Chapter 1: Shattered Promises

"He never loved me, Zinat. I was just a toy for him," sobbed a defeated Aayat. She had lost everything—her love, her family, and her friends.

She couldn't believe that the one who had shown her the light would betray her so cruelly. Gazing at the promise ring on her finger, she threw it away, exclaiming, "I hate you! I hate you for everything.”

Zinat let her cry for a while, then pulled her into a hug. "Enough! No more tears," she whispered to her broken friend. "Aayat, get a grip of yourself! You cannot let them win," she encouraged.

"What Aayat? They killed Aayat. Aayat was weak, emotional, and fragile! He killed her! He killed his Aayat!" she yelled, overcome with emotions. "Then make them pay, make them regret hurting you," suggested Zinat.

"How? They know my every weakness and every strength," Aayat sighed, defeated.

"I'll give you some time to figure this out! Know your worth and fight back," replied Zinat before leaving Aayat.

Aayat scrolled through her phone gallery, going through every single picture of them together. They had been happy, and he was her happiness. Her world revolved around him. Somewhere deep down, she hoped that whatever she had heard and seen was a misunderstanding, but unfortunately, everything was true.

She had been betrayed by the one she had dreamt of spending her whole life with, and to make it worse, he chose to cheat on her with the enemy.

Aayat looked at herself in the picture, her hazel-brown eyes radiating happiness, and her beautiful hair framing her face. She had a smile that revealed her dimples—dimples that he would incessantly compliment and kiss. Aayat analysed the picture carefully, his dimples and baby face were what had initially attracted her to him. However, she fell in love with him because of his character. She had thought he was sincere, honest, and pure, but he proved her wrong.

After a while, Aayat decided to meet her close friends and inform them about her decision. "You guys want me to fight back, fine I will! But from now on, Aayat is dead, because Aayat was weak," she informed them.

Her friends looked shocked at the fury burning through her eyes. "Well, if not Aayat, then what should we call you, munchkin?" asked her friend, stroking her cheek and hugging her.

"Exactly, think of what other names your munchkin has?" she replied, as her friend pinched her cheeks.

"Kayra!" stated Zinat. "Well, then from now on, we will call you Kayra only. Aayat's existence would only remain a memory. We will help you through this but on one condition," said her roommate.

"What condition?" she asked.

"Well, no more hurting yourself! You will not mourn anymore! I want my roomie back!" she stated, which made Aayat laugh.

"Well then, be it. I love you people. Thanks for being here," she said and hugged them.

Aayat sat by her bed reminiscing every single memory she shared with him, from the very first time she met him to their breakup. She remembered the day they first met as if it was yesterday. She allowed herself to dive deep into their memories taking herself back in time.


"Aayat, wake up! You'll be late for class," her mother yelled.

"Mom, I don't have classes today. It's Wednesday," Aayat replied, feeling exhausted.

"I know, sweetie, but you still have a replacement because of your cousin's wedding," her mother explained. Grumbling, Aayat got ready. Meeting new people was something she hated beyond everything else.

The schedule change due to her cousin's wedding messed up her life. Aayat had to spend two weeks with unfamiliar faces in another batch. She tied her hair in a ponytail and hurried out of the house, feeling a weird sensation in her stomach, visible from her nervous expression. Among the crowd of unknown faces, she spotted a familiar one - Raksha. Aayat hoped Raksha would stay with her.

Walking up to Raksha, Aayat's heart raced with nervous excitement. She hugged her tightly, trying to hide the flutter of butterflies in her stomach, secretly wishing she could escape the overwhelming feeling that enveloped her. As Raksha introduced her to Adarsh and the guy sitting next to him, Abyad, Aayat's eyes met Abyad's, and time seemed to slow down.

Abyad's smile was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds after a storm. It was warm, genuine, and captivating, instantly drawing Aayat in. Her heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but smile back, feeling an immediate connection as if they had known each other for a lifetime. In that moment, all the noise and chaos around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in the spotlight of fate.

Abyad turned his attention to his work, but Aayat couldn't tear her eyes away from him. She watched him with admiration as he effortlessly explained the notes to Adarsh, finding his intelligence and passion incredibly attractive.

Reality reluctantly pulled her back when the teacher instructed her to take a seat at the front row, far away from where Abyad sat at the back. A part of her wished she could stay close to him, basking in the warmth of his smile.

In the days that followed, Aayat found herself eagerly looking forward to that same class, cherishing every moment she could spend with Abyad. She admired not only his intelligence and charisma but also his genuine kindness towards everyone around him. His simplicity and charm were like a magnet, pulling her closer with each interaction.

As the days counted down to their last class together, Aayat felt a pang of sadness. She didn't want their connection to end, but she knew it was inevitable as she would return to her old schedule afterward. Still, she cherished every second with him, etching those memories in her heart.

Then, on that bittersweet day, fate gave them a lifeline. Abyad asked for her name on Facebook, and her heart leaped with joy. Without any hesitation, she shared her name with him, hoping it would keep their connection alive.

Adarsh's eagerness to add her on Facebook made her laugh, but it was Abyad who held a special place in her heart. His dimpled smile had captured more than just her attention; it had stolen her heart. On that day, two things became clear to her:

1. Adarsh and she would become really good friends.

2. Abyad had something special about him, and she liked him.

Aayat was lost in the bittersweet corridors of her memories with Abyad when an abrupt interruption broke her reverie. Her roommate, Dafne, barged into the room with her usual no-nonsense demeanour. Dafne was the type of person who never beat around the bush and could be bossy at times, but she was a true and loyal friend, which Aayat appreciated deeply.

"How long are you going to shed tears for someone who was not good enough to fight for you?" Dafne's blunt question hit Aayat like a sudden gust of wind. Once again, tears threatened to escape from Aayat's eyes as she struggled to hold back the emotions that continued to haunt her.

"As long as he lives in my heart, as long as I'll love him, forever," Aayat responded, her voice quivering as she tried to steady herself. Wiping away the teardrops that dared to betray her strength, she couldn't help but wonder if she was being foolish, holding onto a love that seemed lost.

Dafne sat down beside her, a mix of concern and frustration crossing her face. "Aayat, you deserve so much more than this pain. It's been months since you broke up with Abyad, and I hate seeing you suffer like this. He had his chance, and he let you slip away. You can't keep holding onto the hope that he'll come back."

Aayat felt a surge of conflicting emotions within her. Dafne's words were a sharp reality check, yet her heart clung tightly to the memories of Abyad's dimpled smile and the love they once shared. It wasn't easy to let go of the one person who had filled her life with happiness and warmth.

"I know, Dafne, but it's just not that simple," Aayat murmured, her gaze drifting to the window, as if seeking solace in the moonlit night. "Our love was real, and I can't just erase it from my heart. Maybe he had his reasons for letting go."

Dafne placed a reassuring hand on Aayat's shoulder. "I'm not asking you to forget him or pretend it didn't matter. You have every right to cherish the memories you shared. But you also need to realise that you deserve someone who will fight for you, who won't let you slip away without a fight. Abyad's absence is his loss, not yours."