forget started playing on the screen. She stared at Aayat in shock, realising that Aayat had the potential to ruin her life completely with this material.

"What do you intend to do with this? Use it against me?" Rania inquired with a touch of sarcasm.

Aayat, her tone as sharp as ever, responded, "You and I both know that if I was to use it against you, I have already done it!”

Aayat's curiosity got the better of her, and she continued, "I want to know why? Why did you do this? Why are you always after Zinat and me?”

Rania sighed, torn between her hatred for Aayat and the desire to explain herself. "What in the world makes you think that I would tell you?" she protested.

Aayat, with a furrowed brow, urged her to continue with a simple gesture. Rania hesitated briefly but ultimately began her explanation, detailing her past friendship with Zubair and the complex emotions that had driven her actions.

"Why did you not opt to talk to us instead of always bullying us?" Aayat asked when Rania had finished her monologue.

Rania, unapologetic, responded, "Did you look at yourself? Always the lovey-dovey girl, overly pampered and princessy... You are a pain to deal with!”

"Now...I want you to explain this!" Aayat's voice was unwavering as she pointed at the screen. Rania's eyes widened in shock, clearly unprepared for this confrontation. The screen displayed a slideshow of images: Rania paying mechanics to tamper with the brakes of Zinat's car, the mechanic handing her the severed brake wire, and a photo of Rania helping Zubair out of the car.

"It was not meant for him! I never intended on hurting him, let alone, kill him!" Rania defended herself, her voice filled with desperation. Aayat's anger was palpable, but she managed to maintain an eerie calmness.

"I know that! And this is the only reason I did not go to the police!!!" Aayat's voice was laced with anger, yet it carried an unsettling calmness that sent shivers down Rania's spine.

"My only intention was to cause minor damage to Zinat! As she usually drove short distances," Rania explained, attempting to justify her actions. Aayat's eyes blazed with fury, but she fought to keep it in check. She fell silent for a moment, trying to rein in her anger, but Rania could sense the storm brewing beneath the surface.

"Say whatever you need to say, I am used to the immature and impulsive Aayat, no need to turn into the perfect Kayra for me!" Rania goaded, her words meant to provoke a reaction. Aayat's brow furrowed in confusion, but within moments, all the pent-up emotions she had been harbouring since Rania's arrival burst forth.

"YOU KILLED MY BROTHER. YOU WANTED TO HARM MY BEST FRIEND, AND YOU SAY ALL YOU WANTED TO DO WAS TO CAUSE A MINOR INJURY? You went back home after three years for a one-month holiday, and you did things based on assumptions? I FREAKING LOST MY BROTHER BECAUSE OF YOU!!! MY BEST FRIEND LOST HER LIFE, HER LOVE, AND HER FUTURE THANKS TO YOU! AND YOU ARE SAYING MINOR INJURY?" Aayat's voice was a torrent of fury and grief as she yelled at Rania, her composure shattered, tears streaming down her face. For the first time, Rania couldn't find any argument against Aayat's words.

Though Rania had spent years blaming them, the undeniable truth was that she was the reason behind her own loss. They had all lost someone they loved, and they had all tried to shift the blame onto others.

"What pushed you to try to harm her?" Aayat asked after a moment, her tone softer but still filled with anger.

"I discovered their secret! I was blinded by hatred and obsession," Rania admitted, her voice filled with regret.

"You are mad! You need a therapist!" Aayat spat back, her hatred apparent. "You wanted to punish us for taking Zubair away from you right? How are you going to punish yourself for killing him?" Aayat's words hung heavily in the air, and Rania found herself unable to respond. Silent tears fell from her eyes as she watched the images on the screen, particularly the one where she rushed Zubair to the hospital.


After returning home for her holidays, she headed straight to Zubair's residence, eager to see him. However, she was met with an empty house, a stark reminder that Zubair had moved away a year prior. Determined to reconnect, she sought out Zubair's office, but his excuses of being in a meeting left her hanging for almost a week. His lack of response began to fray her patience.

With great effort, Rania persuaded her parents to divulge Zubair's current address. On the following day, she once again attempted to reach out to Zubair, only to be met with silence. Frustration was building within her, especially as she discovered that Zinat had moved in with Zubair.

"Rania tried to call you again," Zinat informed Zubair, her fingers caressing his face.

"After everything that happened last night, all you want to discuss is Rania?" Zubair responded with an amused expression.

The sight of Zubair sharing intimate moments with someone else stirred a wellspring of tears in Rania's eyes. It was as if he had forgotten about their years of friendship, consumed by his world with Zinat. Their laughter stung her even more.

"Mr. Zubair Ahmed, you should go now! I need to pack my bags. I'm leaving for a trip with Aayat tomorrow," Zinat instructed with a smile.

Zubair's attention shifted to Zinat's car and her plans. Rania's resentment only grew; she resented Zinat for taking Zubair away from her, for being the reason their bond had unraveled. Fuelled by this rage, Rania schemed to sabotage Zinat's car. With the connivance of a friend who was a mechanic, she tampered with the brakes, determined to cause an accident.

However, her vindictive plan didn't involve reckless speed, as she aimed to make it appear like a mechanical failure. In a twist of fate, the mechanic skilfully drove the tampered car to Zinat's place without any mishap, allowing Rania to bask in her fleeting satisfaction. She believed that victory was within her grasp.

Rania's heart seethed with bitterness as she contemplated her plan. She believed that if Zubair truly saw Zinat's clumsiness and irresponsibility, he would return to her. Her intention was to inflict a bit of pain on Zinat, much as she herself had suffered.

The following morning, Rania arrived at Zubair's place with a feigned air of cheerfulness. "Assalamualaikum Zubbu!" she greeted, attempting to sound happy despite her true intentions. Zubair, visibly puzzled, responded, "Walaikumsalam! What are you doing here?”

"If I didn't know you better, I'd think you didn't want me to visit," she teased, masking her ulterior motives.

Zubair reassured her, "It's nothing like that. Come on in!" Inside, Rania observed Zinat and Aayat. Aayat, as usual, ignored her, while Zinat greeted her with a friendly smile. Rania wished she could wipe that smile off Zinat's face, but instead, she reciprocated with a fake one.

"Would you like some drinks?" Zubair offered.

"Coffee would be perfect," Rania replied. Zinat headed back to the kitchen, seemingly eager to serve Zubair's guest.

"How has life been treating you in Malaysia?" Zubair inquired, drawing Rania's attention back to him.

"It's been good! I really enjoy it there," she replied.

"What about life here? I feel like I've missed a lot while I was away. Oh, and my parents moved a couple of buildings down the street. Since they're always traveling for business, we thought a smaller house would be more practical," Zubair explained.

"You and Aayat live here now?" Rania asked, secretly hoping for a different answer.

Unfortunately, Zubair replied, "No, Aayat lives with them. She's still financially dependent on her parents.”

Zinat returned with coffee, and Rania drank it in silence, refusing to cause any drama in the presence of the others.

As Zubair prepared to leave for the office, he suggested that Rania could stay and catch up with the girls. He kissed Zinat's forehead before heading out.

Rania, her annoyance growing with each display of affection between Zubair and Zinat, suddenly had an epiphany. Zubair had mentioned that he was taking Zinat's car. Her eyes widened as she realised what this meant.

She quickly followed him as he drove down the main road toward the city's suburb. She matched his speed, trying to catch up. When Zubair noticed her tailing him, he looked puzzled and dialled her number.

"Why are you following me?" he asked in confusion.

"The brakes of this car are broken. We need to get you out of there!" Rania urgently explained.

"What?!" Zubair exclaimed, attempting to slow down his car but failing. Rania manoeuvred her car in front of his in an attempt to shield him, but he managed to avoid her and ultimately ended up driving into a river.

Panicking, Rania parked her car and called for an ambulance. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hurried down the stairs leading to the river. Zubair had lost a considerable amount of blood and was barely conscious. Rania frantically grabbed leaves from a nearby plant and tied them tightly around his head to stem the bleeding. Soon, an ambulance arrived, and they rushed Zubair to the hospital. Rania's tears flowed freely as she worried for his life.

*Flashback end*

Aayat's fury erupted like a volcano after hearing Rania's side of the story. She screamed at the top of her lungs, "YOU ARE MENTAL!!!" She continued her tirade, shouting, "I LOST MY BROTHER... JUST BECAUSE OF YOUR...STUPID INSECURITIES!!" Aayat's voice reverberated through the room as she relentlessly beat Rania with a cushion. Both girls broke down in tears, their emotions running high, and there was no one there to console them.